I have a question

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Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017
If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?
Look at the 2 boxes at bottom where you started it. The way I understand it, it is private messaging unless you check the block allowing other in. Could be wrong. Pretty sure Mods and probably staff can see it. Could be wrong about that also. Glad I could be of such UN-authoratative, Unhelpful help.

Posters are limited on the number of other posters they can have in a PM conversation. There use to be a place on the right side of the page that offered membership status that you could purchase. The number of other posters you're allowed to have in a PM conversation goes up if you decide to purchase a membership status.

With Gold Supporting Membership status you can have around 8-12 I think, less for Silver Supporting Membership status, and only around 2-4 for no Membership status purchase.

I could tell you the exact numbers if I could locate where they misplaced the Membership status purchasing area.


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If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.
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If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can do it...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

Even flacaltenn, the bigshot Senior Moderator can't see the PM's as they have no access to sneak a look behind the PM author's PM board. Only people who have access to the Server Panel (Owner, full administrator) could read ANYONE's PM, they can be found in the database in the server panel, but that would mean they don't have a life to brag about.

Came back to add this:

I nearly got the owner of a forum, who lied saying she couldn't read the PM's, sued for it. I know since I got the evidence in HOW she can read them, and exposed the lies to others who were already banned for discussing libertarianism in private. She got lucky she had them all banned before she could get exposed as they no longer had access to their PM's
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If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can do it...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

Even flacaltenn, the bigshot Senior Moderator can't see the PM's as they have no access to sneak a look behind the PM author's PM board. Only people who have access to the Server Panel (Owner, full administrator) could read ANYONE's PM, they can be found in the database in the server panel, but that would mean they don't have a life to brag about.

The heck with boring PMs man.. What I want is access to the member's Private picture galleries... :hyper:

Every one of my current event threads that are current events get bumped off.......Mostly after 5 pages too. Or immediately.

Everyone of my breaking news that are really breaking gets bounced. Immediately

When I mention a political item in the political thread, they suddenly become politically incorrect and axed

I don't flame or troll.yet I get responses axed because of trolling and spamming.

OK NOW.............I am a stats guy. I marked all the moderator since inception that did this.....GUESS WHAT???? Almost every one were libturds doing it

Statistically it should be about half, but it is zilch.......................WHY????????????????

How can a current event be nixed out of current events?????????????????????????????????????????

How can a politically induced thread be axed politically????????????????????????

How can a breaking news event be axed from breaking news?????????????????????

I even get called out in Badlands for topics not to be discussed in Badlands...you guessed it, all libturds.

I guess in summary, I have to question why I am even here.

I appreciated everything though except this. It is intolerable.

Please. I don't want to hear lack of content...bla...bla...bla.....................I come here to give content.

Hell I don't even expect a response even.

Every one of my current event threads that are current events get bumped off.......Mostly after 5 pages too. Or immediately.

Everyone of my breaking news that are really breaking gets bounced. Immediately

When I mention a political item in the political thread, they suddenly become politically incorrect and axed

I don't flame or troll.yet I get responses axed because of trolling and spamming.

OK NOW.............I am a stats guy. I marked all the moderator since inception that did this.....GUESS WHAT???? Almost every one were libturds doing it

Statistically it should be about half, but it is zilch.......................WHY????????????????

How can a current event be nixed out of current events?????????????????????????????????????????

How can a politically induced thread be axed politically????????????????????????

How can a breaking news event be axed from breaking news?????????????????????

I even get called out in Badlands for topics not to be discussed in Badlands...you guessed it, all libturds.

I guess in summary, I have to question why I am even here.

I appreciated everything though except this. It is intolerable.

Please. I don't want to hear lack of content...bla...bla...bla.....................I come here to give content.

Hell I don't even expect a response even.

You WILL get a response since you attacked the mods.

Attacking mods is a bad idea, better to take this to the PM system, leave the rest of the forum membership out of it.

I respect ALL the Mods even the ones who are thought to be leftists, they do a good job moderating, it is hard to be perfectly aligned even as Mods, this is one of the most complicated forums I have seen, where they try hard to balance flaming with topic relevance postings. This forum is full of partisanship commentary, it is something I dislike, something Mods despair about, which the fault of the members not the Mods who tries steer them back to the TOPIC relevance in their postings.

