Huge scandal: Oregon changes hundreds of Republican ballots to "non partisan" denying GOP voters the right to participate in primary


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.

Let's take a look at the why.

When you go and get your Drivers License at that time you can declare your party. If you don't you are listed as a non-affiliate. And that is what they go by. At any time, you can legally declare your affiliation and get the proper ballot. Here in Colorado, we are only asked if we want to Register. It's up to us to legally declare one way or the other or not and not up to the DMV. It appears that there are some really stupid Republicans that maybe should NOT vote in any form of Primary that live in Oregon.
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.

Let's take a look at the why.

When you go and get your Drivers License at that time you can declare your party. If you don't you are listed as a non-affiliate. And that is what they go by. At any time, you can legally declare your affiliation and get the proper ballot. Here in Colorado, we are only asked if we want to Register. It's up to us to legally declare one way or the other or not and not up to the DMV. It appears that there are some really stupid Republicans that maybe should NOT vote in any form of Primary that live in Oregon.
I don't give a fuck how you try to color this, it's deception, pure and simple. It's also quite clear that you're a leftist asshole.
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.

Let's take a look at the why.

When you go and get your Drivers License at that time you can declare your party. If you don't you are listed as a non-affiliate. And that is what they go by. At any time, you can legally declare your affiliation and get the proper ballot. Here in Colorado, we are only asked if we want to Register. It's up to us to legally declare one way or the other or not and not up to the DMV. It appears that there are some really stupid Republicans that maybe should NOT vote in any form of Primary that live in Oregon.
I don't give a fuck how you try to color this, it's deception, pure and simple. It's also quite clear that you're a leftist asshole.

I don't see where it only happens to Republicans. It happens to EVERYONE. It's not a Red or a Blue issue it's a Stupid versus smart issue. Only you Party of the Rumpers can make it about how badly you Rumpsters are treated. It's like saying that I only hate Black People therefore I am a Bigot when in fact I hate everyone Equally.
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.
Call me when someone besides gateway pundit says so.
Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission.

HUGE SCANDAL: Oregon Changes Hundreds Of Republican Ballots To “Non Partisan” Denying GOP Voters the Right To Participate In Primary

It's been being said for years demonic rats know nothing but how to LIE CHEAT and STEAL don't ever be friends wiht one they'll stab you in the back in one breathe. Just say the one thing that hurts their delicate feelings.
The only reason why they are tampering with Oregon's election? It is because they know that Oregon has been a red state decades ago. The Dems has been rigging their elections for a long time.


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