I Wonder How Many Divorces Will Result From The Election

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Big possibility.... Many issues weren't known about until the election put them on the table for review. After that the dinner table discussions began, and many times the husband and wife find out that they are world's apart on the issues. So for many they opt out of politic's In order to go back to the things they had in common or they totally decide to get away from each other.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
This will make Mac1958 piss his panties....Real men are in command of their households...this shit doesn’t happen in households run by alpha males.
Couples should get to know one another on ALL levels. Doesn't mean it always happens that way. I grew up in a very liberal environment, yet now, Conservative on most views. Each party should be respectful towards one another, as in any relationship.
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Couples should get to know one another on ALL levels. Doesn't mean it always happens that way. I grew up in a very liberal environment, yet now, Conservative on most views. Each party should be respectful towards one another, as in any relationship.

Totally agree.

But it did happen in 2016.

Couples should get to know one another on ALL levels. Doesn't mean it always happens that way. I grew up in a very liberal environment, yet now, Conservative on most views. Each party should be respectful towards one another, as in any relationship.

I’d bet the farm; if couples don’t share common political ground in these times...there’s far bigger problems in the relationship.
I’d leave my wife and disown my children if they were liberal Tards in this political climate.
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Couples should get to know one another on ALL levels. Doesn't mean it always happens that way. I grew up in a very liberal environment, yet now, Conservative on most views. Each party should be respectful towards one another, as in any relationship.

I’d bet the farm; if couples don’t share common political ground in these times...there’s far bigger problems in the relationship.


But money is the biggest cause of divorce.

Getting divorced over politics ??????

I think James Carville and Mary Matalin are still married (how she does not strangle that stupid bastard is beyond me.....I couldn't sit at a table and listen to his yayayayayayamering).
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

The division started a long time ago.

Really, it was the Reagan Carter race where things got stupidly negative.

Since then it has gotten worse and worse.

Trump ran. That is his right. He hasn't been any different in the WH than what we expected. He's a gunner.

I blame the left for their bullshit....what I don't get is that they can't ignore him. They are constantly triggered.

Next...they have no fucking candidates. Bernie, Dizzy Lizzy and the Petrified Piece of Shit Biden....all terrible. All East Coast 1%ers.

And that pisses the left off even more. They really have no good leadership. Please don't tell me you like Schumer and Pelosi. I mean holy fuck.

So, I knew what I was getting with Trump.

But he didn't do any of the terrible shit people were all freaked out over.

The last I heard...he's gaining with young blacks becasue (up until covid....and they seem tolerant) they were getting better opportunity.

But...he's a racist.

So....don't blame Trump.

BTW: I seriously dislike Obama...always have. But I thought the GOP treated him like shit and I didn't like it.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
Carter would have been re-elected because we wanted a nice guy.

He wasn't.

After eight years of fucking Obama, it was time for some smashmouth change.

Not just in policy but in the way we act.

Fuck all this cancel culture, pull down the statues asshole shit. If they tried that in my city, they'd be hanging from trees in orchard to the west.
Thats unbelievable.

I saw a piece on the news today about the elderly getting hooked on FOX News and the right wing hate websites. A daughter was talking about what happened to her father. He was angry, bitter, agitated, ranting on about evil Democrats, and becoming more miserable and unhappy. Family stopped visiting him.

Then he started having mild cognitive problems and couldn't remember his passwords or get into his websites, so he unplugged and went out for a walk and started reconnecting with the real world, and real people. When he stopped logging into alt right websites, watching FOX News and got out of his right wing bubble, he recovered his mental health and stability and his personality returned to normal.

There are a lot of concerns around the brainwashing and radicalizing effects of right wing sites, on both the elderly, and the young. When the internet first became available to the public, everyone welcomed the idea of uncensored voices and lack of supression of information. Instead what we're seeing is the exploitation of the gullible, home made porn, child sex trafficking, and the enemies of democracy promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

FOX News may have trouble getting their broadcast license renewed, given their crass dishonesty and promotion of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?

Given how vile and toxic your racism and hate is on this board, I don't see that as a good thing.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

The division started a long time ago.

Really, it was the Reagan Carter race where things got stupidly negative.

Since then it has gotten worse and worse.

Trump ran. That is his right. He hasn't been any different in the WH than what we expected. He's a gunner.

I blame the left for their bullshit....what I don't get is that they can't ignore him. They are constantly triggered.

Next...they have no fucking candidates. Bernie, Dizzy Lizzy and the Petrified Piece of Shit Biden....all terrible. All East Coast 1%ers.

And that pisses the left off even more. They really have no good leadership. Please don't tell me you like Schumer and Pelosi. I mean holy fuck.

So, I knew what I was getting with Trump.

But he didn't do any of the terrible shit people were all freaked out over.

The last I heard...he's gaining with young blacks becasue (up until covid....and they seem tolerant) they were getting better opportunity.

But...he's a racist.

So....don't blame Trump.

