How's Biden's Promise To Unify The Country Working Out So Far?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Unrest explodes across West as Biden sworn-in; clashes with police, attack on Dem Party officesSEATTLE POLICE person on groundUMBRELLASGUNFIRE

Biden breaks mandate for masks on federal property hours after ordering it
DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO: Biden breaks mandate
for masks on federal property hours after ordering it


Biden Obliterates Women’s Sports, Reinstates Rule
Allowing Transgender Students to Use Bathrooms
According to Gender Identity on Day One of His Presidency

Woo-Hoo! Biden Kills Off an Estimated
52,100 Jobs in First Day as President
— During a Pandemic!

Biden's only been in office since yesterday. You trump bots need to turn off rush and fox news and maybe get a life.
Biden's only been in office since yesterday. You trump bots need to turn off rush and fox news and maybe get a life.
If you watched a proper news service, you'f know about all the decisions he has taken in the last 24 hours.
Like ending the Wall construction and reopening travel from Terror States.
Yous guys said that the riots would end as soon as Biden became president, I guess yous all was wrong, yet again..
We said that the concern over George Floyd would dissipate after the election.
He was just a pretext to destabilise Trump's America.
Anarchists are different, but the BLM movement is just another big corporation these days. Ironically an elderly, white Jewish Marxist was put in charge of BLM spending..
And a Black Muslim is running Stop the Steal.
I thought you trumpybera fans said all the riots would suddenly stop when Joe becomes President? That these were Dem shock troops?

Were ya'll just full of shit or what?
Unrest explodes across West as Biden sworn-in; clashes with police, attack on Dem Party officesSEATTLE POLICE person on groundUMBRELLASGUNFIRE

Biden breaks mandate for masks on federal property hours after ordering it
DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO: Biden breaks mandate
for masks on federal property hours after ordering it


Biden Obliterates Women’s Sports, Reinstates Rule
Allowing Transgender Students to Use Bathrooms
According to Gender Identity on Day One of His Presidency

Woo-Hoo! Biden Kills Off an Estimated
52,100 Jobs in First Day as President
— During a Pandemic!

I don't blame Joe. I blame the News Entertainment Media and the people who elected him. He didn't take power via a military coup.
Police declared an unlawful assembly Wednesday night in Portland, Ore., after about 150 rioters caused damage to a federal immigration facility in the city, according to the authorities.

The unrest near the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) building was declared after rioters started throwing rocks and eggs, and vandalizing the building, located in the city's south waterfront neighborhood, Portland police Sgt. Kevin Allen said in a 10 p.m. update.

"We have observed property damage to the building," the Portland Police Bureau wrote on Twitter. "Anyone who is involved in criminal behavior including: vandalism and graffitting is subject to arrest or citation."

Allen said individuals were seen carrying pepper ball guns, electronic control weapons (similar to stun guns) -- shields, fireworks, and rocks. He added that federal law enforcement used "crowd-control munitions."

"This gathering may impact traffic and access into the neighborhood," Allen said. "We'll continue to closely monitor this event."

As of early Thursday, police said they were standing by "to address crimes" in the surrounding neighborhood, and some arrests were made, although they failed to elaborate any further.

Other cities saw some tension on Inauguration Day. Seattle witnessed property damage and objects hurled at cars; reporters said demonstrators were protesting against President Biden and law enforcement, and carried a sign reading, "Abolish ICE."

In Denver, protesters burned an American flag in separate demonstrations that reportedly involved members of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as others who chanted anti-Trump and anti-Biden slogans.

Authorities said earlier gatherings in Portland -- which saw Antifa protesters clash with authorities as they gathered to voice dissatisfaction with President Biden, forcing officers to retreat and taking at least one police bicycle -- had ended.

This doesn't look like unity to me, and it ain't the Far Right doing it either.
I thought you trumpybera fans said all the riots would suddenly stop when Joe become President? That these were Dem shock troops?

Were ya'll just full of shit or what?
Cops in oregon stood back for over 200 night, and now they are opening fire. Just a coincidence, and nothing to do with Trump being ousted.
Antifa were/are "useful idiots" as Stalin would say.

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