I don't even recognize myself

Strange how someone of with an alleged IQ of 119 believes that because his own words are being exposed as lies that equates to "bashing vets". Of course that just exposes that he is lying about his IQ too. :lol:

IQ of 119????????????????????????

Who bashed vets?

bigrebnc1775 Post the link to someone "bashing vets".

I would never bash vets. I do bash chronic liars though.
You're bashing one now.
Case closed.
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

How do you know I did it? If I did it that is supposed to be between me and the mods and is a mod action.
I have shown supporting credentials

You haven't supported your allegation that you have a 38" waist and a 64" chest.

Those photos of Baby Huey didn't quite cut it, did they.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

Apparently Baby Huey didn't read his own thread.
I have shown supporting credentials

You haven't supported your allegation that you have a 38" waist and a 64" chest.

Those photos of Baby Huey didn't quite cut it, did they.

You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

Apparently Baby Huey didn't read his own thread.

I think you are right, nap time for Baby Huey!


Catch you later! :lol:
Where did this young man go?


He is still there. :)
Just because your outside aged does not mean that the young man is gone.
Thanks for your service.
Sometimes he likes to get out and act young and foolish. I guess that's when I look and he's gone lol

We all did young and foolish things when we were young teens and young adults. I was talking about the inner you - . the mind or spirit :)
My mind is young but my body wishes it wasn't. lol

We're only our minds, not any part of our bodies. We can transplant and replace just about any organ and every limb, can replace every last drop of blood, even manipulate some genes. Yet changing all that doesn't change who we are, that's all brain. And while transplanting heads has been done, the monkey it was done too was reportedly very upset. :)
I have shown supporting credentials

You haven't supported your allegation that you have a 38" waist and a 64" chest.

Those photos of Baby Huey didn't quite cut it, did they.

You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

Apparently Baby Huey didn't read his own thread.
I get it you're jealous but I really don't care if those pictures didn't cut it with you, you do understand don't you? It makes no difference and does nothing to change the truth. and here we are back to the name calling
There is supposed to be an age requirement when you post here.
If you didn't read the documents I posted my first name is Charles.not Huey be a little less of a roll and more of an adult how about it?
I have shown supporting credentials

You haven't supported your allegation that you have a 38" waist and a 64" chest.

Those photos of Baby Huey didn't quite cut it, did they.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.

Saying what you did is not a "mod action". :rofl:

Apparently Baby Huey didn't read his own thread.

I think you are right, nap time for Baby Huey!


Catch you later! :lol:
Hard to decide whether or not you're 12 or just trolling for attention.
Spiders scare me to death! When we did night patrols in Okinawa we'd be moving through the brush and everyo once in a while yer face would go through one of their webs and you just knew they were on ya'!

After my teen years bugs left me alone for the most part. I think I just sweat some kinda' smell they don't like.
yea....i know what they mean......

This thread And a couple of others that I have started shows just how bad trolls have infected the USMB.
Three of the five have posted so far.

Oh, bullshit. No one has demeaned your service. In fact, we have praised it.

We often make fun of you, completely apart from your service, because you are an insufferable dickhead.

If you had 2 or 3 brain cells left, you would see the difference, Sailor boy.
can you explain that to Dottie and Guno please?....
it doesn't look good on your part with how you address them.


Got any :links: where I have been disrespectful of anyone's military service?
Well how are you addressing me?

This is once again proof that under their hard, "get the fuck off my lawn" exteriors, the vast majority of Righties are just plain old pussies who constantly need praise and affection. Fer fux sakes, stand up, feel your balls, realize that in spite of your 3,000 shortcomings or so, you are a man and act like one!

im scared.....
If you're such a hot shot success at so many different things, why can't you even use the basic punctuation you should have learned by the 5th grade?

You're pitiful and its embarrassing to read your posts.
OH the grammar means something to an anal asswipe
It makes even less a difference

I keep reading your posts yet you seem to have a problem with "Reflecting".

You are doing everything you are attacking.

This is basic Psychology. "Who are you really mad at?"
More basic Psychology......

You don't recognize yourself anymore because you have followed the path of others instead of being the leader of your own path.
I live in a VERY Red State in a VERY Red area and I found myself repeating things I didn't like just to fit in.

I only later learned that I'm a leader.........not a follower.

Back then I felt like the outcast trying to fit in, not being myself.

Today I'm a Leader in one of the top Corporations in the USA. I finally trusted myself and trust me, bigotry and hatred has no place on the workforce OR life.

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