I thought only Confederate/Slaveowner Statues would be coming down

You're the one who seems to be losing it just cause a statue got taken down. Lol. What? You didn't realize that as America's demographics changed that who we choose to celebrate wouldn't change as well? Lol

I repeat, it's you loons losing your shit over statues.

Then you have the audacity to try and call anyone a cuck. Roflmao, you're dumb boy
They want all "men" erased from American history. The tough, brave, strong, with a strong will, tough and love america gone. Doesn't matter what their part was in American history, they just don't want people who represent what a strong, independent and tough American.

If this kind of shit isn't stopped it will only get worse. They have been testing the waters by getting rid of statues of "racist" Americans in history, now they are stepping out of those bounds slowly here. If this goes mostly unnoticed then next time it will be more and more.

All bad things start very small and very slow. That's how they end up becoming bad things is either because we don't notice them or we don't take action until it becomes a bad thing.
Goodbye Teddy, at least this one is going somewhere it will be respected.

Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History

Evidently proudly standing men next to Roosevelt on horseback = racism/colonialism/whatever.

They will probably replace it with some transgendered mixed minority revolutionary communist.
Well, in Portland, protesters vandalized a racist elk statue.

Leftists don't care for real men, they want them weak in body and sprit.

Remember Pajama Boy?

Hey! It's Cuckatore!
Well, in Portland, protesters vandalized a racist elk statue.

And Portland still hasn't put it back, they even demolished the fountain base because it was too damaged.
“The statue was meant to celebrate Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) as a devoted naturalist and author of works on natural history,” the museum says in its statement. “At the same time, the statue itself communicates a racial hierarchy that the Museum and members of the public have long found disturbing.” The two men on either side of Roosevelt were meant to represent the continents where he hunted, but as Futter adds in her interview with the Times, the statue’s hierarchical composition also reflects a racist ideology that prizes white, Western culture above others.

Goodbye Teddy, at least this one is going somewhere it will be respected.

Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History

Evidently proudly standing men next to Roosevelt on horseback = racism/colonialism/whatever.

They will probably replace it with some transgendered mixed minority revolutionary communist.
Well, you thought wrong. If people don't want it there, they don't want it there. And if you don't understand why, then, hey, I suppose that's your problem.
Well, you thought wrong. If people don't want it there, they don't want it there. And if you don't understand why, then, hey, I suppose that's your problem.

It's not "the people", It's a small group of always offended nitwits that mewl like spoiled kittens to get their way, then are patronized by lefty officeholders.
And yet here you are, acting like a manbaby, tossing I sults and basically having your typical embarrassing hissy fit.

Maybe this is the normal, default setting for your behavior, but it appears to normal adults that you are, indeed, "losing your shit over a statue".

It's called expressing an opinion, you drooling half-wit mouth breather.
It's not "the people", It's a small group of always offended nitwits that mewl like spoiled kittens to get their way, then are patronized by lefty officeholders.
Um, those are people. And they organized and got something done. You sat there o. Your ass and complained after the fact. So not much left for you to do or say but the jealousy and the complaining.
Um, those are people. And they organized and got something done. You sat there o. Your ass and complained after the fact. So not much left for you to do or say but the jealousy and the complaining.

They whined to a compliant NYC public agency, and got our outgoing cuck mayor to agree to it.

This was discussed in another thread months ago.
Leave the damn things alone and it wouldn't be an issue but nooooooo statues trigger you poor little emotional things. Why is that?
Nah, It's a decision that was made years ago by NYC. It's up to them. It's presence never offended me, but neither does it's move.
Nah, It's a decision that was made years ago by NYC. It's up to them. It's presence never offended me, but neither does it's move.

Because on this site, we only discuss issues that we are personally or directly related to. So on this issue, only people who live in nyc matter.

Wait... What?

Because on this site, we only discuss issues that we are personally or directly related to. So on this issue, only people who live in nyc matter.

Wait... What?

Somebody made it personal.

" it wouldn't be an issue but nooooooo statues trigger you poor little emotional things"

How was the illiberal lefts call to remove Sam Houston from I-45 just south of Huntsville met by real liberals in Texas?
Somebody made it personal.

" it wouldn't be an issue but nooooooo statues trigger you poor little emotional things"

How was the illiberal lefts call to remove Sam Houston from I-45 just south of Huntsville met by real liberals in Texas?

If that were the case none of these statues would be coming down. Its because we haven't laid down and instead have chosen to fight why we are winning the battle to remake your country. But a soft little cuck like yourself wouldn't know anything about that. Lol
You are not getting it. We can have civility by just adding statues. You follow globalist designs but live in a nation with all of the comfort trimmings and growing transparent boundaries blending us into a world government. If you think a person in Haiti is going to rise up to a middle-class person in a suburb that is not going to happen. the middle-class person in the suburb will be reduced a lot closer to the person in Haiti who will rise a bit, depending on the corruption.
Goodbye Teddy, at least this one is going somewhere it will be respected.

Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History

Evidently proudly standing men next to Roosevelt on horseback = racism/colonialism/whatever.

They will probably replace it with some transgendered mixed minority revolutionary communist.
We are at war.

I don't know why people are ignoring it.

It will soon be time to start "processing" these motherfuckers and bathe in their FUCKING GUTS!!!!

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