I am glad this MUELr shit is behind us.

Investigations are going on in 18 different jurisdictions among state attorney generals and federal prosecutors offices, and the Congressional investigations that are just getting started.

The Trump chumps are in for a rude awakening in they thought anything was over.

Expect to be informed that these investigations are all hyper-partisan in nature, and are all going to naught. Any minute now. After all, the "Benghazi!", "But her emails!" Trumpleton crowd have swallowed the witch-hunt narrative, and they won't let it go.

What I don't understand is how an enormously experienced prosecutor, such as Mueller, cannot decide whether to indict or exonerate on the obstruction charge. That doesn't even begin to make sense - well, to me. I, for one, am looking forward to Mueller explaining this before some House committee. Also, there should be some clarification how the Trumpies' systematic lying and the non-cooperation by the Russians prevented figuring out, in full, the "collusion" part of the inquiry.
What makes you think it's over? A 4 page summary by someone who has a history of attacking Mueller's investigation is hardly enough to answer the questions that we all have the right to be answered.



The TREASON / ATTEMPTED COUP has been exposed.

Hillary's crimes & the deal cut between the DOJ & FBI to protect her has been exposed

The fact that the FBI investigated Trump and found NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE even BEFORE the official investigation was opened has been exposed.

The fact that the last 2+ years have been PROVEN to not only be a witch hunt but has also been seditious conspiracy, a treasonous coup attempt, has been exposed

The fact that you ignorant, partisan, lying, denying, justifying, Trump-hating, traitor / criminal defenders / snowflakes were WRONG for the last 2 years has been CONFIRMED / PROVEN.

You didn't accept the results of the 2016 election.

You won't accept the Mueller investigation results.

So don't STFU...I and many others will relish the opportunity to rub it in your faces over and over that you were WRONG ... AGAIN ...and how you LOST ... AGAIN!


It wasn't just The FBI that found no Collusion, there was also a Congressional Investigation, and a Senate Investigation that concluded exactly the same thing. No Collusion, No Obstruction.

The whole thing with Moscow Mueller was a waste of money and our time.
Investigations are going on in 18 different jurisdictions among state attorney generals and federal prosecutors offices, and the Congressional investigations that are just getting started.

The Trump chumps are in for a rude awakening in they thought anything was over.

Expect to be informed that these investigations are all hyper-partisan in nature, and are all going to naught. Any minute now. After all, the "Benghazi!", "But her emails!" Trumpleton crowd have swallowed the witch-hunt narrative, and they won't let it go.

What I don't understand is how an enormously experienced prosecutor, such as Mueller, cannot decide whether to indict or exonerate on the obstruction charge. That doesn't even begin to make sense - well, to me. I, for one, am looking forward to Mueller explaining this before some House committee. Also, there should be some clarification how the Trumpies' systematic lying and the non-cooperation by the Russians prevented figuring out, in full, the "collusion" part of the inquiry.

It's simple but you're not seeing. There never was any evidence so it's easy to not bring charges .
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


Former FBI Agent Paige testified under oath to Congress and exposed the fact that the FBI's investigation for months leading up to the opening up of an official investigation proved there was NO evidence, NO CRIME COMMITTED thus NO NEED for an official investigation and NO appointing of a special Counsel. The traitors used the dossier to lie / con the FISA Court and Congress into one, though!
Feb 12
Golfing Gator said:
Trump brought in yet another establishment swamp critter to be the AG to make sure all this gets brushed away so that when it is his turn he can walk away clear as well.

That doesn’t sound like a comment from someone thinking he is innocent.
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

I have said since day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

your hate addled mind has you in such a tizzy you cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground.
Feb 12
Golfing Gator said:
Trump brought in yet another establishment swamp critter to be the AG to make sure all this gets brushed away so that when it is his turn he can walk away clear as well.

That doesn’t sound like a comment from someone thinking he is innocent.
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

I have said since day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

your hate addled mind has you in such a tizzy you cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground.

I never said he was innocent, I said I did not think he did anything illegal.

Do try and keep up

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You have no credibility.
Feb 12
Golfing Gator said:
Trump brought in yet another establishment swamp critter to be the AG to make sure all this gets brushed away so that when it is his turn he can walk away clear as well.

That doesn’t sound like a comment from someone thinking he is innocent.
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

I have said since day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

your hate addled mind has you in such a tizzy you cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground.

