I Want to Try and Understand This...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Sent to me by my younger sister...

Subject: Do I Understand This?

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good... Bush
awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good... Bush spends 87
billion in Iraq - bad...

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good... Bush imposes regime
change in Iraq - bad...

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists -
good... Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...

Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good... Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...

Clinton commits felonies while in office - good... Bush lands on
aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...

No mass graves found in Serbia - good... No WMD found Iraq - bad...

Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good... Economy on upswing
under Bush - bad...

Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good... World Trade
Centers fall under Bush - bad...

Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good... Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad...

Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good... Bush imposes regime
change in Iraq - bad...

Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good... Bush destroys
training camps in Afghanistan - bad...

Milosevic not yet convicted - good... Saddam turned over for trial - bad...

Ahh, it's so confusing!

Thought you would find this interesting. Every year an independent tax
watchdog group analyzes the average tax burden on Americans, and then
calculates the "Tax Freedom Day". This is the day after which the money
you earn goes to you, not the government.

This year, tax freedom day was April 11th. That's the earliest it has
been since 1991. It's latest day ever was May 2nd, which occurred in
2000. Notice anything special about those dates?

Recently, John Kerry gave a speech in which he claimed Americans are
actually paying more taxes under Bush, despite the tax cuts. He gave no
explanation and provided no data for this claim.

Another interesting fact: Both George Bush and John Kerry are wealthy
men. Bush owns only one home, his ranch in Texas. Kerry owns 4 mansions,
all worth several million dollars. (His ski resort home in Idaho is an
old barn brought over from Europe in pieces. Not your average A-frame).
Bush paid $250,000 in taxes this year; Kerry paid $90,000. Does that
sound right? The man who wants to raise your taxes obviously has figured
out a way to avoid paying his own.
Once again... I see the liberal supporters jumping all over this... *NOT*

The truth always scares the hell otta the liberals. If something here isn't filled with half truth's and outright lies, the liberals want nothing to do with it.

Very telling...
Mr. P said:
I'm e-mailing this to my yellow dawg Democratic in-laws! Ilove to piss them off. :dev1:

my in-laws are demmies too! well, SOME of them are. The ones that are, are stuck up and filthy rich.

I'm gonna print it out and mail it to mine. I don't know their email address. I wish I could so I could send them this all the time instead of wasting a stamp on them.
fuzzykitten99 said:
my in-laws are demmies too! well, SOME of them are. The ones that are, are stuck up and filthy rich.

I'm gonna print it out and mail it to mine. I don't know their email address. I wish I could so I could send them this all the time instead of wasting a stamp on them.

My in laws, or (out-laws) as I like to call them, are from your neck of the woods..My wife went to grade school in anoka (sp). Both her parents grew up in the Mn. outback.
Pale Rider said:
Another interesting fact: Both George Bush and John Kerry are wealthy
men. Bush owns only one home, his ranch in Texas. Kerry owns 4 mansions,
all worth several million dollars. (His ski resort home in Idaho is an
old barn brought over from Europe in pieces. Not your average A-frame).
Bush paid $250,000 in taxes this year; Kerry paid $90,000. Does that
sound right? The man who wants to raise your taxes obviously has figured
out a way to avoid paying his own.

PR, that is not a fair comparison. Kerry has been busy on the campaign trail and has not been at home all that much. So it is likely that Theresa has cut his allowance since he is not around to perform the function for which she purchased him. That would explain his reduced tax status.

Merlin1047 said:
PR, that is not a fair comparison. Kerry has been busy on the campaign trail and has not been at home all that much. So it is likely that Theresa has cut his allowance since he is not around to perform the function for which she purchased him. That would explain his reduced tax status.

How do you know he 'performs' at all? Maybe she's the dominant one. He is French blooded, so 'surrendering' or 'succumbing' would not be out of the question. She looks like she's a REAL pill at home. His daughters probably look at her as the wicked step-mother. Anyone have a pic of her they can photoshop to look like the witch from the Wiz of Oz?
fuzzykitten99 said:
How do you know he 'performs' at all? Maybe she's the dominant one. He is French blooded, so 'surrendering' or 'succumbing' would not be out of the question. She looks like she's a REAL pill at home. His daughters probably look at her as the wicked step-mother. Anyone have a pic of her they can photoshop to look like the witch from the Wiz of Oz?

Hmmmmmm - interesting. Should kerry get elected, the White House staff may have to install some new equipment in the bedroom.

