I got accidentaly a cut on my right upper eye lid


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I was yesterday at the turkish barber. Usually Im very content with the service. But yesterday I asked for my eyebrows do be done and he wanted to shorten them with the hair razor machine and he cut my upper eye lid. I was at the doctor and received a tetanol injection. I also gave a blood donation so he will check if I got hepathitis or any infection. From pain it is better now, and it is less swollen but Im a bit scared what the blood test will say. I will know it on tuesday.

Cut.jpg Cut2.jpg Cut3.jpg Cut.jpg Cut2.jpg Cut3.jpg Cut4.jpg Cut5.jpg Xu.jpg
I was yesterday at the turkish barber. Usually Im very content with the service. But yesterday I asked for my eyebrows do be done and he wanted to shorten them with the hair razor machine and he cut my upper eye lid. I was at the doctor and received a tetanol injection. I also gave a blood donation so he will check if I got hepathitis or any infection. From pain it is better now, and it is less swollen but Im a bit scared what the blood test will say. I will know it on tuesday.

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Ouch! You may want to look for a new barber.
You'll live.

Rub some dirt on it and go play is what I would have told my kids for a lil thing like that.
I was yesterday at the turkish barber. Usually Im very content with the service. But yesterday I asked for my eyebrows do be done and he wanted to shorten them with the hair razor machine and he cut my upper eye lid. I was at the doctor and received a tetanol injection. I also gave a blood donation so he will check if I got hepathitis or any infection. From pain it is better now, and it is less swollen but Im a bit scared what the blood test will say. I will know it on tuesday.

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That's a character scar Morti, ya tell the chics ya got it stopping a mugging outside a seedy bingo parlor...btw, ya may wanna consider getting that other brow done
You should have done the Dumb and Dumber ketchup gag.
I haven't had a professional haircut since before my mother's funeral in 1991....been
cutting my own hair since then.
Cheap bastard. I bet your back neck looks like shit.
Ahhhhhhhh. So the "Turkish" barber is actually a Puerto Rican with a switchblade. It all makes perfect sense now.

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