How we lost our Constitution

Washington, Franklin, Madison, and the other men who gave us independence and our form of republic government never set out to create a “representative democracy.” Those men recognized in democracy a danger to freedom just as deadly as that represented by the worst despotism.

As we the people keep electing politicians who want to continue to move us more towards a form of democracy, the more of our freedoms are being lost.

You're simply repeating the contemporary meme of the current conservative movement.

Taste this quote:

Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.
Ronald Reagan

link: Democracy is worth dying for because it s the most deeply honorable form of government... - Ronald Reagan at BrainyQuote

Or this from George W. Bush:

"It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world," Bush said in his inaugural address after his swearing-in ceremony."

link: - Bush pledges to spread democracy - Jan 20 2005

Wow, read the quotes in the link below to see how far the Republican Party has fallen, and maybe some of those who fear democracy and hate liberals will see the light:

Examples from the link:

“Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.”

“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”

“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group of course that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few other Texas oil millionaires and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

Too bad the GOP base would reject President Eisenhower today as a RINO, and too bad there is not one member of the GOP seeking their nomination as wise, as accomplished and as sage as was this former president.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Quotes Author of Crusade in Europe

I am repeating what our Founders gave us. It is not a right or left thing. It's our history.

Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
Washington, Franklin, Madison, and the other men who gave us independence and our form of republic government never set out to create a “representative democracy.” Those men recognized in democracy a danger to freedom just as deadly as that represented by the worst despotism.

As we the people keep electing politicians who want to continue to move us more towards a form of democracy, the more of our freedoms are being lost.

You're simply repeating the contemporary meme of the current conservative movement.

Taste this quote:

Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.
Ronald Reagan

link: Democracy is worth dying for because it s the most deeply honorable form of government... - Ronald Reagan at BrainyQuote

Or this from George W. Bush:

"It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world," Bush said in his inaugural address after his swearing-in ceremony."

link: - Bush pledges to spread democracy - Jan 20 2005

Wow, read the quotes in the link below to see how far the Republican Party has fallen, and maybe some of those who fear democracy and hate liberals will see the light:

Examples from the link:

“Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.”

“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”

“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group of course that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few other Texas oil millionaires and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

Too bad the GOP base would reject President Eisenhower today as a RINO, and too bad there is not one member of the GOP seeking their nomination as wise, as accomplished and as sage as was this former president.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Quotes Author of Crusade in Europe

I am repeating what our Founders gave us. It is not a right or left thing. It's our history.

Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.
You're simply repeating the contemporary meme of the current conservative movement.

Taste this quote:

Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.
Ronald Reagan

link: Democracy is worth dying for because it s the most deeply honorable form of government... - Ronald Reagan at BrainyQuote

Or this from George W. Bush:

"It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world," Bush said in his inaugural address after his swearing-in ceremony."

link: - Bush pledges to spread democracy - Jan 20 2005

Wow, read the quotes in the link below to see how far the Republican Party has fallen, and maybe some of those who fear democracy and hate liberals will see the light:

Examples from the link:

“Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.”

“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”

“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group of course that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few other Texas oil millionaires and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

Too bad the GOP base would reject President Eisenhower today as a RINO, and too bad there is not one member of the GOP seeking their nomination as wise, as accomplished and as sage as was this former president.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Quotes Author of Crusade in Europe

I am repeating what our Founders gave us. It is not a right or left thing. It's our history.

Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.
I am repeating what our Founders gave us. It is not a right or left thing. It's our history.

Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.
Many of the framers were afraid of pure democracy, they believed the poor would vote themselves all kinds of goodies. As America grew, however, it became more democratic and more liberal, slaves freed, women vote, more equality in life, education for almost all, Social Security, labor unions and on and on. All those changes and conservatives doing their job, slowing the changes down. Imagine what America will be like 100 years from now if the changes continue.

Sort of.

How Many Constitutional Rights Have We Lost?


How Many Constitutional Freedoms Have We Lost?


Government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer exists.
We're screwed and we're going to stay screwed

Here's the real problem.

What all of you are forgetting is that the Founding Fathers set out to establish a form of government NOT EXISTING ANYWHERE ELSE IN EUROPEAN SOCIETY! They were well aware of mob rule as well as rule by a self-appointed aristocracy.

Their entire philosophy and aim was clearly stated when they affirmed: "We the people ..."
Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

Good grief, GB has a Constitutional Monarchy and a separation of powers, N Korea has a Constitutional Democratic People's Republic and we have a Constitutional Plutocracy - let's pass on the semantics and tell the truth. Don't for a minute think the power elite in America don't own a majority in both chambers of Congress - no matter which party is in the majority.
Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

Good grief, GB has a Constitutional Monarchy and a separation of powers, N Korea has a Constitutional Democratic People's Republic and we have a Constitutional Plutocracy - let's pass on the semantics and tell the truth. Don't for a minute think the power elite in America don't own a majority in both chambers of Congress - no matter which party is in the majority.

