I was thinking why liberals say that it is better to kill the fetus than to starve the baby.

Liberals believe it is better to kill the black baby before it is born, than letting it live.

  • The liberals think that US conservatives dont want to pay welfare thus the child must die.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Liberals think that black people arent responsible and cant get a job, thus the child must die.

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Liberals hate anyone and everyone, thus the child should die.

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....Right. I didnt know McDonalds was a military complex.

You work for McDonalds? That explains much.

But yes when I went in the military to get skills, sure but then I was under poverty levels, but didnt bitch and moan about it, just did my job, keep this country safe, so dick heads like you wouldn't be living in a Communist country where you wouldn't be able to speak your mind and have 1 house, 1 car, 1 TV, with 1 channel showing MSN (PRAVDA) all day and all night.

Funny thing. I came from a middle class union household (in the good old days when we still had those), but I joined the military because I felt defending the country was important. Then I got older and realized that the enemy wasn't some poor guy in Minsk just trying to get by, it's the guys in corner offices who spend their entire lives trying to figure out ways to make the rest of us poorer.

Again, you liberal hate US because we dont play your sorry ass game anymore, by rolling over and playing nice, now we are getting down and dirty, using your own Rules for Radicals against you and you just whine again, and again....

Naw, guy, I was pretty conservative up until 2008, when the THIRD Republican recession after I left the Army set me back years on my hard work. I looked at my busted 401K, my underwater mortgage and a shitload of medical debt I was left with because Cigna did its level best to cheat me, and I realized who the REAL enemy was. Abortion is just one of those things they use to keep stupid people upset.

So you didn't answer my question- Why is it abortion never gets banned, but the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts?

Shame blacks dont see how evil you dicks are, for having them kill many of their babies, they might of been 50% of the population by now, but thanks to people like you, they are now less than the illegals that come into this country....

Actually, that would be unlikely, because it implies that blacks would have more kids if abortion wasn't a thing. The problem with this whole line of thinking is NO ONE has an abortion that doesn't want one. There aren't abortion vans driving down the streets, grabbing women off the corner and forcing them to have abortions.

Nope. These women find out they are pregnant, the get a phone book or go on line, they make an appointment, they pay the nice doctor and the unwanted fetus is tossed into a medical waste bin.

Now, if you guys were truly serious about wanting to reduce the number of abortions, there are ways to do that. Single Payer Health Care, Paid Family Medical Leave, Comprehensive, religion-free sex education and distribution of contraception. This is why white women have less abortions than women of color, because they have access to this sort of thing.
Joe, you are such a douche bag, I worked for McDonalds, I said that many times, back when I got out of high school, which it seems you never did. Also after working there as a minimum wage puke, I knew that if I continued down that path, I would end up like a stupid liberal like you and rely on the government to supplement me and my income, but I didnt, I got skills that enabled me to travel the world fixing F-15s making hundreds of thousands of dollars tax free. As for you being a conservative, that is a lie, because if you ever were a conservative, you would NEVER go to being a liberal retard. You might of been like Joe Scumborough an establishment Repugnicant and then decided to go full bore moronic Demoncrap, but again, it is another reason why you hate blacks so much.....
BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Now I was thinking about this, and came to the realization that again the liberals are the most racist people in the world. Why do I say this.

All the time I hear a liberal say that US conservatives would rather starve the black child because we dont believe in welfare. Now why do liberals assume this because if black people are responsible adults with jobs then they can take care of many of their children. So a liberal is saying that black people are not responsible and are too stupid to get a job, thus their babies should be executed before they see the light of day. Talk about a sick way of thinking.

Am I right that a liberal thinks that black people are stupid thus their children will be too, and need to be eliminated before birth?
People who lose their faith usually do so to avenge something in life that didn't go their way, and a handy cure-all for them is to blame a parent or other family member, the member of a political party they hate, their church or its minister, anything but their decision to cut off all ties to the things of God, and seek friends to strengthen their decision until they are certain they are not responsible for their decision to ditch their faith in God.

Some of us believe that from the conception in which a sperm unites with the ovum, beating out a million competitors, a unique individual begins its journey as a being into the changes it needs to become an adult free of all ties to repeat the process when the reproductive stage is achieved. No two are alike, with the infrequent occurrence of identical twins.