:whip: :death: :spank3:
fuzzykitten99 said:
How do you know he 'performs' at all? Maybe she's the dominant one. He is French blooded, so 'surrendering' or 'succumbing' would not be out of the question. She looks like she's a REAL pill at home. His daughters probably look at her as the wicked step-mother. Anyone have a pic of her they can photoshop to look like the witch from the Wiz of Oz?

No need to Photo Shop a pic of this hum dinger fuzzy. She looks like a witch without any help at all... maybe because she is.

Okay, here is the liberal explanation since you are dying to know what it is.

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good... Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...

Do you not see how people might feel uncomfortable about Cheney having been the former CEO of Halliburton and now he is VP and Halliburton wins the no-bid contract?

Its not that people think Halliburton is necessarily evil or not up to paar, its just that some think it is kind of shady that Cheney's former company would get a lot of money from the gov't that he has quite a bit of power over.

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good... Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad...

This is info is old, it is now close to 200 billion with no end in sight.

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good... Bush imposes regime
change in Iraq - bad...

Nobody is saying that regime change in Iraq was bad, actually most say it is a great thing. Its that we haven't found WMD or a working relationship to al-Qaeda that has people upset.

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists -
good... Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...

Didn't Clinton "liberate" some people too? And again, no one is saying that Saddam being gone is a bad thing.

Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good... Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...

Show me a quote where a dem is saying bombing a terrorist camp is bad.

I got to go to class, but I'll try to finish off the rest later.
Phadras you know what a Palestinian is and you know what a Jew is I’m sure you can figure it out.

If you want PJ to check his facts why don’t you post a few of your own that oppose his?

Why are'nt you going on a suicide bombing?

Because not all people whose views oppose yours are terrorists, nor are all Palestinians.
Palestinian Jew said:
Okay, here is the liberal explanation since you are dying to know what it is.

Do you not see how people might feel uncomfortable about Cheney having been the former CEO of Halliburton and now he is VP and Halliburton wins the no-bid contract?

Its not that people think Halliburton is necessarily evil or not up to paar, its just that some think it is kind of shady that Cheney's former company would get a lot of money from the gov't that he has quite a bit of power over.

This is info is old, it is now close to 200 billion with no end in sight.

Nobody is saying that regime change in Iraq was bad, actually most say it is a great thing. Its that we haven't found WMD or a working relationship to al-Qaeda that has people upset.

Didn't Clinton "liberate" some people too? And again, no one is saying that Saddam being gone is a bad thing.

Show me a quote where a dem is saying bombing a terrorist camp is bad.

I got to go to class, but I'll try to finish off the rest later.

Kerry said it was the wrong war. He's the wrong candidate; that's the problem.
Kiss My Ass!!!!!!

Are you saying that you dont have any facts that oppose PJ's?

Are you just posting to insult anyone who has an oppinion different from yours?

If so than I have a rule that I always follow in cases like yours:
deaddude said:
Are you saying that you dont have any facts that oppose PJ's?

Are you just posting to insult anyone who has an oppinion different from yours?

If so than I have a rule that I always follow in cases like yours:
Maybe if some people would be willing to admit that they hate anything "republican" whether it makes any sense or can be proven, these discussions could get somewhere. I have yet to hear a liberal criticize Kerry for ANYTHING. Who is the party in lockstep ??
dilloduck said:
Maybe if some people would be willing to admit that they hate anything "republican" whether it makes any sense or can be proven, these discussions could get somewhere. I have yet to hear a liberal criticize Kerry for ANYTHING. Who is the party in lockstep ??
Exactly! Even republicans will admit they do not agree with Bush on every issue, and with every decision he makes. After all, nobody is perfect, and that extends to the president, regardless of who he is. People have different views on different issues.

However, I have yet to hear a democrat state this about Kerry. They obviously think Kerry is a Saint and capable of no wrong doing at all. Be honest with yourself. Do you really think everything that leaves Kerry's mouth is void of any lies? :happy2:
dilloduck said:
Maybe if some people would be willing to admit that they hate anything "republican" whether it makes any sense or can be proven, these discussions could get somewhere. I have yet to hear a liberal criticize Kerry for ANYTHING. Who is the party in lockstep ??

Point well taken dillo but I do hope you find my rhetoric more substantive than
the "kiss my ass" I got from phadras.

P.S. I am sick and tired of hearing about how Kerry won his purple hearts. Thanks for serving in Nam, good job, now stop beating a dead horse!!

Do you really think everything that leaves Kerry's mouth is void of any lies?
Hell no! He is a politician isn't he?

Two honest critisizisms of Kerry from a lib, satisfied?

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