Hunter kills woman after mistaking her for a deer

The thing that bothers me, in addition to the fact that an innocent person lost her life and her family is in mourning for their loss of a person who cannot be replaced, is that people who like to practice this hobby known as hunting think that everyone should watch out for them. It is not the responsibility of members of the public to look out for them. If you choose to wonder around in the woods with a loaded gun, you are responsible for what happens.
Supposedly, the woman was 100 yards from her house

Much too close to a dwelling to fire a weapon
I would not call this guy a hunter in any event.

Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

What an inane post. Looks like you're saying "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

I live in a forest. It would never occur to me that I have to kowtow to somebody else's sick fetish to determine what color clothing I wear, for a "season" I have no knowledge of. That ain't my responsibility.
If you are in an area where there is hunting and it is hunting season, you are supposed to, if you have common sense, to wear orange so a hunter won't mistake you for a deer. I've known that since I was a child as my dad and uncles went hunting. They wore orange jackets too, when they were out there.

I don't know what to think. I don't think he is excused because she didn't have orange on. A good hunter will not shoot at anything that he is unsure of. You don't shoot at something you are just guessing is a deer. And I think hunters should only be allowed to use traditional hunting rifles. They don't need high powered military style weapons. Hunting is supposed to be a sport. Using military style high powered weapons isn't sport.

And how exactly is one made aware "it's hunting season"? Some kind of osmosis?

I went out I think it was last Saturday morning and had to wait for multiple pickup trucks to move off the road, guys talking among themselves wearing orange hats. I didn't expect that. And I certainly wasn't wearing orange.

I also wasn't hiking in the woods but I easily could have been. Was that "hunting season"? Had it already been hunting season for some time? Is it still on now? Who knows? You can't ask a question you don't know needs asking.

Bottom line is, there's simply no way to foist responsibility on to the victim here. All she did was walk her dogs. Perhaps she had no idea it was hunting season. Had I been dog sitting (as indeed I was a week earlier) ---- I wouldn't have either.

I don't know. I realize they don't warn you. From my experience, people in rural areas where there is hunting just know. Perhaps you can check with someone. I don't think you can rely on your 'rights.' You just have to accept it and be proactive about your safety. Is this the first time it has come up in all the years you've lived there? I'm not a fan of hunting and I grew up in the city, a big city. But I had in my immediate & extended family men who hunted and learned these things as a child...about being aware of hunting seaon and wearing orange, etc.

I have no idea when it is. I hear gunshots year 'round around here, and they echo through the hollow. Other than that I don't have the slightest idea until I happen across them like the other Saturday. It's not something that occurs to me before I see it. And the thought that we nature lovers are all supposed to be some kind of captives to this mentality is just creepy, as if we don't have the right to appreciate a forest or a mushroom or a sprig of ginseng.

The issue here is that the poster (back there) wants to blame the victim for also, apparently, not knowing. Even though he doesn't even know what she was wearing anyway. He just ass-sumes, in his quest to blame a victim. Literally with "she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed" line.

Do what I do. I wear a blaze orange vest and I put blaze orange vests on my dogs. I also put bells on my dogs so they make as much noise as possible. I figure I scare every deer in a 200 yard radius away
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
If it were really the problem you are making it out to be then more people would be killed during hunting season.

As it is now accidents happen but are really quite rare
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

What an inane post. Looks like you're saying "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

I live in a forest. It would never occur to me that I have to kowtow to somebody else's sick fetish to determine what color clothing I wear, for a "season" I have no knowledge of. That ain't my responsibility.
If you are in an area where there is hunting and it is hunting season, you are supposed to, if you have common sense, to wear orange so a hunter won't mistake you for a deer. I've known that since I was a child as my dad and uncles went hunting. They wore orange jackets too, when they were out there.

I don't know what to think. I don't think he is excused because she didn't have orange on. A good hunter will not shoot at anything that he is unsure of. You don't shoot at something you are just guessing is a deer. And I think hunters should only be allowed to use traditional hunting rifles. They don't need high powered military style weapons. Hunting is supposed to be a sport. Using military style high powered weapons isn't sport.

And how exactly is one made aware "it's hunting season"? Some kind of osmosis?

I went out I think it was last Saturday morning and had to wait for multiple pickup trucks to move off the road, guys talking among themselves wearing orange hats. I didn't expect that. And I certainly wasn't wearing orange.

I also wasn't hiking in the woods but I easily could have been. Was that "hunting season"? Had it already been hunting season for some time? Is it still on now? Who knows? You can't ask a question you don't know needs asking.

