Huckabee Sanders: Dems need to decide if they 'hate' Trump 'more than they love this country'

Dems need to decide SOMETHING. What is it they represent, again? Civil rights for minorities? Women's equality? Burn your bras?

They've been preaching the same crap since the 60's. They need a new idea.
Seems fair enough:

Democrats refuse to celebrate the accomplishments of last year that have helped all Americans,” Huckabee Sanders told reporters during Tuesday’s White House press briefing. “What I don’t understand and what I don’t think the country understands is why Democrats are so upset about lower taxes and higher wages.”

“That’s something that every American should be celebrating, not crying about, not sitting on their hands for,” the press secretary continued. “Democrats are going to have to make a decision at some point really soon: do they hate this president more than they love this country? And I hope the answer to that is ‘no.’”..

It would be fair if it were true. America made no major accomplishments last year. And if any ones were made, it had nothing to do with Trump.

Things like jobs and abs unemployment were due to previous president. Presidents do not have any impact until at least a year in office.

Lmfao...obozo had nothing to do with jobs, it was all the Republican governors
Your hate and obsession over Trump isn't fact it's a little concerning

Neither is your blind loyalty. Anything Trump says and does you just eat it up.

See there is your problem you daffy old leftist hag. I'm loyal to nobody or party. The same can't be said for you. Goofy twit.

So if you're loyal to nobody, then why can't you see that Trump is a con man?

Most rational people can see he is a fool.

I had two choices Trump or Cankles. The choice was easy....and we know who you voted for don't we.

You idiot loons need to fucking relax

You could have chosen neith
er. Many people voted third party this election.

My vote was against Clinton. You're too stupid to grasp it.

People like you disgust me
Neither is your blind loyalty. Anything Trump says and does you just eat it up.

See there is your problem you daffy old leftist hag. I'm loyal to nobody or party. The same can't be said for you. Goofy twit.

So if you're loyal to nobody, then why can't you see that Trump is a con man?

Most rational people can see he is a fool.

I had two choices Trump or Cankles. The choice was easy....and we know who you voted for don't we.

You idiot loons need to fucking relax

You could have chosen neith
er. Many people voted third party this election.

My vote was against Clinton. You're too stupid to grasp it.

People like you disgust me

The feeling is mutual.
See there is your problem you daffy old leftist hag. I'm loyal to nobody or party. The same can't be said for you. Goofy twit.

So if you're loyal to nobody, then why can't you see that Trump is a con man?

Most rational people can see he is a fool.

I had two choices Trump or Cankles. The choice was easy....and we know who you voted for don't we.

You idiot loons need to fucking relax

You could have chosen neith
er. Many people voted third party this election.

My vote was against Clinton. You're too stupid to grasp it.

People like you disgust me

The feeling is mutual.

LOL Thanks.....just for the record I'd never allow an "educator" like you within a country mile of our children. You're far too dangerous to young impressionable minds.
LMFAO sheep fail to realize 1. Trump highly respect our military --- Leftist HIPPIES despise military remember how many of you spit in their faces when they came home. oH yeah you forgot about that one right.

There is nothing wrong with admiring a strong military, at least he isn't like liberal leftist pussies who hate our military men and women, at least he wants to protect our nation unlike leftist losers who would rather be like the liberal colleges we're turning into bend over and take it cause white privilege make you hate yourselves like morons.

3. We won't have all the military weapons or display bombs going down the road like N. K. either dufis . :bigboy:

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