And that is exactly why both parties are attacking the Tea Party and their candidates. It under minds their control if the people start to get the control back like it is suppose to be.

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

Good grief, GB has a Constitutional Monarchy and a separation of powers, N Korea has a Constitutional Democratic People's Republic and we have a Constitutional Plutocracy - let's pass on the semantics and tell the truth. Don't for a minute think the power elite in America don't own a majority in both chambers of Congress - no matter which party is in the majority.

And that is exactly why both parties are attacking the Tea Party and their candidates. It under minds their control if the people start to get the control back like it is suppose to be.

The tea party? (well that explains it) The tea party is missing three important ingredients: Pragmatism, Realism and a Sane Spokesperson; the same are missing from the Libertarian Party. Until a charismatic, pragmatic and realistic (honest) person speaks out for either faction, both will remain also ran's and the butt of jokes.
Was Jefferson and his followers opposed to democracy; have you ever heard of Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, or read Art. 1, Sec. 2 which states, "The H. of Rep. shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People..."?

I suppose you are a Federalist, in the manner of Scalia, Thomas and Alito and thus an arch conservative. So, we can disagree even though you're wrong. I invite you to read the quotes above by a man you likely consider a RINO, President Eisenhower.

Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

so clueless.... :cuckoo:
I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

Good grief, GB has a Constitutional Monarchy and a separation of powers, N Korea has a Constitutional Democratic People's Republic and we have a Constitutional Plutocracy - let's pass on the semantics and tell the truth. Don't for a minute think the power elite in America don't own a majority in both chambers of Congress - no matter which party is in the majority.

And that is exactly why both parties are attacking the Tea Party and their candidates. It under minds their control if the people start to get the control back like it is suppose to be.

The tea party? (well that explains it) The tea party is missing three important ingredients: Pragmatism, Realism and a Sane Spokesperson; the same are missing from the Libertarian Party. Until a charismatic, pragmatic and realistic (honest) person speaks out for either faction, both will remain also ran's and the butt of jokes.

There is millions of voters trying to get rid of the elites power.
That is not going to be easy.
Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

Please read this link:

Jeffersonian Perspective Madison Jefferson on Democracy

and in the original this one:

The Federalist 10 The Complete Federalist Papers 1786-1800 Documents American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

so clueless.... :cuckoo:

You saying that our High Schools and Colleges taught us wrong?

I read both and neither article disputes what I posted.
Right from your 1st link;
Thus, Jefferson strongly suggests that the closer we get to the ideal of a pure republic, the better.
All of our founders agreed to and wrote it into our Constitution that all of the States are guaranteed a Republican form of Government and then they signed it.
We are suppose to be a Republic and not a Democracy.
P.S. Jefferson was not there to sign it. He was in France.

Are you being intentionally obtuse - the distinction between pure democracy and represented democracy are clear - we vote don't we? Many republics have appointed legislatures ours are elected. Art. 1, Sec 2 speaks to voting for our legislature. Damn, you people are so brainwashed.

You are the one who is brainwashed.
In a Constitutional Republic we have freedom.
In a Representative Democracy you lose freedom
Do we or do we not have 3 separate branches of government based on laws? This is what a Constitutional Republic is.
Iran is a Democracy. The people vote but there is no separation of powers in their government.

so clueless.... :cuckoo:

You saying that our High Schools and Colleges taught us wrong?

Some do, some high schools and colleges - mostly private - have an agenda. Some public schools too, that is why the social conservatives worked so hard to pack elected school boards. History can be written by the victors, but also by the losers too; US History in particular has a regional flavor.
How'd we lose the Constitution?

Here's a clue:

The tea party? (well that explains it) The tea party is missing three important ingredients: Pragmatism, Realism and a Sane Spokesperson; the same are missing from the Libertarian Party. Until a charismatic, pragmatic and realistic (honest) person speaks out for either faction, both will remain also ran's and the butt of jokes.

What you're lookin at in the above cited drivel is Relativism.

I'll invite the contributor to offer the board an example of a liberal policy which it feels represents 'pragmatism' and 'realism'.

(Reader: LOL! Enjoy...)
Marilyn M. Barnewall -- American Matrix How We Lost Our Constitution Part 1

Are we really losing our Constitutional Republic?
How Many Constitutional Rights Have We Lost?
How Many Constitutional Freedoms Have We Lost?
Government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer exists.
We're screwed and we're going to stay screwed

Do they still teach Civics in High School?

Lord have mercy... NO. They haven't taught civics in US Schools in at least a generation. Education of republican principles of citizenship have long since been substituted with Political Correctness... .

The only kids being taught civics are home schoolers... and maybe a rare rural public school, here and there.

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