Bottom line is, there's simply no way to foist responsibility on to the victim here. All she did was walk her dogs. Perhaps she had no idea it was hunting season. Had I been dog sitting (as indeed I was a week earlier) ---- I wouldn't have either.

I don't know. I realize they don't warn you. From my experience, people in rural areas where there is hunting just know. Perhaps you can check with someone. I don't think you can rely on your 'rights.' You just have to accept it and be proactive about your safety. Is this the first time it has come up in all the years you've lived there? I'm not a fan of hunting and I grew up in the city, a big city. But I had in my immediate & extended family men who hunted and learned these things as a child...about being aware of hunting seaon and wearing orange, etc.

I have no idea when it is. I hear gunshots year 'round around here, and they echo through the hollow. Other than that I don't have the slightest idea until I happen across them like the other Saturday. It's not something that occurs to me before I see it. And the thought that we nature lovers are all supposed to be some kind of captives to this mentality is just creepy, as if we don't have the right to appreciate a forest or a mushroom or a sprig of ginseng.

The issue here is that the poster (back there) wants to blame the victim for also, apparently, not knowing. Even though he doesn't even know what she was wearing anyway. He just ass-sumes, in his quest to blame a victim. Literally with "she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed" line.

Do what I do. I wear a blaze orange vest and I put blaze orange vests on my dogs. I also put bells on my dogs so they make as much noise as possible. I figure I scare every deer in a 200 yard radius away

So I guess this outfit is out...

Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
Yeah... People have conspired to murder others through out history. This isn't likely to change that.
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Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families

I know people who do, and they hunt safely. This 'hunter' deserves no mercy.
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
People can hunt as their hobby, we also have supermarkets, you know. If you choose this hobby of hunting, know that you are responsible for what you do out there. Not everyone chooses to go into the woods with a loaded gun. Anything that happens is the fault of the gunman.
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
People can hunt as their hobby, we also have supermarkets, you know. If you choose this hobby of hunting, know that you are responsible for what you do out there. Not everyone chooses to go into the woods with a loaded gun. Anything that happens is the fault of the gunman.
Hunting is not just a hobby.

Many families rely on game as a major part of their diet. It doesn't matter if we have supermarkets or not some people prefer not to buy the shit meat laced with chemicals and antibiotics.

And I never said that anyone was not responsible for their actions
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
People can hunt as their hobby, we also have supermarkets, you know. If you choose this hobby of hunting, know that you are responsible for what you do out there. Not everyone chooses to go into the woods with a loaded gun. Anything that happens is the fault of the gunman.
Hunting is not just a hobby.

Many families rely on game as a major part of their diet. It doesn't matter if we have supermarkets or not some people prefer not to buy the shit meat laced with chemicals and antibiotics.

And I never said that anyone was not responsible for their actions
There seems to be some idea among some parts of the US. public that people carrying guns are to be given some special consideration, some right-of-way, some special right. No such thing. Nobody with a firearm is special, or any royalty.
All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
People can hunt as their hobby, we also have supermarkets, you know. If you choose this hobby of hunting, know that you are responsible for what you do out there. Not everyone chooses to go into the woods with a loaded gun. Anything that happens is the fault of the gunman.
Hunting is not just a hobby.

Many families rely on game as a major part of their diet. It doesn't matter if we have supermarkets or not some people prefer not to buy the shit meat laced with chemicals and antibiotics.

And I never said that anyone was not responsible for their actions
There seems to be some idea among some parts of the US. public that people carrying guns are to be given some special consideration, some right-of-way, some special right. No such thing. Nobody with a firearm is special, or any royalty.

Currently that is a factual statement. However, once firearms become the sole province of the wealthy that will immediately change. That is the goal of the wealthy who are almost always the ones who push for gun bans. Gun control laws are the ultimate form of class warfare.
Murder requires intent. I've heard nothing to suggest intent.

All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families

That's fine -- as long as idiots like NC back there don't go telling other people that they have no right to walk their dogs in the woods. It works both ways, not one-way.
Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

What an inane post. Looks like you're saying "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

I live in a forest. It would never occur to me that I have to kowtow to somebody else's sick fetish to determine what color clothing I wear, for a "season" I have no knowledge of. That ain't my responsibility.
If you are in an area where there is hunting and it is hunting season, you are supposed to, if you have common sense, to wear orange so a hunter won't mistake you for a deer. I've known that since I was a child as my dad and uncles went hunting. They wore orange jackets too, when they were out there.

I don't know what to think. I don't think he is excused because she didn't have orange on. A good hunter will not shoot at anything that he is unsure of. You don't shoot at something you are just guessing is a deer. And I think hunters should only be allowed to use traditional hunting rifles. They don't need high powered military style weapons. Hunting is supposed to be a sport. Using military style high powered weapons isn't sport.