I pray for those who fell away from their faith, which has blinded them to the importance of caring for others that the gift of conceiving children as the most blessed gift human beings have. In this life, we are material beings that get here through two people having a really good time of attracting and loving each other that we believe is the gift God gave to mature human beings. Generations who went before decided that chaos and killing would be man's fate if they ignored the gentle and mysterious gifts of God whom they believe God created from earth, from which he created the first man and woman and placed them in a garden that would give them everything they ever needed for eternity. with obedience to the things he told them as their sole responsibility aside from enjoying the huge diversity of power over all in the beautiful garden he created for their sole pleasure. Unfortunately, their free will gave the the power to make choices independent of God while he was away, and they disobeyed the guildelines, so thereafter they were sentenced to figuring everything out to fend for themselves outside the perfect home they had, and after so many years, Adam died, instead of enjoying eternity in the most beautiful environment ever experienced by mankind. They even had to figure out how to avoid the snakes' offspring, because the creature appeared on earth after it too was cast out of the Garden, but he gave mankind a way to survive, through sexual reproduction, and he made it appealing enough that people would have small children to feed and raise to adulthood, when it would be their time to find a suitable mate and reproduce the next generation, on and on. Eventually, with people's tendency to repeat disobedience rather often, mankind tried to write a book that would reunite man with God, which in the meantime, they would also have to reconcile their own differences with others who shared the earth and realized man had a spirit that could be trained to conform with ethical practices, such as taking a wife and not bringing disease to each other by learning to be faithful and good to each other by making vows of marriage. Through the years the book became ancient, but it was still filled with instructive learning on getting along with other people in the world.

One of the things was to love and care for children that would come following the sex act of marriage. And it's something some of us still try to practice.

So I pray for those who were exposed to the corona virus wash their hands frequently and try to keep their hands away from their mouths, and that the disease vanishes from occurrence on earth very soon, with thanks to the Lord for taking this threat away from us. Amen, and good night, everyone. :eusa_pray: :sleep:

Joe, you are such a douche bag, I worked for McDonalds, I said that many times, back when I got out of high school, which it seems you never did. Also after working there as a minimum wage puke, I knew that if I continued down that path, I would end up like a stupid liberal like you and rely on the government to supplement me and my income, but I didnt, I got skills that enabled me to travel the world fixing F-15s making hundreds of thousands of dollars tax free.

So again, you live off the largess of the government and then you whine about the government. Hypocrisy much?

As for you being a conservative, that is a lie, because if you ever were a conservative, you would NEVER go to being a liberal retard. You might of been like Joe Scumborough an establishment Repugnicant and then decided to go full bore moronic Demoncrap, but again, it is another reason why you hate blacks so much.....

Quite the contrary. The day that cured me of Conservative Bullshit was when I got injured and my boss basically started fucking with my career because I was running up too many medical bills. (My work performance really wasn't effected) When I complained, he stated, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

That's when I realized that all this BULLSHIT about abortion and gay marriage and stuff was really a lot of things the One Percent use to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

Now, I do find it interesting that you invoke Joe Scarborough as an example of a "not really conservative", it kind of shows how your movement has become a cult. Scarborough isn't a real conservative. McCain wasn't a real conservative. Romney isn't a real conservative. the Bush family aren't real conservatives.

But Cheetoh Jesus, a guy who was still registered as a Democrat a few short years ago, is a real conservative. And if it came out tomorrow that he paid for an abortion on one of his porn star mistresses, you'd still support him.
People who lose their faith usually do so to avenge something in life that didn't go their way, and a handy cure-all for them is to blame a parent or other family member, the member of a political party they hate, their church or its minister, anything but their decision to cut off all ties to the things of God, and seek friends to strengthen their decision until they are certain they are not responsible for their decision to ditch their faith in God.

Some of us believe that from the conception in which a sperm unites with the ovum, beating out a million competitors, a unique individual begins its journey as a being into the changes it needs to become an adult free of all ties to repeat the process when the reproductive stage is achieved. No two are alike, with the infrequent occurrence of identical twins.

yes, you can believe that if you want to.

