I question the assertion from the right that we have a powerful "liberal media"


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.

Do you also question that that bright thing in the sky is a giant ball of hot gas?
"powerful liberal media" might have had meaning at one time but no more. The sand is fast running out from under the foundation. Leftist newspapers queuing up for bankruptcy court. CNN, MSNBC ratings in the toilet. No, "powerful" no longer applies.
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.

Do you also question that that bright thing in the sky is a giant ball of hot gas?

Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the conversation?
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.

Do you also question that that bright thing in the sky is a giant ball of hot gas?

Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the conversation?

Is this a substantive discussion?
Oh no. The media would never ever ever run cover for the White House.

"CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi."

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"Liberal media" is a fantasy created by the Eliminationists who want a one-party state and can't stand the thought of dialogue or alternative views to their own. What we have in fact is a massive corporate media, a few megalopolic monsters with tentacles reaching into every possible facet of human commuication (TV stations, radio stations, TV networks, TV production companies, internet sites, ISPs, movies, magazines, book publishing, advertising, even sports teams and arenas, which makes it possible not only to control the news but actually dictate what the news is.

Liberal media? It does exist out there somewhere. Good luck finding it. That shit we're bombarded with wall to wall everywhere else? Corporate controlled and in no way independent.

"I admit it -- The liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.

You’re correct to question it, in fact there is no ‘liberal media,’ ‘powerful’ or otherwise.

The media relate facts and the truth that often conflict with subjective rightist dogma, where conservatives incorrectly perceive this as ‘bias.’

Just as ridiculous is the notion that the media ‘sit on’ news events to benefit the left, or ‘refuse’ to investigate issues for the same reason – needless to say these notions are idiocy.
"Liberal media" is a fantasy created by the Eliminationists who want a one-party state and can't stand the thought of dialogue or alternative views to their own. What we have in fact is a massive corporate media, a few megalopolic monsters with tentacles reaching into every possible facet of human commuication (TV stations, radio stations, TV networks, TV production companies, internet sites, ISPs, movies, magazines, book publishing, advertising, even sports teams and arenas, which makes it possible not only to control the news but actually dictate what the news is.

Liberal media? It does exist out there somewhere. Good luck finding it. That shit we're bombarded with wall to wall everywhere else? Corporate controlled and in no way independent.

"I admit it -- The liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

The American Society of Newspaper Editors conducted a survey in 1997 to ascertain the political persuasions of media contributors, 61% of reporters stated that they were members of, or sympathized with the Democratic Party. While 15% chose the Republican Party. Bear in mind that these are 'educated' people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated by left wing academia. Presently with the appearance of Fox News- which tends to slant towards the right wing - those numbers would probably differ somewhat.

Largely starting in the 90s, the right wing ... began to display an uneasiness and outright disgust with the blatant distortion and vigorous indoctrination being perpetrated by the Left and began to produce and promote a somewhat more balanced media. Although they are far from the levels of devious expertise employed by the left , who've had decades of experience, their meager attempts to resist Big Brother did not go unnoticed. Leftist rabble rousers were in an uproar, I mean how dare the Right Wing fight back , how dare they employ the underhanded and devious tactics which the left believed to be their exclusive domain.
Media Matters for America
"Liberal media" is a fantasy created by the Eliminationists who want a one-party state and can't stand the thought of dialogue or alternative views to their own. What we have in fact is a massive corporate media, a few megalopolic monsters with tentacles reaching into every possible facet of human commuication (TV stations, radio stations, TV networks, TV production companies, internet sites, ISPs, movies, magazines, book publishing, advertising, even sports teams and arenas, which makes it possible not only to control the news but actually dictate what the news is.

Liberal media? It does exist out there somewhere. Good luck finding it. That shit we're bombarded with wall to wall everywhere else? Corporate controlled and in no way independent.

"I admit it -- The liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

The American Society of Newspaper Editors conducted a survey in 1997 to ascertain the political persuasions of media contributors, 61% of reporters stated that they were members of, or sympathized with the Democratic Party. While 15% chose the Republican Party. Bear in mind that these are 'educated' people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated by left wing academia. Presently with the appearance of Fox News- which tends to slant towards the right wing - those numbers would probably differ somewhat.

Largely starting in the 90s, the right wing ... began to display an uneasiness and outright disgust with the blatant distortion and vigorous indoctrination being perpetrated by the Left and began to produce and promote a somewhat more balanced media. Although they are far from the levels of devious expertise employed by the left , who've had decades of experience, their meager attempts to resist Big Brother did not go unnoticed. Leftist rabble rousers were in an uproar, I mean how dare the Right Wing fight back , how dare they employ the underhanded and devious tactics which the left believed to be their exclusive domain.
Media Matters for America

You haven't made an argument. You've conflated the personal politics of reporters (which is not the entire news system anyway -- they have editors, owners and publishers) with the stories they report.

The "liberal media" fantasy -- unless I've been misreading it for decades-- refers to the content in the media. Not the personal politics of one segment of those who work within it.

And it also presupposes that no reporter can be objective and leave his/her own POV out of a story. Which is unsupported by any evidence.

