I Doubt ObamaInc Intented for this to Appear this way...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™

^I Never Realized how much Taxachussettes looked like a Gun until Obama sent me this e-mail that seemed to say...

"Make the Call, Damn it!... Do it!...DO IT!..."


I am sure they will be grateful for the call, as it is 3AM there right now. Might be a good idea to call someone right there and tell them that they should vote Democrat in order to ensure cap and trade and 0bamacare pass this year. They will be so glad to hear from me....

(Wouldn't actually do that. I have standards)
I am sure they will be grateful for the call, as it is 3AM there right now. Might be a good idea to call someone right there and tell them that they should vote Democrat in order to ensure cap and trade and 0bamacare pass this year. They will be so glad to hear from me....

(Wouldn't actually do that. I have standards)

I should call and say, "I am with the Obama Campaign, but I am Quitting because this guy is out his Fuckin' Mind!"...



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