The reality. Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't recognize them as people, and as a practical matter, women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.
People who lose their faith usually do so to avenge something in life that didn't go their way, and a handy cure-all for them is to blame a parent or other family member, the member of a political party they hate, their church or its minister, anything but their decision to cut off all ties to the things of God, and seek friends to strengthen their decision until they are certain they are not responsible for their decision to ditch their faith in God.

Some of us believe that from the conception in which a sperm unites with the ovum, beating out a million competitors, a unique individual begins its journey as a being into the changes it needs to become an adult free of all ties to repeat the process when the reproductive stage is achieved. No two are alike, with the infrequent occurrence of identical twins.

yes, you can believe that if you want to.

The reality. Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't recognize them as people, and as a practical matter, women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.
They may not be people yet, but they are human beings from the get go, Mr. Myopia Joe. And killing a human being at any stage of its life is considered murder in heaven. And if your solution is to throw heaven out the window with the bath water, it's on you not on me.
They may not be people yet, but they are human beings from the get go, Mr. Myopia Joe. And killing a human being at any stage of its life is considered murder in heaven. And if your solution is to throw heaven out the window with the bath water, it's on you not on me.

1) Fetuses aren't people.

2) There is no Heaven, thankfully. I can't imagine anything more fucked up than the Christian Heaven where Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud and Ann Frank is burning in Hell next to Hitler.

How so? Jeff Dahmner embraced Jesus and was absolved of all his sins, including killing and eating 17 men. Hopefully, he doesn't run into any of them in heaven, because that would be AWKWARD!!! "You did WHAT to my Body after you killed me?"

Meanwhile, Poor Ann Frank never embraced Jesus before the Nazis killed her. Hitler Burns Ann Frank once and he's considered Evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity, and he's considered good. Man, that is all manner of fucked up.
They may not be people yet, but they are human beings from the get go, Mr. Myopia Joe. And killing a human being at any stage of its life is considered murder in heaven. And if your solution is to throw heaven out the window with the bath water, it's on you not on me.

1) Fetuses aren't people.

2) There is no Heaven, thankfully. I can't imagine anything more fucked up than the Christian Heaven where Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud and Ann Frank is burning in Hell next to Hitler.

How so? Jeff Dahmner embraced Jesus and was absolved of all his sins, including killing and eating 17 men. Hopefully, he doesn't run into any of them in heaven, because that would be AWKWARD!!! "You did WHAT to my Body after you killed me?"

Meanwhile, Poor Ann Frank never embraced Jesus before the Nazis killed her. Hitler Burns Ann Frank once and he's considered Evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity, and he's considered good. Man, that is all manner of fucked up.
(1) Fetuses are human beings, and evidence is piling up that abortion causes the tiny human beings a lot of pain as their only experience in this world.

(2) As long as you believe there is no heaven, you will never get there. Not only do you not believe, you are an evangelist against those who believe in God, not because I say you are, but because I have noticed you are downright hostile to some of those who are believers who happen to disagree with your anti-religionism, which was never part of the Constitution of the United States of America. You have confused freedom of religion with freedom to beat up on people who are religious, aka "freedom from religion." That is NOT in the Constitution of the US of America. and it's not there anywhere. You will also not find the F word in the Constitution, but it's not a very nice term to use in polite company, although that is not in the Constitution, but it has been a cause for one man to kill another man who used the F word on his wife. Most of our laws revolve around avoiding murder, but running off at the mouth can cause one man to ruin himself trying to stop another who does nothing but demean his family whom he will die defending.

It's funny how a man bent on encouraging women to get an abortion so he will not have to support his own child for 18 years brings swearing into any given argument including the 4-letter F-word.
(1) Fetuses are human beings, and evidence is piling up that abortion causes the tiny human beings a lot of pain as their only experience in this world.

Most abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks before the fetus can feel pain.

(2) As long as you believe there is no heaven, you will never get there. Not only do you not believe, you are an evangelist against those who believe in God, not because I say you are, but because I have noticed you are downright hostile to some of those who are believers who happen to disagree with your anti-religionism, which was never part of the Constitution of the United States of America.

yes, I am very much against ignorance and bronze age superstitions. I am hostile to people using fairy tales to make policies.

You have confused freedom of religion with freedom to beat up on people who are religious, aka "freedom from religion." That is NOT in the Constitution of the US of America. and it's not there anywhere.

