I don't even recognize myself

Where did this young man go?


Dont worry, your still in there
If you're such a hot shot success at so many different things, why can't you even use the basic punctuation you should have learned by the 5th grade?

You're pitiful and its embarrassing to read your posts.
OH the grammar means something to an anal asswipe
It makes even less a difference

I keep reading your posts yet you seem to have a problem with "Reflecting".

You are doing everything you are attacking.

This is basic Psychology. "Who are you really mad at?"
Prove it. Post links
Other than that you're a liar.
More basic Psychology......

You don't recognize yourself anymore because you have followed the path of others instead of being the leader of your own path.
Shit stain what the fuck? It's a god damn title to a thread. All I am saying is I have changed in my looks, I'm older. Does that help in your pre physoclogy
More basic Psychology......

You don't recognize yourself anymore because you have followed the path of others instead of being the leader of your own path.
WTF? It's a title where I am saying I have changed, I am older I don't look like I use to. Did that help in your pre phycology 101 class?
If you support obama you are a follower.
it doesn't look good on your part with how you address them.


Got any :links: where I have been disrespectful of anyone's military service?
Well how are you addressing me?

This is once again proof that under their hard, "get the fuck off my lawn" exteriors, the vast majority of Righties are just plain old pussies who constantly need praise and affection. Fer fux sakes, stand up, feel your balls, realize that in spite of your 3,000 shortcomings or so, you are a man and act like one!

im scared.....

I love it when yer honest.

it doesn't look good on your part with how you address them.


Got any :links: where I have been disrespectful of anyone's military service?
Well how are you addressing me?

This is once again proof that under their hard, "get the fuck off my lawn" exteriors, the vast majority of Righties are just plain old pussies who constantly need praise and affection. Fer fux sakes, stand up, feel your balls, realize that in spite of your 3,000 shortcomings or so, you are a man and act like one!

im scared.....

I love it when yer honest.

Sarcasm went over your head.
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.
I did my time and went with the money you dumb ass. I know your bitter like a little whiny ass bitch.
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D
I'm more of a man than you'll ever be short fry.
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D

Baby Huey is a real piece of work. What my dad used to call "tits on a pup". He posts proof of his own lies, proof of a very mediocre life, says he freeloads and scams honest hard-working, tax paying Americans and then demands that we 'respect his credentials'.

Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D

Baby Huey is a real piece of work. What my dad used to call "tits on a pup". He posts proof of his own lies, proof of a very mediocre life, says he freeloads and scams honest hard-working, tax paying Americans and then demands that we 'respect his credentials'.

So butt hurt so little time maybe your dad should have used a condom
The real piece of work is you you are such a fucking liar only obama leads in that area.
Once again dumb ass no tax cheat, but I refuse to pay for your obamacare. Don't like it go pound sand.
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D
I'm more of a man than you'll ever be short fry.

Your 64" ass is your problem, Baby Huey!
Nice pic OP!

Thank you for your service!

How do you know he rates a thank you? Lot of good people in the military, and a lot of self serving scumbags looking for a free ride and a pension.

According to his own posting, Baby Huey didn't make it very far and didn't do any better as a cop. According to what he posted, he couldn't even find his way to the location of calls. Just what every policed force needs - a cop who gets lost.

But you have to give Baby Huey credit for consistency, he gets lost around here too! :D
I'm more of a man than you'll ever be short fry.

Your 64" ass is your problem, Baby Huey!
Yes you are really showing who the baby Huey is you're acting like a two year old.

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