I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke
the next time a womens sports team rolls out men to compete with the opposition...let the opposition roll out men also...will end this shit quick
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.
Well that proves it ! Men are women cause they say so

I once made believe I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome so I didn't have to wear a mask...not really. ...lol but I should of

Clown world indeed
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke

Yeah, we should be able to burn whoever we want on a big bonfire. IT'S MAH RIGHT.
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke

Yeah, we should be able to burn whoever we want on a big bonfire. IT'S MAH RIGHT.
Isn't that what progressives do with books they don't like?

Like this one
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke

I think the politically correct euphemism for vagina is kooter, who ha, or lady parts. :thup:
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke

Yeah, we should be able to burn whoever we want on a big bonfire. IT'S MAH RIGHT.
Isn't that what progressives do with books they don't like?

Like this one

I'm sure there are crazies on both sides who'll burn books, burn people, try and control the narrative in any way they can.

But just because crazies who call themselves "progressives" do it, doesn't make it any worse when right wingers do it either.

But then I'm not someone who sees things in terms of two sides and only two sides. As if someone who claims to be "progressive" or "left wing" must represent my thoughts.
I am being investigated by my university for saying women have vaginas’

Abertay student Lisa Keogh talks to spiked about her absurd run-in with the campus censors.


18th May 2021



In a crowded field, the ‘women have vaginas’ scandal at Abertay University might just be the most insane campus-censorship story yet. Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay, is currently being investigated by the university authorities for comments she made in seminars. She says her fellow students complained after she said that women are born with female genitalia, and that trans women should not compete in women’s mixed martial arts. For uttering such heresies she could even face expulsion — the university is reportedly deciding her fate later today. We spoke to Lisa ahead of the ruling to find out more.

spiked: What did you say that got you into trouble?

Lisa Keogh: I was in an online class about gender and feminism in the law. We were discussing equal rights for men and women. I said that I agree with equal rights, but that you can’t expect an equal outcome. For example, I can’t lift things as heavy as a man can. When I worked in a garage, men would help me because I wasn’t physically as able as them. I was a small female and they were burly mechanics. I have equal rights to them and to men in general, but I cannot be a man, so to speak.

After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.

There was uproar. It was like putting a target on my back. I had branded myself as a non-member of the echo chamber. I could have said the sky was blue and they would have attacked me. As I understand it, more than one person from the class reported me to the university.

fine for my fellow students to have an opinion and to push for their rights. But you have to be able to challenge people. But when you challenge these people, they say they have been attacked. What’s the point of having a law class if you aren’t challenging people?
spiked: How did the university respond?

Keogh: I got an email saying that I’d been accused of offending and discriminating against somebody. The email was very vague – it didn’t say what I had actually done. I went to the interview and the interviewer asked if I accepted the allegations. I said I couldn’t really accept them unless they told me what I had done. The interviewer said that would be teased out throughout the interview.

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That's all it takes ..... one person to claim "I'm offended and I don't feel safe "

It's a joke

I think the politically correct euphemism for vagina is kooter, who ha, or lady parts. :thup:
The best one I have ever seen is queef palace.
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.
You are such a dumbass :lol:
You can't say that women have vaginas and you can't ridicule Blacks. This country sucks.
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.
Whatever she said or didn't say is beside the point

Libs should not have the final say on what others say

Its unAmerican
But just because crazies who call themselves "progressives" do it, doesn't make it any worse when right wingers do it either.
The topic is progressives trying to limit free speech

At least you did imply that what the school did was wrong, even if you did try and limit the damage to liberal’s reputation
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.

Do they also lack vaginas? A woman born with a penis and testicles is a man.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.
Equal outcomes is un American.
After I said that, somebody else in the class said it was misogynistic. I said it wasn’t, and they brought up the issue of trans. I said that a trans woman would be stronger than me, because I’m a biological woman. So they asked how I would define a woman, and I said that my classification of a woman is somebody who is born with a vagina and the ability to menstruate.
She should be picked on for being stupid if nothing else. If what she reported is verbatim she's an idiot. Even without seeing her I can pretty much guarantee there'll be a trans woman weaker than her. Too, she was dumb to go away from the category of biological women, she was on a lot safer ground there, though again I can pretty much guarantee there are women born with vaginas and without the ability to menstruate.

A fairly significant part of the female reproductive population does not menstruate for health or exercise reasons Various factors, such as a lot of exercise, very low body fat (e.g. due to anorexia nervosa), or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can result in a lack of menstruation in women and girls of reproductive age.
Are you one of those women born without a brsin?
Are you one of those women born without a brsin?
A vagina is in any case equivalent to the part of a man's prostate where an orgasm takes place.

The same organs initially develop in both boys and girls in the womb, but the boys' organs normally become more closed in, due to the effects of fetal testosterone, and the clitoris more pronounced than the girls'.

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