Better to discuss your grievance in the PM's.
If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

One mod here has revealed knowledge of private conversations.

How does that happen if they are prevented from accessing them?

They are not being prevented from accessing them, they have no such access at all. I know this because I have owned about 10 forums in the last 11 years, standard Moderators have NO access to the Aministrator board, only Forum Owners, FULL Administrators do, heck even standard administrators can be blocked from the sensitive parts of the admin board.

Only Board owners and FULL administrators have access to the database where you can read the PM's, but they don't bother, as it is unnecessary and unethical.

Every one of my current event threads that are current events get bumped off.......Mostly after 5 pages too. Or immediately.

Everyone of my breaking news that are really breaking gets bounced. Immediately

When I mention a political item in the political thread, they suddenly become politically incorrect and axed

I don't flame or troll.yet I get responses axed because of trolling and spamming.

OK NOW.............I am a stats guy. I marked all the moderator since inception that did this.....GUESS WHAT???? Almost every one were libturds doing it

Statistically it should be about half, but it is zilch.......................WHY????????????????

How can a current event be nixed out of current events?????????????????????????????????????????

How can a politically induced thread be axed politically????????????????????????

How can a breaking news event be axed from breaking news?????????????????????

I even get called out in Badlands for topics not to be discussed in Badlands...you guessed it, all libturds.

I guess in summary, I have to question why I am even here.

I appreciated everything though except this. It is intolerable.

Please. I don't want to hear lack of content...bla...bla...bla.....................I come here to give content.

Hell I don't even expect a response even.

You WILL get a response since you attacked the mods.

Attacking mods is a bad idea, better to take this to the PM system, leave the rest of the forum membership out of it.

I respect ALL the Mods even the ones who are thought to be leftists, they do a good job moderating, it is hard to be perfectly aligned even as Mods, this is one of the most complicated forums I have seen, where they try hard to balance flaming with topic relevance postings. This forum is full of partisanship commentary, it is something I dislike, something Mods despair about, which the fault of the members not the Mods who tries steer them back to the TOPIC relevance in their postings.

Better to discuss your grievance in the PM's.

I wasn't attacking, just presenting stats.I didn't know that but it doesn't matter now. When I first saw 50 pages of rules when I came here, I should have known better. Nice knowing you though. Thanks.Signing out. This is intolerable.
If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

One mod here has revealed knowledge of private conversations.

How does that happen if they are prevented from accessing them?

They are not being prevented from accessing them, they have no such access at all. I know this because I have owned about 10 forums in the last 11 years, standard Moderators have NO access to the Aministrator board, only Forum Owners, FULL Administrators do, heck even standard administrators can be blocked from the sensitive parts of the admin board.

Only Board owners and FULL administrators have access to the database where you can read the PM's, but they don't bother, as it is unnecessary and unethical.
Yet a moderator here has revealed knowledge of p.ms.

You are indulging in quite the fallacy here by stating that it the unethical nature of an action that acts to prevent a person from that specific action.
If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

One mod here has revealed knowledge of private conversations.

How does that happen if they are prevented from accessing them?

They are not being prevented from accessing them, they have no such access at all. I know this because I have owned about 10 forums in the last 11 years, standard Moderators have NO access to the Aministrator board, only Forum Owners, FULL Administrators do, heck even standard administrators can be blocked from the sensitive parts of the admin board.

Only Board owners and FULL administrators have access to the database where you can read the PM's, but they don't bother, as it is unnecessary and unethical.
Yet a moderator here has revealed knowledge of p.ms.

You are indulging in quite the fallacy here by stating that it the unethical nature of an action that acts to prevent a person from that specific action.
No, it is Unethical to be snooping on PRIVATE messages, after all it is PRIVATE and the board rules are quite specific about KEEPING it that way.

You forget what Senior Moderator said, from post 6?

"I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share."


I think you misunderstood what your unnamed Moderator stated.
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If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

One mod here has revealed knowledge of private conversations.