And how exactly is one made aware "it's hunting season"? Some kind of osmosis?

I went out I think it was last Saturday morning and had to wait for multiple pickup trucks to move off the road, guys talking among themselves wearing orange hats. I didn't expect that. And I certainly wasn't wearing orange.

I also wasn't hiking in the woods but I easily could have been. Was that "hunting season"? Had it already been hunting season for some time? Is it still on now? Who knows? You can't ask a question you don't know needs asking.

Bottom line is, there's simply no way to foist responsibility on to the victim here. All she did was walk her dogs. Perhaps she had no idea it was hunting season. Had I been dog sitting (as indeed I was a week earlier) ---- I wouldn't have either.

I don't know. I realize they don't warn you. From my experience, people in rural areas where there is hunting just know. Perhaps you can check with someone. I don't think you can rely on your 'rights.' You just have to accept it and be proactive about your safety. Is this the first time it has come up in all the years you've lived there? I'm not a fan of hunting and I grew up in the city, a big city. But I had in my immediate & extended family men who hunted and learned these things as a child...about being aware of hunting seaon and wearing orange, etc.

I have no idea when it is. I hear gunshots year 'round around here, and they echo through the hollow. Other than that I don't have the slightest idea until I happen across them like the other Saturday. It's not something that occurs to me before I see it. And the thought that we nature lovers are all supposed to be some kind of captives to this mentality is just creepy, as if we don't have the right to appreciate a forest or a mushroom or a sprig of ginseng.

The issue here is that the poster (back there) wants to blame the victim for also, apparently, not knowing. Even though he doesn't even know what she was wearing anyway. He just ass-sumes, in his quest to blame a victim. Literally with "she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed" line.

Do what I do. I wear a blaze orange vest and I put blaze orange vests on my dogs. I also put bells on my dogs so they make as much noise as possible. I figure I scare every deer in a 200 yard radius away

Why stop there. Why not just put me in leg irons and chain me to a wall.
That's fine -- as long as idiots like NC back there don't go telling other people that they have no right to walk their dogs in the woods. It works both ways, not one-way.

Yo. That's not what I said. Don't put words in my mouth. In fact, I said the precise opposite. My intitial pstings were speculation that she wandered into hunting area where the guy might have had permission. So watch your mouth, punk.
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All of this seems to open a door for a "convenient" way to murder someone and get off with a pat on the wrist.
Thought out carefully, it doesn't seem so hard to find a way to get someone to "accidentally" be at the "wrong place".
And it's been admitted numerous times that there are many "idiots" in the woods who will shoot at anything that moves.

Maybe the whole hunting thing needs to be looked at a bit closer. Is it in the best interest of the public to have so many "idiots" running around shooting at anything that moves?

When I was young, groups of us kids would not think twice about going in the woods either for the fun of it or to "explore".
Did it all the time in rural areas. Part of being a child. At no point in my childhood do I remember being warned of hunters.

I'm quite surprised more kids and more innocent people aren't killed annually by these "shoot at anything that moves" people.

OTOH, I have heard of many stories of peoples pets being shot dead because they wandered a bit too close to the wood line.
And MANY stories can be found by Googling where hunters laugh and took pride in doing so. No remorse.
There are too many reckless people with guns shielded by lax hunting laws. Just an opinion.
What so many people fail to realize is that hunting is a hobby, a pass-time. There is no law that says that people have to hunt. It's just what some people want to do, and yet they want everyone else to look out for them and their guns. It's ridiculous. People enjoy being in the woods for many reasons, yet people who choose the hobby of hunting think that they own everything. I love the woods. I would never harm anything there. If I want to shoot something, it would be with my camera.
Actually I know quite a few people who hunt so as to supplement their food supply.

Between, game birds, deer and various small game I know people who hunt enough to have more than half their meat consumption every year provided.

So don't go telling other people that they have no right to hunt to feed their families
People can hunt as their hobby, we also have supermarkets, you know. If you choose this hobby of hunting, know that you are responsible for what you do out there. Not everyone chooses to go into the woods with a loaded gun. Anything that happens is the fault of the gunman.
Hunting is not just a hobby.

Many families rely on game as a major part of their diet. It doesn't matter if we have supermarkets or not some people prefer not to buy the shit meat laced with chemicals and antibiotics.

And I never said that anyone was not responsible for their actions
There seems to be some idea among some parts of the US. public that people carrying guns are to be given some special consideration, some right-of-way, some special right. No such thing. Nobody with a firearm is special, or any royalty.

And once again I have never said nor implied that so what exactly is your point?

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