How we lost our Constitution

What about these:

(1) The right to privacy ( wire taps, opening mail, listening to phone calls, invasion of privacy on the internet, cameras everywhere, devises that see through walls, etc. )
(2) Illegal search and seizure
(3) Freedom ( how many innocent citizens are in our prisons and jails? ) - illegal roadblocks
(4) Free speech
(5) Innocent until proven guilty
(6) Taxation with representation

Taxation without representation? Can you give me an example of that?

He said Taxation WITH representation

I guess he hasn't figured out that whole Constitution thing
He asked what have we lost. I replied, "taxation with representation". He asked, and I answered. Oh, I figured out the Constitution long ago, thank you. have we lost taxation with representation. Specifically.
I'm not represented, my family is not represented, my community is not represented, the poor and less fortunate aren't represented, our men and women of the armed forces aren't represented, our rapidly growing work force is not represented, our border patrol is not represented, and we all pay our taxes. We pay taxes to have our infrastructure repaired and upgraded, we pay to have our rights honored, we pay to have a voice in government, we pay to ensure our freedom, and we pay to have our soldiers well taken care of. We pay for a lot that we don't get, and we're certainly represented. But, the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, Wall Street, the financial institutions, and the donors that feed the establishment and provide Lobbyists are well represented. John Q. Public can't afford to be represented. The average person can't afford to buy favors, legislation, policy, and be represented. John Q. Public is for tax revenue and votes ONLY, nothing more.

You don't vote?

Your own fault
You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

Good grief, GB has a Constitutional Monarchy and a separation of powers, N Korea has a Constitutional Democratic People's Republic and we have a Constitutional Plutocracy - let's pass on the semantics and tell the truth. Don't for a minute think the power elite in America don't own a majority in both chambers of Congress - no matter which party is in the majority.

And that is exactly why both parties are attacking the Tea Party and their candidates. It under minds their control if the people start to get the control back like it is suppose to be.

The tea party? (well that explains it) The tea party is missing three important ingredients: Pragmatism, Realism and a Sane Spokesperson; the same are missing from the Libertarian Party. Until a charismatic, pragmatic and realistic (honest) person speaks out for either faction, both will remain also ran's and the butt of jokes.
Of course that will never happen.

TPM/libertarianism is about blind adherence to dogma...

I couldn't help but to notice that your gal-pal Ny Cabby is unable to sustain her position, so it follows that given your assent to her unsustainable position, that you too will be unable to provide examples of the 'dogma' to which the libertarians are blindly adhering...

So toward proving THAT... I'm specifically asking you to cite specific examples of the dogma you claim that libertarians are blindly following.

(Reader; she too will be incapable of sustaining her emphatically advanced assertion... and yes, that is a clue.)

Platform Libertarian Party

Gee, sounds like the hippies ^^^, circa 1968. Not pragmatic, not realistic and mindful too of the utopian movements of the 19th Century.
Taxation without representation? Can you give me an example of that?

He said Taxation WITH representation

I guess he hasn't figured out that whole Constitution thing
He asked what have we lost. I replied, "taxation with representation". He asked, and I answered. Oh, I figured out the Constitution long ago, thank you. have we lost taxation with representation. Specifically.
I'm not represented, my family is not represented, my community is not represented, the poor and less fortunate aren't represented, our men and women of the armed forces aren't represented, our rapidly growing work force is not represented, our border patrol is not represented, and we all pay our taxes. We pay taxes to have our infrastructure repaired and upgraded, we pay to have our rights honored, we pay to have a voice in government, we pay to ensure our freedom, and we pay to have our soldiers well taken care of. We pay for a lot that we don't get, and we're certainly represented. But, the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, Wall Street, the financial institutions, and the donors that feed the establishment and provide Lobbyists are well represented. John Q. Public can't afford to be represented. The average person can't afford to buy favors, legislation, policy, and be represented. John Q. Public is for tax revenue and votes ONLY, nothing more.

You don't vote?

Your own fault
Yes, I DO vote. Why ask?
Do you know of anyone outside the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, corporate America, and the financial institutions that's represented in Washington? If so, may I ask whom? I'm certainly not represented, my family is not represented, my community is not represented, and our men and women of the armed forces are not represented. Exactly who do you know that is fairly, equally, and justly represented by the professional politicians seated in Washington? Thanks.

Do you have a congressman/woman and a two senators? Does your state send electors to the electoral college?

If yes, then you have representation.
Do you know of anyone outside the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, corporate America, and the financial institutions that's represented in Washington? If so, may I ask whom? I'm certainly not represented, my family is not represented, my community is not represented, and our men and women of the armed forces are not represented. Exactly who do you know that is fairly, equally, and justly represented by the professional politicians seated in Washington? Thanks.

Do you have a congressman/woman and a two senators? Does your state send electors to the electoral college?

If yes, then you have representation.
My district and state could send a dozen so-called representatives to Washington, but that certainly would mean that any of them would represent me, my family, my community, my state, nor anyone else that couldn't pay for representation. Having professional politicians in Washington doesn't mean that those they claim to represent, are actually represented. The proof to that statement can be seen and experienced on Main Street America each and every day, read in newspapers, heard on the media news reports, and lived through our daily lives. Have you not seen the decline of America over the past 50 plus years? Have you not noticed the "selling of America" by our government? Do you not keep up with headlines and the socioeconomic woes the citizens of this once great nation are experiencing? Are you one that practices "Blind Patriotism"?

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