How does that happen if they are prevented from accessing them?

They are not being prevented from accessing them, they have no such access at all. I know this because I have owned about 10 forums in the last 11 years, standard Moderators have NO access to the Aministrator board, only Forum Owners, FULL Administrators do, heck even standard administrators can be blocked from the sensitive parts of the admin board.

Only Board owners and FULL administrators have access to the database where you can read the PM's, but they don't bother, as it is unnecessary and unethical.
Yet a moderator here has revealed knowledge of p.ms.

You are indulging in quite the fallacy here by stating that it the unethical nature of an action that acts to prevent a person from that specific action.
No, it is Unethical to be snooping on PRIVATE messages, after all it is PRIVATE and the board rules are quite specific about KEEPING it that way.

You forget what Senior Moderator said, from post 6?

"I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share."


I think you misunderstood what your unnamed Moderator stated.
Of course it is unethical. DUH.

The issue here is that unethical people do it.
If you start a conversation with someone.

Is there anyone else who can get access to it ?

I'm gonna jump in without looking to see if another mod answered.. The answer is NO.. Folks must be invited in and only the Conversation starter (or a mod -- IF they are already invited in ) can invite people...

The Mod Staff is totally blind to what's in PMs unless they are invited in.. And by the rules -- Anything said in a PM can NOT be quoted on the boards without express permission of all in the PM...

Now -- they CAN be read by Admin access. But that's inadvertent or because of testing something.

Doesn't mean that you are free to stalk or harass anyone.. Because that kind of use of PM is against the rules and CAN be reported.. And THEN -- mod staff has access to parts of it that either party share.

One mod here has revealed knowledge of private conversations.

How does that happen if they are prevented from accessing them?

They are not being prevented from accessing them, they have no such access at all. I know this because I have owned about 10 forums in the last 11 years, standard Moderators have NO access to the Aministrator board, only Forum Owners, FULL Administrators do, heck even standard administrators can be blocked from the sensitive parts of the admin board.

Only Board owners and FULL administrators have access to the database where you can read the PM's, but they don't bother, as it is unnecessary and unethical.
Yet a moderator here has revealed knowledge of p.ms.

You are indulging in quite the fallacy here by stating that it the unethical nature of an action that acts to prevent a person from that specific action.

Only way we get knowledge of PMs is thru members reporting them and GIVING us the content or we are invited in or we START the PMs... Have no idea what you're referring to...

And if you want to pursue this allegation, PM me..

Every one of my current event threads that are current events get bumped off.......Mostly after 5 pages too. Or immediately.

Everyone of my breaking news that are really breaking gets bounced. Immediately

When I mention a political item in the political thread, they suddenly become politically incorrect and axed

I don't flame or troll.yet I get responses axed because of trolling and spamming.

OK NOW.............I am a stats guy. I marked all the moderator since inception that did this.....GUESS WHAT???? Almost every one were libturds doing it

Statistically it should be about half, but it is zilch.......................WHY????????????????

How can a current event be nixed out of current events?????????????????????????????????????????

How can a politically induced thread be axed politically????????????????????????

How can a breaking news event be axed from breaking news?????????????????????

I even get called out in Badlands for topics not to be discussed in Badlands...you guessed it, all libturds.

I guess in summary, I have to question why I am even here.

I appreciated everything though except this. It is intolerable.

Please. I don't want to hear lack of content...bla...bla...bla.....................I come here to give content.

Hell I don't even expect a response even.

Have you contacted ANY ONE on Mod Staff to ask for explanations?? If so -- when? PM me - give me the LATEST complaints.. I've never had a PM with you that I can recall... Can't find any notes on complaints from you.

Choose one or two mods and DISCUSS this with them...
This went from maybe informative and fun to complaints that need to be submitted thru contact with moderation.. When we make ourselves available to faithfully answer questions, it's not a time to rehash OLD business and continuing gripes... We CAN NOT do that in public.. Because we don't want to submit the evidence and facts with a jeering audience and don't want to embarrass anyone or disclose THEIR actions in front of everyone...
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