I have a unique perspective of "the moon shall be turned into blood."


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
The Bible seams to indicate that the moon and the Sun will no longer be needed at the winding up scene
Christ and His Glory will provide the light that is needed.

Now how would the moon be turned into blood.
Simply does that mean that the life of the moon will be taken from it?.
"the life of the flesh is in the blood."
Does this mean figuratively the moon will be killed.(destroyed)
Christ and His Glory will provide the light that is needed.

Can't we just use LEDs?

Dear tyroneweaver
RE: " "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."

A. Because the Revelations are written in symbolic "dreamlike" language,
this is most likely symbolic and not literal.

B. It could still mean a literal vision of the moon appearing "blood red"
such as referring to atmospheric changes that give the moon an orange or red appearance.

C. or if you want to search for global symbolic meaning,
the "moon" can refer to either ancient matriarchal worship that was killed off by genocide,
or to the "Eastern" cultures that measure years by the "lunar" cycle
where this may refer to genocide in Asia.
While the "sun" is associated with patriarchal/western focus of religion and political history.


Today's climate of both mass slavery, genocide and trafficking largely in Asia by population alone,
but also in Africa and the Americas,
could be seen as an indicator we are close to the end times,
or the darkest period before the "sun rises."
Dear tyroneweaver
RE: " "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."

A. Because the Revelations are written in symbolic "dreamlike" language,
this is most likely symbolic and not literal.

B. It could still mean a literal vision of the moon appearing "blood red"
such as referring to atmospheric changes that give the moon an orange or red appearance.

C. or if you want to search for global symbolic meaning,
the "moon" can refer to either ancient matriarchal worship that was killed off by genocide,
or to the "Eastern" cultures that measure years by the "lunar" cycle
where this may refer to genocide in Asia.
While the "sun" is associated with patriarchal/western focus of religion and political history.


Today's climate of both mass slavery, genocide and trafficking largely in Asia by population alone,
but also in Africa and the Americas,
could be seen as an indicator we are close to the end times,
or the darkest period before the "sun rises."
I know the jdubs have an interesting take
They say its all the murders that take place when the moon is up. (at night)
Dear tyroneweaver
RE: " "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."

A. Because the Revelations are written in symbolic "dreamlike" language,
this is most likely symbolic and not literal.

B. It could still mean a literal vision of the moon appearing "blood red"
such as referring to atmospheric changes that give the moon an orange or red appearance.

C. or if you want to search for global symbolic meaning,
the "moon" can refer to either ancient matriarchal worship that was killed off by genocide,
or to the "Eastern" cultures that measure years by the "lunar" cycle
where this may refer to genocide in Asia.
While the "sun" is associated with patriarchal/western focus of religion and political history.


Today's climate of both mass slavery, genocide and trafficking largely in Asia by population alone,
but also in Africa and the Americas,
could be seen as an indicator we are close to the end times,
or the darkest period before the "sun rises."
I know the jdubs have an interesting take
They say its all the murders that take place when the moon is up. (at night)

Okay so that refers to the increase in gravitational pull
like the moon and the tides. And it also makes werewolves
come out, and vampires and zombies come out of the closet, too!
The Bible seams to indicate that the moon and the Sun will no longer be needed at the winding up scene
Christ and His Glory will provide the light that is needed.

Now how would the moon be turned into blood.
Simply does that mean that the life of the moon will be taken from it?.
"the life of the flesh is in the blood."
Does this mean figuratively the moon will be killed.(destroyed)
The moon is alive?

When judgment comes, the moon doesn't shed its light (and neither does the sun). The moon was darkened when God judged Babylon, for example (Is 13:10).

When the moon is darkened - or turned to blood - so is the sun, as in Acts 2:10. When Joel's prophecy of the end came to pass in this passage, the moon had turned to blood. A dark and foreboding cloud had descended on Jerusalem; the moon did not literally turn to blood.
The Bible seams to indicate that the moon and the Sun will no longer be needed at the winding up scene
Christ and His Glory will provide the light that is needed.

Now how would the moon be turned into blood.
Simply does that mean that the life of the moon will be taken from it?.
"the life of the flesh is in the blood."
Does this mean figuratively the moon will be killed.(destroyed)
The sun lights the day the moon rules the night.

Jesus said that he was the light of the world.

The moon that rules the night being turned to blood is comparable to Jesus turning wine into blood and giving it to the nations to drink as a guiding light during the night of his absence while darkness reigns.

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