It should be. The problem is, left to your own devices, you guys will go around killing each other over whether or not Jesus is made of wafers. The reason why we have separation of church and state was that England had had 200 years of religious wars started when THIS FAT FUCK wanted to dump his wife.


"Forget the alimony, I've got a better idea!"

You will also not find the F word in the Constitution, but it's not a very nice term to use in polite company, although that is not in the Constitution, but it has been a cause for one man to kill another man who used the F word on his wife. Most of our laws revolve around avoiding murder, but running off at the mouth can cause one man to ruin himself trying to stop another who does nothing but demean his family whom he will die defending.


Uh, no, if you kill someone because they said the F-word on your wife, that's murder. If someone actually fucked your wife and you killed him, that would still be murder.

It's funny how a man bent on encouraging women to get an abortion so he will not have to support his own child for 18 years brings swearing into any given argument including the 4-letter F-word.

I don't encourage or discourage women from getting abortions. In my ideal world, unwanted pregnancies would be avoided because women will use other forms of contraception, and the social/economic structures would be there to support them if they want to have babies.

The thing is, France has universal health care, paid family leave, social services (they'll even send a person around to help new moms adjust and pitch in with chores) and comprehensive sex education free of religion. As a result, they have half the number of abortions we have.

MEANWHILE the Philippines are exactly what you religious nutters want. Lots of religion and abortion is illegal in most circumstances. Contraception is hard to get. They have 500K - 800K illegal abortions every year, (A higher abortion rate than the US) and 1.8 million abandoned children picking their way through refuse.
Joe, you are such a douche bag, I worked for McDonalds, I said that many times, back when I got out of high school, which it seems you never did. Also after working there as a minimum wage puke, I knew that if I continued down that path, I would end up like a stupid liberal like you and rely on the government to supplement me and my income, but I didnt, I got skills that enabled me to travel the world fixing F-15s making hundreds of thousands of dollars tax free.

So again, you live off the largess of the government and then you whine about the government. Hypocrisy much?

As for you being a conservative, that is a lie, because if you ever were a conservative, you would NEVER go to being a liberal retard. You might of been like Joe Scumborough an establishment Repugnicant and then decided to go full bore moronic Demoncrap, but again, it is another reason why you hate blacks so much.....

Quite the contrary. The day that cured me of Conservative Bullshit was when I got injured and my boss basically started fucking with my career because I was running up too many medical bills. (My work performance really wasn't effected) When I complained, he stated, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

That's when I realized that all this BULLSHIT about abortion and gay marriage and stuff was really a lot of things the One Percent use to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

Now, I do find it interesting that you invoke Joe Scarborough as an example of a "not really conservative", it kind of shows how your movement has become a cult. Scarborough isn't a real conservative. McCain wasn't a real conservative. Romney isn't a real conservative. the Bush family aren't real conservatives.

But Cheetoh Jesus, a guy who was still registered as a Democrat a few short years ago, is a real conservative. And if it came out tomorrow that he paid for an abortion on one of his porn star mistresses, you'd still support him.
Okay shit for brains, while in the military we ended up with a surplus of $10,000 for our unit. I said that it should be sent back so peoples taxes wouldn't be higher, they the military ended up buy $10,000 of pushbrooms because they said if they sent the money back and needed it for the next year, it would then be a shortfall. This is how the government thinks, not about saving money for the tax payers but their own selfish needs. We could cut 50% out of the government and it would run more efficiently and more tax cuts could be given to all those that work, yet dumbasses like you who love to kill babies in or out of the womb would rather see an increase to planned parenthood where they execute blacks by the 10s of thousands. Such a racist dick you are..
(1) Fetuses are human beings, and evidence is piling up that abortion causes the tiny human beings a lot of pain as their only experience in this world.

Most abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks before the fetus can feel pain.

(2) As long as you believe there is no heaven, you will never get there. Not only do you not believe, you are an evangelist against those who believe in God, not because I say you are, but because I have noticed you are downright hostile to some of those who are believers who happen to disagree with your anti-religionism, which was never part of the Constitution of the United States of America.

yes, I am very much against ignorance and bronze age superstitions. I am hostile to people using fairy tales to make policies.

You have confused freedom of religion with freedom to beat up on people who are religious, aka "freedom from religion." That is NOT in the Constitution of the US of America. and it's not there anywhere.