I never said he was innocent, I said I did not think he did anything illegal.

Do try and keep up

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's simple but you're not seeing. There never was any evidence so it's easy to not bring charges .

It's always been the hallmark of genius, figuring out how this complex world is, in fact, "simple", and "easy", while the garrulous minor minds spend years to figure things out. Next hit the trifecta, and throw in "straightforward".
It's simple but you're not seeing. There never was any evidence so it's easy to not bring charges .

It's always been the hallmark of genius, figuring out how this complex world is, in fact, "simple", and "easy", while the garrulous minor minds spend years to figure things out. Next hit the trifecta, and throw in "straightforward".

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
You have no credibility.
Feb 12
Golfing Gator said:
Trump brought in yet another establishment swamp critter to be the AG to make sure all this gets brushed away so that when it is his turn he can walk away clear as well.

That doesn’t sound like a comment from someone thinking he is innocent.
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

I have said since day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

your hate addled mind has you in such a tizzy you cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground.

I never said he was innocent, I said I did not think he did anything illegal.

Do try and keep up

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

There are a lot of things a person can do that are either immoral or unethical that are not illegal.

Why is this so hard for you people? Trump is not god, he does not walk on the water as he changes it to wine. He is not an altar boy

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You have no credibility.
Feb 12
Golfing Gator said:
Trump brought in yet another establishment swamp critter to be the AG to make sure all this gets brushed away so that when it is his turn he can walk away clear as well.

That doesn’t sound like a comment from someone thinking he is innocent.
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

I have said since day one that Trump did not do anything illegal.

your hate addled mind has you in such a tizzy you cannot tell your ass from a hole in the ground.

I never said he was innocent, I said I did not think he did anything illegal.

Do try and keep up

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's just like Fake Jake
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


You nee to reread those 4 pages.
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


You nee to reread those 4 pages.

It's still going to say there are insufficient grounds to pursue the matter of collusion or obstruction, no matter how many times you read it.

Hate to break it to you but there's no chance of a reversal on instant replay, might as well move on to the next regularly scheduled hyper-partisan hissy fit.

"Everyone cannot master a grief but he that has it. " -- Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakspeare
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
The PROVEN attempted COUP is over!

Time to bring the traitors to justice:
....and perhaps even Obama himself!!!

Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


You nee to reread those 4 pages.
Maybe you do, here is a snippet for you-
Now we just have to deal with typical partisan DC bullshit.

Most Americans will be satisfied that a thorough investigation was completed and recognize that the current Democratic party is just pouting and stomping their feet. I would guess that they are skating on thin ice but what do I know, I didn't think voters were dumb enough to give Obama a second term.
That's what they do best
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


You nee to reread those 4 pages.

It's still going to say there are insufficient grounds to pursue the matter of collusion or obstruction, no matter how many times you read it.

Hate to break it to you but there's no chance of a reversal on instant replay, might as well move on to the next regularly scheduled hyper-partisan hissy fit.

"Everyone cannot master a grief but he that has it. " -- Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakspeare

I have no doubt that Trump's hand chosen spokesman will stick to his story. However, it will take more than his word to convince anybody. Mueller's actual report is required for that.
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
Please hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.

It will make this country a much better place
You treasonous lying f*s pretty much said that about everything....

Much like your 'guarantee' Hillary would win in a -landslide', every prediction you made, every lie you told and repeated, every false defense of the now-proven traitors / criminals, every 're got him now' BULLSHIT has collapsed - your hatred for this Presidency led you to lie and support criminal and traitors.

At the least you snowflakes have been proven to be the ignorant, gullible sheep Nohnathon Gruber bragged and bragged over and over you to be.

At the most - like Comey, Clapper, Rosenstein, and Brennan - you allowed your hatred to lead you knowingly to defend PROVEN perjurers, compromisers of national security, and traitors who attempted a partisan pitical coup.

And at the very least your credibility has been all but destroyed - everything you claimed, everything you claimed was fact, everything you predicted WAS JUST PROVEN FALSE / A LIE by Mueller's report!!!

Barr's little 4 pages didn't prove anything.

Mueller did: NO COLLUSION OR Obstruction!!


You nee to reread those 4 pages.
Maybe you do, here is a snippet for you-
View attachment 252151

Now read the part about obstruction.

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