Further your use of the phrase "indoctrinated by left wing academia" exposes your own fatal bias.
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NSA, IRS, Benghazi, ObabaCare, and Obama is still in the White House ONLY because most people still believe the major media outlets
NSA, IRS, Benghazi, ObabaCare, and Obama is still in the White House ONLY because most people still believe the major media outlets

Actually he's still there because we elect presidents for four-year terms.

It's actually written down somewhere. Constitution I think. You could look it up.
Cons have been brainwashed into thinking that the whole world is against them in a conspiracy. It's a strategy that worked for decades but is now backfiring in the information age. It's easier than ever to recognize overt partisanship and that's why MSNBC has terrible ratings and Air America failed. Because nobody bought or is buying their bullshit.

Fox News and con talk radio still profit off of the brainwashing. In maybe 10 or so years they'll have to start talking about the issues again instead of regurgitating talking points.
In my mind, the only evidence of liberal-controlled television is MSNBC. I don't understand this belief that networks like CNN, CBS, or ABC have this glaring liberal bias. While I am not necessarily a fan of these networks, I would say they do a good job in their unbiased reporting. All of them have been critical of Obama.

I think many on the right want to believe there is huge liberal bias on television news because these networks don't confirm the radical bullshit propaganda that is spewed on Fox News.

In my opinion, if you want to avoid media bias on television, don't watch fake news networks like Fox News or MSNBC. The rest of them keep it fair.

You’re correct to question it, in fact there is no ‘liberal media,’ ‘powerful’ or otherwise.

The media relate facts and the truth that often conflict with subjective rightist dogma, where conservatives incorrectly perceive this as ‘bias.’

Just as ridiculous is the notion that the media ‘sit on’ news events to benefit the left, or ‘refuse’ to investigate issues for the same reason – needless to say these notions are idiocy.

There are a lot of stupid people in the media then, because people in the media admit that there is a bias.

Journalist Panel, Including CNN?s Tapper, Agrees Media Has ?Liberal Bias? | Mediaite
"Liberal media" is a fantasy created by the Eliminationists who want a one-party state and can't stand the thought of dialogue or alternative views to their own. What we have in fact is a massive corporate media, a few megalopolic monsters with tentacles reaching into every possible facet of human commuication (TV stations, radio stations, TV networks, TV production companies, internet sites, ISPs, movies, magazines, book publishing, advertising, even sports teams and arenas, which makes it possible not only to control the news but actually dictate what the news is.

Liberal media? It does exist out there somewhere. Good luck finding it. That shit we're bombarded with wall to wall everywhere else? Corporate controlled and in no way independent.

"I admit it -- The liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

The American Society of Newspaper Editors conducted a survey in 1997 to ascertain the political persuasions of media contributors, 61% of reporters stated that they were members of, or sympathized with the Democratic Party. While 15% chose the Republican Party. Bear in mind that these are 'educated' people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated by left wing academia. Presently with the appearance of Fox News- which tends to slant towards the right wing - those numbers would probably differ somewhat.

Largely starting in the 90s, the right wing ... began to display an uneasiness and outright disgust with the blatant distortion and vigorous indoctrination being perpetrated by the Left and began to produce and promote a somewhat more balanced media. Although they are far from the levels of devious expertise employed by the left , who've had decades of experience, their meager attempts to resist Big Brother did not go unnoticed. Leftist rabble rousers were in an uproar, I mean how dare the Right Wing fight back , how dare they employ the underhanded and devious tactics which the left believed to be their exclusive domain.
Media Matters for America

You haven't made an argument. You've conflated the personal politics of reporters (which is not the entire news system anyway -- they have editors, owners and publishers) with the stories they report.

The "liberal media" fantasy -- unless I've been misreading it for decades-- refers to the content in the media. Not the personal politics of one segment of those who work within it.

And it also presupposes that no reporter can be objective and leave his/her own POV out of a story. Which is unsupported by any evidence.

Further your use of the phrase "indoctrinated by left wing academia" exposes your own fatal bias.

Pogo sees actual evidence, and rejects it. Is anyone surprised?
Cons have been brainwashed into thinking that the whole world is against them in a conspiracy. It's a strategy that worked for decades but is now backfiring in the information age. It's easier than ever to recognize overt partisanship and that's why MSNBC has terrible ratings and Air America failed. Because nobody bought or is buying their bullshit.

Fox News and con talk radio still profit off of the brainwashing. In maybe 10 or so years they'll have to start talking about the issues again instead of regurgitating talking points.

It's the great self-feeding echo chamber. That's what it's there for; to tell each other lies until Doublethink kicks in.

I understand you have to click your heels together and murmur "there's no place like home...there is a liberal media... "
Cons have been brainwashed into thinking that the whole world is against them in a conspiracy. It's a strategy that worked for decades but is now backfiring in the information age. It's easier than ever to recognize overt partisanship and that's why MSNBC has terrible ratings and Air America failed. Because nobody bought or is buying their bullshit.

Fox News and con talk radio still profit off of the brainwashing. In maybe 10 or so years they'll have to start talking about the issues again instead of regurgitating talking points.
Which is consistent with being confronted with the fact that your political dogma is for the most part untrue.

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