It should be. The problem is, left to your own devices, you guys will go around killing each other over whether or not Jesus is made of wafers. The reason why we have separation of church and state was that England had had 200 years of religious wars started when THIS FAT FUCK wanted to dump his wife.

View attachment 311047
"Forget the alimony, I've got a better idea!"

You will also not find the F word in the Constitution, but it's not a very nice term to use in polite company, although that is not in the Constitution, but it has been a cause for one man to kill another man who used the F word on his wife. Most of our laws revolve around avoiding murder, but running off at the mouth can cause one man to ruin himself trying to stop another who does nothing but demean his family whom he will die defending.

View attachment 311049
Uh, no, if you kill someone because they said the F-word on your wife, that's murder. If someone actually fucked your wife and you killed him, that would still be murder.

It's funny how a man bent on encouraging women to get an abortion so he will not have to support his own child for 18 years brings swearing into any given argument including the 4-letter F-word.

I don't encourage or discourage women from getting abortions. In my ideal world, unwanted pregnancies would be avoided because women will use other forms of contraception, and the social/economic structures would be there to support them if they want to have babies.

The thing is, France has universal health care, paid family leave, social services (they'll even send a person around to help new moms adjust and pitch in with chores) and comprehensive sex education free of religion. As a result, they have half the number of abortions we have.

MEANWHILE the Philippines are exactly what you religious nutters want. Lots of religion and abortion is illegal in most circumstances. Contraception is hard to get. They have 500K - 800K illegal abortions every year, (A higher abortion rate than the US) and 1.8 million abandoned children picking their way through refuse.

If someone actually fucked your wife and you killed him, that would still be murder.
Is this something you have done in that Windy City of yours, where corruption and murder are commonplace? In other cities with a trial by jury you would find that the act of killing someone who is fucking another man's wife the shooter would get off easily. Thanks for enlightening US, Joe on your immoral lifestlye.
They may not be people yet, but they are human beings from the get go, Mr. Myopia Joe. And killing a human being at any stage of its life is considered murder in heaven. And if your solution is to throw heaven out the window with the bath water, it's on you not on me.

1) Fetuses aren't people.

2) There is no Heaven, thankfully. I can't imagine anything more fucked up than the Christian Heaven where Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud and Ann Frank is burning in Hell next to Hitler.

How so? Jeff Dahmner embraced Jesus and was absolved of all his sins, including killing and eating 17 men. Hopefully, he doesn't run into any of them in heaven, because that would be AWKWARD!!! "You did WHAT to my Body after you killed me?"

Meanwhile, Poor Ann Frank never embraced Jesus before the Nazis killed her. Hitler Burns Ann Frank once and he's considered Evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity, and he's considered good. Man, that is all manner of fucked up.
2) There is no Heaven,
I am so glad you are so sure of yourself, so was Edward Kennedy, when he left Mary Jo to drown in the Chappaquiddick River that fateful night.

Ted Kennedy's Letter to the Pope: "I am writing with deep humility to ask that you pray for me as my own health declines."
“I’ve always tried to be a faithful Catholic, Your Holiness, and though I have fallen short through human failings, I have never failed to believe and respect the fundamental teaching of my faith. I continue to pray for God’s blessing, on you, and on our church, and would be most thankful for your prayers for me.”
You know Joe, if you are wrong, you will be fucked till the end of eternity and it wont be in a sexual nature.

Hell, you might even meet the Kennedy brother there for what they did to poor Marylyn.
Okay shit for brains, while in the military we ended up with a surplus of $10,000 for our unit. I said that it should be sent back so peoples taxes wouldn't be higher, they the military ended up buy $10,000 of pushbrooms because they said if they sent the money back and needed it for the next year, it would then be a shortfall. This is how the government thinks, not about saving money for the tax payers but their own selfish needs.

Actually, what we should do is stop maintaining a bloated military industrial complex that acts as enforcers for the Oil Companies and the Zionists.. but we know that isn't going to happen. I just find it amusing that like MOST conservatives, you are totally against big government programs EXCEPT for the ones that benefit you.

