I remember


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
But before I get into my memory, I just perused Your Opinion Is Not Reality

The blind loyalty is amazing.

That said, I remember Bill Clinton's campaign promise of putting 100,000 more cops on the street- of course the obvious question is where would the money come from, but that aside, he got elected- so, was it the Democrats (who now want to reform or defund the police) that got him elected, or, was it the Law and Order Republicans switching sides?

Inquiring minds want to know. I know there are a couple of inquiring minds mixed in with all the sheeple- right?
In the 1990s, the Dems were very frank about the horrific crime rate caused mostly by young gentlemen of a certain ethnicity. That's when Ms. Hillary made her (in)famous remark about those predators.

Today, however, the Dems have changed their tune because they now depend on that certain ethnicity to get elected to the presidency.
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In the 1990s, the Dems were very frank about the horrific crime rate caused mostly by young gentlemen of a certain ethnicity. That's when Ms. Hillary made her (in)famous remark about those predators.

Today, however, the Dems have changed their tune because they now depend on that certain ethnicity to get elected to the presidency.
That doesn't answer the question I asked though.

But, in line with your analogy, were there more democrats voting in the 90's?

Were there enough to outnumber Republican voters? Or was it the Law and Order Republicans who voted him into office?

It seems both sides complain about some/certain abrogations of law, but, want more laws :omg:

That makes 0 sense. More to make less. Where I come from digging a hole deeper is not how you get out of a hole. I don't care about political affiliation as it's immaterial in hole digging. The shovel and the hole don't care either. I guess if you dig long enough you'll reach the atmosphere somewhere- if you dig at an angle.
The country has changed since then. All common ground is lost and this country as become aS hyper partisan as possible. There are no issues where there is a consensus amongst the two parties.
If I recall, Bush-1 ran after Reagan and won. Then the typical "GOP tax cut" bubble burst and there was a recession.
Clinton ran on "its the economy stupid", and Pappa Bush lied about "Read my lips...no new taxes".
IMHO the democrats were just trying to keep up with the "law and order Republicans" with their rhetoric about more cops. Just like Biden is now an America First "populist", but only until they win.....then its globalist money talks bullshit walks....
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In the 1990s, the Dems were very frank about the horrific crime rate caused mostly by young gentlemen of a certain ethnicity. That's when Ms. Hillary made her (in)famous remark about those predators.

Today, however, the Dems have changed their tune because they now depend on that certain ethnicity to get elected to the presidency.
It should be remembered that Joe Biden was guilty of making racist remarks back then. He was a big advocate of law enforcement and putting thousands of minorities behind bars, with Clinton’s crime bill.
But before I get into my memory, I just perused Your Opinion Is Not Reality

The blind loyalty is amazing.

That said, I remember Bill Clinton's campaign promise of putting 100,000 more cops on the street- of course the obvious question is where would the money come from, but that aside, he got elected- so, was it the Democrats (who now want to reform or defund the police) that got him elected, or, was it the Law and Order Republicans switching sides?

Inquiring minds want to know. I know there are a couple of inquiring minds mixed in with all the sheeple- right?

The Democratic Party of 1992 was far less extremist than the Democratic Party of 2020.
The Democrat party has changed. It's obvious.
Democrats are now globalist neo-communist who hate America and Americans. The last thing they want to do is protect Americans from criminals/Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats
But before I get into my memory, I just perused Your Opinion Is Not Reality

The blind loyalty is amazing.

That said, I remember Bill Clinton's campaign promise of putting 100,000 more cops on the street- of course the obvious question is where would the money come from, but that aside, he got elected- so, was it the Democrats (who now want to reform or defund the police) that got him elected, or, was it the Law and Order Republicans switching sides?

Inquiring minds want to know. I know there are a couple of inquiring minds mixed in with all the sheeple- right?

The Democratic Party of 1992 was far less extremist than the Democratic Party of 2020.
I don’t think so. They still are the war party. They still support the 1% fully. They still refuse to help the poor and working class. They still support an unfair justice system. So, not only haven’t they changed, but the R party is very much like them.

Joe Biden is really a conservative republican. More evidence they haven’t changed.
But before I get into my memory, I just perused Your Opinion Is Not Reality

The blind loyalty is amazing.

That said, I remember Bill Clinton's campaign promise of putting 100,000 more cops on the street- of course the obvious question is where would the money come from, but that aside, he got elected- so, was it the Democrats (who now want to reform or defund the police) that got him elected, or, was it the Law and Order Republicans switching sides?

Inquiring minds want to know. I know there are a couple of inquiring minds mixed in with all the sheeple- right?
That's definitely something old guys have had to answer for in the democratic primaries. It was during the "crack epidemic," whatever that really was. I fell victim to the hyperbole of "super predators." There were seriously bad people out there who needed locking up, but the hyperbole bordered on outright bigotry. But the habitual offender sentencing smelled like the bullshit it is even back then.

I'm not sure what relevance it really has in a matchup between Trump and Biden. Hopefully Biden will propose using the money for the new cops and perpetual jail sentences for drug offenders for things like routing out racism in police departments that are broken, like Minneapolis's. And substance abuse/mental health workers for people like Rayshard Brooks, who might not even have needed to be arrested, but just had a family member called to pick him up and take him home. It seems to me the relevance is just about whether resources can be better employed in some places. But where I live, we don't have too many police. Rather we have a city with an eroding tax base, and population that doesn't seem to have any problem with cops being visible.

The last thing they want to do is protect Americans from criminals/Democrats.
The men, and women, wearing black dresses and pretending to be intelligent say a cops job isn't to protect citizens- I tend to agree- their job is to bring criminals to justice- is that why they enFORCE laws and become judge, jury and executioner? I suppose I'm not very intelligent either since I don't subscribe to pre crime charges for what might happen or because someone else did something that harmed someone- BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party reside inside the halls of the District of Criminals, just outside Maryland and Virginia, inside the Beltway - BOTH engage in "legitimate" criminal activity- but, making it legitimate makes it the other guys fault- I haven't seen any of the crimes committed by Democrats brought to light by Republicans. Can you help me out with that? I'd also like to see what Democrat activity the Republican repealed to show their love for America- can you help me with that as well?

Oh, my bad, Whitewater- the Clintons- who was it ran for POTUS last election? How was that managed?
I guess I need to start calling Republican Pure as the Driven Snow like I say about Democrats- the snow looks yellow to me- and dirty with slush-

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