I can't breathe!...

Resist arrest? I guess this is using the logic that if a cop puts a hand on you arrest is implied because it sure wasnt said

I guess you can test out your theory next time you get arrested -- OR -- you can obey the law and NOT get arrested in the first place -- OR -- you can not resist if you ARE arrested. All sorts of options!

Or not carry a wallet...or a pack of Skittles....Or nothing at all

Actually pretty humorous. Cops DO need to make sure of their target before making kneejerk assumptions but we're talking about an idiot resisting arrest when it would be better to NOT resist arrest.
Resist arrest? I guess this is using the logic that if a cop puts a hand on you arrest is implied because it sure wasnt said

I guess you can test out your theory next time you get arrested -- OR -- you can obey the law and NOT get arrested in the first place -- OR -- you can not resist if you ARE arrested. All sorts of options!

Or not carry a wallet...or a pack of Skittles....Or nothing at all

...or get a gang of your Good Ol' Boy buddies to turn up with their guns to confront the cops...then you'll actually be a RW hero

The BLM aren't street cops ... they're Federal thugs and outright thieves!
Was he slapping them? I did not see that.
The cop reached for him and he knocked the cop's hand away

So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

Like I said no sympathy from me. If you want to be treated like a good citizen then be a good citizen

If you want to be treated like a criminal......
Usually you don't find out someone is unarmed until after you arrest them.

Correct. But simply being armed, or being large, should not be cause for police to attacking you during an arrest.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.

It's not difficult and a career criminal like Garner probably knows that better than you.
Was he slapping them? I did not see that.
The cop reached for him and he knocked the cop's hand away

So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

Like I said no sympathy from me. If you want to be treated like a good citizen then be a good citizen

If you want to be treated like a criminal......

Excellent point!!
If you can't breathe then you can't say "I can't breathe" 11 times.

Seriously try it. Have someone forcibly stop you from breathing and try to say "I can't breathe" 11 times
My daughter has asthma....she says "I can't breathe" and I believe her.
I doubt that she's committing crimes on the street. Just let her know that if she ever does commit crimes on the street that she shouldn't resist arrest when she's caught.
Usually you don't find out someone is unarmed until after you arrest them.

Correct. But simply being armed, or being large, should not be cause for police to attacking you during an arrest.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.

Usually you don't find out someone is unarmed until after you arrest them.

Correct. But simply being armed, or being large, should not be cause for police to attacking you during an arrest.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.
Was he slapping them? I did not see that.
The cop reached for him and he knocked the cop's hand away

So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!
Correct. But simply being armed, or being large, should not be cause for police to attacking you during an arrest.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door
The cop reached for him and he knocked the cop's hand away

So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing
Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing

You're right...the Justice system has been favorable to blacks. Thanks for setting the record straight
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing

You're right...the Justice system has been favorable to blacks. Thanks for setting the record straight

Keep trying to compare a career criminal on parole to any law abiding citizen of any color. It just makes your argument even weaker
So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

And if you did and he shot you I would still defend your rights from the asshole who says "oh well, he shouldnt have resisted" but I understand...

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

Comply with what? Grabbing? LOL

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.

What law? Resisting a grabbing? Or you throwing in that mental telepathy "you're under arrest" the cop said with his mind
Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing

You're right...the Justice system has been favorable to blacks. Thanks for setting the record straight

Keep trying to compare a career criminal on parole to any law abiding citizen of any color. It just makes your argument even weaker

I'm not you keep changing the subject tho and your sarcasm alludes to blacks having a hunky dorey time with the justice system....Its so silly that you changed the subject again
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

And if you did and he shot you I would still defend your rights from the asshole who says "oh well, he shouldnt have resisted" but I understand...

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

Comply with what? Grabbing? LOL

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.

What law? Resisting a grabbing? Or you throwing in that mental telepathy "you're under arrest" the cop said with his mind
If a cop grabs you what the fuck do you think he's doing.

The cop was reaching for the cuffs I'm sure anyone who hasn't been arrested knows what it means when a cop reaches for his cuffs and you at the same time never mind an experienced arrestee like GArner.

ANd I am in no fear of getting shot by a cop because I obey the law and I would not give a cop a reason to shoot me.

If you're stupid enough to do so then that's your problem
If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing

You're right...the Justice system has been favorable to blacks. Thanks for setting the record straight

Keep trying to compare a career criminal on parole to any law abiding citizen of any color. It just makes your argument even weaker

I'm not you keep changing the subject tho and your sarcasm alludes to blacks having a hunky dorey time with the justice system....Its so silly that you changed the subject again

Sorry but Garner wasn't an innocent.

If this was some kid with no record on his way to a legit job I might agree with you.

But This guy was a piece of shit who made his choices. They came back to bite him in his fat ass and it's no one's fault but his

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