We could cut 50% out of the government and it would run more efficiently and more tax cuts could be given to all those that work, yet dumbasses like you who love to kill babies in or out of the womb would rather see an increase to planned parenthood where they execute blacks by the 10s of thousands. Such a racist dick you are..

Guy, one more time.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Noboby is making anyone get an abortion. They DECIDE to have abortions.
They will decide to have abortions no matter what the law is.

Planned Parenthood reduces the number of abortions by handing out contraception. We should do more of that. The abortion part of their business is profitable.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Hey, one more time.

Why is it abortion never gets banned and the rich always get their tax cuts?
Is this something you have done in that Windy City of yours, where corruption and murder are commonplace? In other cities with a trial by jury you would find that the act of killing someone who is fucking another man's wife the shooter would get off easily. Thanks for enlightening US, Joe on your immoral lifestlye.

When does this happen? Can you cite a case where someone shot his wife's lover and got away with it because he had it coming?

Sorry, man, just because some red state loser can't satisfy his white trash lady, isn't an excuse for murder.
I am so glad you are so sure of yourself, so was Edward Kennedy, when he left Mary Jo to drown in the Chappaquiddick River that fateful night.

Ted was a devout Catholic. That's his choice.

Biggest fucking hypocrites on abortion are the fucking Catholics. Contraception is as much a sin for them as abortion, so abortion is often the path of least resistance. Five Hail Maries, we're done.

You know Joe, if you are wrong, you will be fucked till the end of eternity and it wont be in a sexual nature.

Hell, you might even meet the Kennedy brother there for what they did to poor Marylyn.

Yawn, I love this. The "What if you are wrong" argument. By that logic, you need to convert to Islam and start praying to Allah, because, hey, what if you're wrong?

JoeB sez: "you guys will go around..."​

Not only am I not a guy, I don't go anywhere I don't have to. So you can cut the seance/voyeur stuff, any time.
Why should I read further insults when your seance/voyeur stuff is so clear? I made an effort not to offend you but to show you that you need a way out of your current faithlessness and start trusting in God. All else is dross, except that because I think I'm getting under your nails, I will relieve both of us for the time being with you back on the frequent bomb-thrower list known as the ignore list. Sayanara till tomorra. ;)

Edit: Oh, and this little quip of yours "some red state loser can't satisfy his white trash lady" is begging a black eye, from someone who casts a shadow so massive that it reveals you to be a small frye by comparison.
Last edited:
JoeB sez: "you guys will go around..."
Not only am I not a guy, I don't go anywhere I don't have to. So you can cut the seance/voyeur stuff, any time.
Why should I read further insults when your seance/voyeur stuff is so clear? I made an effort not to offend you but to show you that you need a way out of your current faithlessness and start trusting in God. All else is dross, except that because I think I'm getting under your nails, I will relieve both of us for the time being with you back on the frequent bomb-thrower list known as the ignore list. Sayanara till tomorra

Yes, do scamper off...

Keep your bronze age superstitions to yourself.
Okay shit for brains, while in the military we ended up with a surplus of $10,000 for our unit. I said that it should be sent back so peoples taxes wouldn't be higher, they the military ended up buy $10,000 of pushbrooms because they said if they sent the money back and needed it for the next year, it would then be a shortfall. This is how the government thinks, not about saving money for the tax payers but their own selfish needs.

Actually, what we should do is stop maintaining a bloated military industrial complex that acts as enforcers for the Oil Companies and the Zionists.. but we know that isn't going to happen. I just find it amusing that like MOST conservatives, you are totally against big government programs EXCEPT for the ones that benefit you.

We could cut 50% out of the government and it would run more efficiently and more tax cuts could be given to all those that work, yet dumbasses like you who love to kill babies in or out of the womb would rather see an increase to planned parenthood where they execute blacks by the 10s of thousands. Such a racist dick you are..

Guy, one more time.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Noboby is making anyone get an abortion. They DECIDE to have abortions.
They will decide to have abortions no matter what the law is.

Planned Parenthood reduces the number of abortions by handing out contraception. We should do more of that. The abortion part of their business is profitable.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Hey, one more time.

