I Don't Think the House Fight Worked Out the Way Matt Gaetz Thought It Would


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

I Don't Think the House Fight Worked Out the Way Matt Gaetz Thought It Would​

3 Oct 2023 ~~ By Paula Solyard

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) successfully led a coup against now-former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday. He managed to eke out a ā€œwinā€ by rallying the entire Democratic caucus and eight Republicans to oust him. Itā€™s the first time that has happened in U.S. history.

And itā€™s a total clown show.

Not only does it distract from the already tense budget negotiations, but it makes a laughingstock of the GOPā€”and the U.S.ā€”and gives Democrats even more leverage to push through their radical policies.

Gaetz got a win, but at what cost? Sure, heā€™ll raise a lot of campaign money from thisā€”heā€™s already sending out emails and asking for money on Fox Newsā€” but is there a plan going forward? Of course not. The two congressmen whose names have been bandied about as potential House speakersā€”Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Steve Scalise (La.)ā€”both spoke on behalf of McCarthy ahead of the vote and then voted to keep him as speaker. McCarthy announced tonight that he will not seek reelection as speaker. Gaetz stated emphatically that he doesnā€™t want the job. At publishing time, Scalise had sort of thrown his hat into the ring, and some are floating Trump as the next speaker, but none of that will be sorted out quickly.
Whoever becomes the next speaker will still have to deal with the same reality. The GOP has a slim majority that ranges from left-leaning Republicans in Democrat districts to moderates to the eight holdouts. And Democrats can still block anything the House sends over.
No one, not even legendary former Speaker Newt Gingrich, arguably one of the most successful Republican House leaders in history, could 100% unify the Republican caucus.
If Gaetz expected universal support for using the nuclear option, he was sadly mistaken. Jim Jordan summed up the debacle by saying, ā€œI think this is a day where we say, ā€˜Look, what happened here was not good.ā€™ I think what happened to Kevin McCarthy was not fair. Letā€™s figure out how we come together as a conference and focus on our agenda.ā€
Unfortunately, thatā€™s unrealistic at this point, thanks to Gaetz and his merry band of showboaters.

Presently Congressmen Scalise and Jordan have said they would take the reins if elected. Then of course Trump as mentioned.
Itā€™s hard to believe, but the primaries begin in just a few months. I donā€™t think anyone disagrees that this will be one of the most important elections in our nationā€™s history. Itā€™s a choice between freedom and tyranny. Between our Constitution and the fantasy world of the Left. Big Tech, a fully owned subsidiary of the Left (and probably the White House), has been working overtime to demonetize and throttle us.
ā€œHardly a ringing endorsement of Gaetzā€™s strategy (if he even had one).ā€
No one is quite sure what comes next; what is clear is that Gaetz has channeled the frustration of the Republican/MAGA base into an actionable result. This should not come as a surprise to the GOP, although many of the cloistered clan continue pretending not to understand the dynamic at play.
Nancy Mace is also seeking donations. Gaetz came running too. I am known as a republican who backs my ideology with cash. I am thinking over donating to Mace. Gaetz won't collect a dime from me. So why one but not the other? Nancy comes out with far more helping the public than does Gaetz. Was a kick in his balls needed? I mean McCarthy? Damned right. But by removing him? As the bulk of the republicans said trying to save mcCarthy, it was pretty damned stupid. We have no clue of this will work to cut down spending. All Gaetz did was essentially promise his way would work and we have to take a hell of a chance. Knowing damned well Biden and the Democrats plan to use this to stop us. We got shit for canning McCarthy.
Reddit retards have gone maga...now I've seen it all
Does it really matter anymore? Republicans need to put large screen TV's and colorful redecorations into the House Chambers. A disco ball and anything else put into it. The endless theatrics from Progs going over their heads means they are not our representatives. Use food, outfits, colorful metaphors and everything else. Have the goods on all of their opponents on TV/media/entertainment and spew it. On them and their families. We are trying to survive.
I suppose to receive the necessary vote to become speaker, the candidates will be forced to make a deal with either Gaetz or the Democrats. Republicans have until next week to get their shit together.
Nancy Mace is also seeking donations. Gaetz came running too. I am known as a republican who backs my ideology with cash. I am thinking over donating to Mace. Gaetz won't collect a dime from me. So why one but not the other? Nancy comes out with far more helping the public than does Gaetz. Was a kick in his balls needed? I mean McCarthy? Damned right. But by removing him? As the bulk of the republicans said trying to save mcCarthy, it was pretty damned stupid. We have no clue of this will work to cut down spending. All Gaetz did was essentially promise his way would work and we have to take a hell of a chance. Knowing damned well Biden and the Democrats plan to use this to stop us. We got shit for canning McCarthy.
Though she's not a hair-on-fire righty, Mace voted to 86 McCarthy too.
Don't blame Gaetz, if McCarthy were a great speaker he'd still have the job. Remember it took him 14 damn votes to get over the finish line the first time. A Republican speaker from CALIFORNIA was stupid to begin with. I also noticed it didn't take more than an hour for others to raise a hand and announce they wanted to replace him. lol

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