I carry.

I have a concealed carry permit, but very seldom carry.
My penis is large enough thank you.

So next time someone comes over to rob you, you're gonna just whip it out??

Might as well :cool:

I live out in the sticks and have guns handy on my property.
Also they seem to think I am a crazy Nam Vet that will kill their ass if they mess with me :rolleyes:
btw I have yet to be robbed.

I just got the concealed carry so I could keep a ready to use gun concealed in my vehicle or sometimes in a pouch on my power wheelchair.
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I don't carry but god help the son of a bitch that breaks into my house. If he gets by my 95 pound German Shepherd he will meet my shotgun up close and very personal. One of us will walk away and it sure as shit won't be him.
Gun porn.
Smith & Wesson Model 66-4 .357magnum, loaded with Winchester 145gr Silvertip
Smith&Wesson Model 38 .38spc, loaded with 145gr Golden Shot from Blue Bunny Ammo.
I prefer my S&W 357 and Tarus 38. The best, however, is my Browning Buck Mark 22. Two in the c one in the h.

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