"I own an AR-15. If there's a natural disaster in South Carolina where cops can't protect me, i'll protect myself against gangs" - Lindsey Graham

And if someone wants one to shoot up a school or supermarket, that’s his damned business

Actually, not. The Constitution gives you the right to keep and bear arms ... it does not give you the right to commit crimes with it.

Even the Supreme Court acknowledges that right is not unlimited and does not apply to military style weapons
I always get a chuckle when people try to minimize the vicious acts of individuals under the age of 18 by referring to them as "kids."
And if someone wants one to shoot up a school or supermarket, that’s his damned business

Actually, not. The Constitution gives you the right to keep and bear arms ... it does not give you the right to commit crimes with it.

Even the Supreme Court acknowledges that right is not unlimited and does not apply to military style weapons

Not unlimited, but there is no need criteria to own a firearm. I can own one simply because it is my right to do so. That right, regardless of what you infer, does not give you the right to commit a crime with a firearm.
Typical fantasy of AR-15 owners

More likely to use it to chase kids off their lawn
Know a lot of AR owners, do you, Art? Sounds more like you have some sort of grizzled old redneck meme as a reference. It also sounds like you'd be one who'd be cheering on -from a safe distance - if Slow Joe and his HO were to send in America's new Schutzstaffel (FBI) to kick doors and grab guns.
I can promise all who believe that fantasy, one thing... it may not lead to violence but it WILL begin the process of actually tearing this nation apart. You people pulled off a coup with the media's help but when you take a step against 2A, you'll find you don't have any clue who OR how many, you're dealing with.
Nothing kills a school full of six year olds like an AR-15

Or a car driving through the playgound at recess.

Nuts will be nuts. If they want to kill kids, it isn’t hard to find a way.
And if someone wants one to shoot up a school or supermarket, that’s his damned business

Actually, not. The Constitution gives you the right to keep and bear arms ... it does not give you the right to commit crimes with it.

Even the Supreme Court acknowledges that right is not unlimited and does not apply to military style weapons

What is a military style weapon? To snowflakes, it is anything that resembles the weapon choices they have when playing Call of Duty.
Typical fantasy of AR-15 owners

More likely to use it to chase kids off their lawn

It's Sunday, which means that Sen. Lindsey Graham was on television again to express unconvincing outrage about a Thing.

'I hold in my hand an incomplete list of every Sunday show I have been on since January. They can't stop me. I show up with my own camera, plug it in and just start talking.'
That's utter nonsense. 2.5 million defensive uses of firearms every year translates to 6,489 uses every single day.
"The most comprehensive study ever conducted about defensive gun use in the United States was a 1995 survey published by criminologist Gary Kleck in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. This study reported between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year."
That's utter nonsense. 2.5 million defensive uses of firearms every year translates to 6,489 uses every single day.
"The most comprehensive study ever conducted about defensive gun use in the United States was a 1995 survey published by criminologist Gary Kleck in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. This study reported between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year."

The Democrat Party is based upon Victimhood. No wonder why they are upset with firearms, look how many people are avoiding becoming a victim.
Typical fantasy of AR-15 owners

More likely to use it to chase kids off their lawn
It happens every day, moron.

Everyday? No, but the situation can and has arisen
People defend themselves from predators with a gun every day of the week.

Do you still masturbate to your AR-15?
RightWinger, means he has lost the argument and has nothing left but stupid empty insults...
LOL Rambo of suburbia facing zombie like hordes of city people coming for their miracle whip and wonder bread. Why are Republican's gun arguments all like bad movie plots?
Hmmm, let's see if we have this right. Republican makes a reasoned argument about a scenario that actually happens, and fairly frequently. We see a natural disaster followed by a fairly lengthy amount of time of looting, violence and mayhem. That IS the appropriate time to have defensive weaponry available.

You, OTOH, launch into wild supposition about a scenario that we have not seen and won't, short of the kind of event that leaves society in near total collapse, in which dying is almost a preferred outcome. Why do anti-gun democrats always go to to the most extreme, ludicrous arguments?

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