How would Jesus be treated by the media today?

The current bullshit lefttard media would vilify Jesus. There is not a doubt about it.
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You can love someone and not agree with them.

And, if you don't agree with them, it doesn't mean you hate them.

The left says that if you disagree with them, you hate them.

What a falsehood, right?
Just how do you think Jesus would feel about Mexican or otherwise?
Just how do you think Jesus would feel about Mexican or otherwise?
He would encourage people to help them out of the goodness of their hearts, and for churches to accept them.. not for Democrats enforce them on the population.
You just said nothing. What do you mean by that.
Jesus would not have any part of your politics "Democrats enforcing them on the population"

And then

Jesus once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)

Jesus would not have any part of your politics "Democrats enforcing them on the population"

And then

Jesus once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)

The majority of the rich, Wall-Street, Big Tech millionaires are leftists, idiot.

But, it's not that simple, it's based on the intent of the soul with Christ. You're the one simplifying things for your own political gain.
The majority of the rich, Wall-Street, Big Tech millionaires are leftists, idiot.

But, it's not that simple, it's based on the intent of the soul with Christ. You're the one simplifying things for your own political gain.

Ya know what Jesus didn't do?

Talk out of both sides of his mouth to cover his you do

Ya know what Jesus didn't do?

Talk out of both sides of his mouth to cover his you do
Explain how I spoke out of "both sides of my mouth"

And explain how Wall-Street and Big Tech are not pro-Democrat.. because the majority of their money and censorship go that way.
Explain how I spoke out of "both sides of my mouth"

And explain how Wall-Street and Big Tech are not pro-Democrat.. because the majority of their money and censorship go that way.
Out of one side of your mouth you make it so that those you hate(Democrats) are evil if rich...but some "other" rich types are just fine.

Fuck off...everyone can see that your "religion" is really politics
But I am of both of the right and a believer.

You forgot the resurrection part.
Being Jesus, he would rise again. You can't keep a good son of God, Son of Man down. Someone was speculating on how he would be treated. When he returns, whenever that is, it will not be to suffer persecution.
Out of one side of your mouth you make it so that those you hate(Democrats) are evil if rich...but some "other" rich types are just fine.

Fuck off...everyone can see that your "religion" is really politics
You attempted to say that rich people are greedy Repubs supported by Wall Street, I just corrected you.

You know that most gigantic, mainstream global companies gave money to Joe Biden's campaign, right?

Joe (Democrats) = Wallstreet
You attempted to say that rich people are greedy Repubs supported by Wall Street, I just corrected you.

You know that most gigantic, mainstream global companies gave money to Joe Biden's campaign, right?

Joe (Democrats) = Wallstreet
No...what I said was that Jesus had ZERO respect for wealthy folks...regardless of political party.

And were he alive today trashing rich folks...he would be strung up.

You'd call him a socialist and a Marxist and want his head on a pike
No...what I said was that Jesus had ZERO respect for wealthy folks...regardless of political party.
That's not true at all. You can be "wealthy" and be of Christ, you just can't let the wealth dictate and become the focus of your life. This is basic 101 Christinaity.. it's odd you'd try to lecture people when you know so little.
You'd call him a socialist and a Marxist and want his head on a pike
A few greedy folk might, but the majority of people who had a problem with him would be the leftists who were pissed that a person a with such a "platfom" would reject enforcing taxation on people with a gun to their head in order to help people. Jesus cried out to personal souls, not to government instutions to enforce their will.
That's not true at all. You can be "wealthy" and be of Christ, you just can't let the wealth dictate and become the focus of your life. This is basic 101 Christinaity.. it's odd you'd try to lecture people when you know so little.

A few greedy folk might, but the majority of people who had a problem with him would be the leftists who were pissed that a person a with such a "platfom" would reject enforcing taxation on people with a gun to their head in order to help people. Jesus cried out to personal souls, not to government instutions to enforce their will.
Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that’s for a rich man to get into heaven

Pretty unambiguous statement there.

No caveats
Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that’s for a rich man to get into heaven

Pretty unambiguous statement there.

No caveats
You obviously are conflating the literal modern definition of the word "rich" with what the terminology meant at the time.. a common tactic of idiots.

The "rich" referred to in this gospel is that of the person who thinks they deserve to be rich above God, and lack humlity to God. This is Christianity 101, a course you clearly could not pass.

You're free to continue to post and reveal your misinformation and ignorance.. I'd suggest you just stop.

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