Why is it abortion never gets banned and the rich always get their tax cuts?
Guy one more time Babies are babies, Abortion should not be a tax payer commodity , but one that the woman pays for out of her own money for spreading her legs for immoral actions. Maybe if you got off of welfare and got a job you too could get a tax break, but alas, dipshits like you will never amount to a hill of beans. I despise people like you...
I am so glad you are so sure of yourself, so was Edward Kennedy, when he left Mary Jo to drown in the Chappaquiddick River that fateful night.

Ted was a devout Catholic. That's his choice.

Biggest fucking hypocrites on abortion are the fucking Catholics. Contraception is as much a sin for them as abortion, so abortion is often the path of least resistance. Five Hail Maries, we're done.

You know Joe, if you are wrong, you will be fucked till the end of eternity and it wont be in a sexual nature.

Hell, you might even meet the Kennedy brother there for what they did to poor Marylyn.

Yawn, I love this. The "What if you are wrong" argument. By that logic, you need to convert to Islam and start praying to Allah, because, hey, what if you're wrong?

"What if you are wrong"
You dipshits have been using that argument on your religion since Al Gore started it in the early 2000s. What if the world burns up because of the CO2, it will end in 10 years, 12 years, 15 years, but since you have been wrong all those times the new number is 100 years, because by then, all you dumbasses will be dead and cant be held accountable for all the falsehoods of you religious GW zelots.
JoeB sez: "you guys will go around..."
Not only am I not a guy, I don't go anywhere I don't have to. So you can cut the seance/voyeur stuff, any time.
Why should I read further insults when your seance/voyeur stuff is so clear? I made an effort not to offend you but to show you that you need a way out of your current faithlessness and start trusting in God. All else is dross, except that because I think I'm getting under your nails, I will relieve both of us for the time being with you back on the frequent bomb-thrower list known as the ignore list. Sayanara till tomorra

Yes, do scamper off...

Keep your bronze age superstitions to yourself.
Don't you ever tell me what to say. You're untrustworthy in politics if you would rubberstamp killing an unborn American. It has become an item of betrayal of the Constitution along with the Democrats' obsession with destroying basic human freedoms America's founders considered basic to life.

And your little quip "Biggest fucking hypocrites on abortion are the fucking Catholics." is untrue. When and if a good Catholic makes a mistake, they do the best they can to change by first confessing it, then taking the advice of their priest, which is not between anybody else except the person, his or her priest, and God. You have no right to call Catholics "hypocrits," because they have a long ledger of Community service to widows, orphans, healing sick people, and mostly refusing to kill a fetus or to tell the world they're for killing fetuses, which would make it a common recruitment for their own young women to go against guidelines they have followed since before Roe V Wade was interpreted as something that must be solved to save 100 womens' lives per year. The current toll is an average of one million abortions per annum (some exponentially higher, some lower).

Why do you betray the lives of a million people a year by advocating their death prior to the stage of life when they leave the uterus and start breathing? Breathing isn't the start of human life. Conception is the start of human life.
Guy one more time Babies are babies, Abortion should not be a tax payer commodity , but one that the woman pays for out of her own money for spreading her legs for immoral actions. Maybe if you got off of welfare and got a job you too could get a tax break, but alas, dipshits like you will never amount to a hill of beans. I despise people like you...

Guy, I have a job and a business. I work 80 hours a week. Thanks for asking.

But that isn't the point here. The point is, 1) What is an desirable policy and 2) what is the best way to get there.

Now, I really don't care about abortion personally, since I will never need one. I do take a perverse glee on how much it upsets the Bible thumpers that women can end unwanted pregnancies on demand. But let's accept for the moment that less abortions would be a good thing. I can even agree with that.

Now, what is the best way to get there.

1) Outlawing it, which will just drive the activity underground, as people will openly flaunt the law and police won't really want to enforce it.


2) Offering cost-effective alternatives to abortion.

But since this isn't about the babies, this is about your misogyny...

You dipshits have been using that argument on your religion since Al Gore started it in the early 2000s. What if the world burns up because of the CO2, it will end in 10 years, 12 years, 15 years, but since you have been wrong all those times the new number is 100 years, because by then, all you dumbasses will be dead and cant be held accountable for all the falsehoods of you religious GW zelots.

Not sure how you can real equate established science with religion, but never mind. The world IS getting warmer. It is having negative effects on the environment. That SOME AGW advocates were overly alarmist is besides the point.

The thing is, we can prove AGW. We can't prove heaven.

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