BTW: I seriously dislike Obama...always have. But I thought the GOP treated him like shit and I didn't like it.
The GOP did treat Obama like shit. Thank you for acknowledging that. The Dems also treat Trump like shit and no I’m not a fan of either Pelosi or Schumer. The big difference is how Obama reacted to the mistreatment compared to Trump. Obama took the occasional dog at the right wingers but it’s nowhere near the trolling that Trump does. I’ve never seen anything like it. You say you know what you signed up for with Trump, but over half the voting population did not sign up for that and our president is supposed to be a president of all Americans not just those who vote for him. Trump isn’t capable of that. And the way he acts is absolutely the primary cause for taking an already divided and ugly system and making it absolutely toxic.

I agree with you that friendships and families are being torn apart. I’ve seen it happen many times with those who I know. It’s horrible. It my primary reason for my opposition of Trump. I don’t know where 4 more years of this style of discourse takes us. But I’m seriously worried and hoping we don’t have to find out
My significant other is a lefty loony and I've become more right-wing since watching Trump actually do what he said he would do. That said, we are doing just fine. Just keep the politics out of the bedroom and agree that each can vote their conscience during elections. What goes on in the home is what's important and never go to bed angry with each other.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.

Lucky for us my wife, a democratic party voter since forever, is changing her stripes this election season to vote republican. Don't for even a moment suspect I coerced or otherwise forced her change of heart. Her own heart changed her mind. She's an amazing person. She alone changed her party affiliation after seeing, with her own eyes, the psychotic anti-human madness the democrats have been spreading across our nation and into the minds of our children. Good for her. Her parents on the other hand? They are gone; they're souls taken completely and swallowed whole by the hate America crowd. There's just no bloody hope for them . . . or her sister.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

The division started a long time ago.

Really, it was the Reagan Carter race where things got stupidly negative.

Since then it has gotten worse and worse.

Trump ran. That is his right. He hasn't been any different in the WH than what we expected. He's a gunner.

I blame the left for their bullshit....what I don't get is that they can't ignore him. They are constantly triggered.

Next...they have no fucking candidates. Bernie, Dizzy Lizzy and the Petrified Piece of Shit Biden....all terrible. All East Coast 1%ers.

And that pisses the left off even more. They really have no good leadership. Please don't tell me you like Schumer and Pelosi. I mean holy fuck.

So, I knew what I was getting with Trump.

But he didn't do any of the terrible shit people were all freaked out over.

The last I heard...he's gaining with young blacks becasue (up until covid....and they seem tolerant) they were getting better opportunity.

But...he's a racist.

So....don't blame Trump.

BTW: I seriously dislike Obama...always have. But I thought the GOP treated him like shit and I didn't like it.
The GOP did treat Obama like shit. Thank you for acknowledging that. The Dems also treat Trump like shit and no I’m not a fan of either Pelosi or Schumer. The big difference is how Obama reacted to the mistreatment compared to Trump. Obama took the occasional dog at the right wingers but it’s nowhere near the trolling that Trump does. I’ve never seen anything like it. You say you know what you signed up for with Trump, but over half the voting population did not sign up for that and our president is supposed to be a president of all Americans not just those who vote for him. Trump isn’t capable of that. And the way he acts is absolutely the primary cause for taking an already divided and ugly system and making it absolutely toxic.

I agree with you that friendships and families are being torn apart. I’ve seen it happen many times with those who I know. It’s horrible. It my primary reason for my opposition of Trump. I don’t know where 4 more years of this style of discourse takes us. But I’m seriously worried and hoping we don’t have to find out

Obama is the reason we have Trump. Nobody seems to realize that.

Obama and the establishment turned their backs on a lot of us (and uses elitists language like "bitterly clinging..."). He wasn't as overt as Trump. But he was no less condescending.

I agree about Trumps trolling....but that is what people were looking for. A smashmouth non-Pc prick who knew how to get shit done.

And he has in so many ways.

Nobody has to respond to him. He generally only responds to them. If they'd shut up....we would not have this.

And please don't tell me you though the impeachment sham was legitimate.
Thats unbelievable.

I saw a piece on the news today about the elderly getting hooked on FOX News and the right wing hate websites. A daughter was talking about what happened to her father. He was angry, bitter, agitated, ranting on about evil Democrats, and becoming more miserable and unhappy. Family stopped visiting him.

Then he started having mild cognitive problems and couldn't remember his passwords or get into his websites, so he unplugged and went out for a walk and started reconnecting with the real world, and real people. When he stopped logging into alt right websites, watching FOX News and got out of his right wing bubble, he recovered his mental health and stability and his personality returned to normal.

There are a lot of concerns around the brainwashing and radicalizing effects of right wing sites, on both the elderly, and the young. When the internet first became available to the public, everyone welcomed the idea of uncensored voices and lack of supression of information. Instead what we're seeing is the exploitation of the gullible, home made porn, child sex trafficking, and the enemies of democracy promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

FOX News may have trouble getting their broadcast license renewed, given their crass dishonesty and promotion of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories.

Nah...when I said "thats unbelievable" I was referring to him saying he had friends.

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