How to tell when the climate change fraud is over


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
When the money leaves the fight! First it was CCx now it is Deutshce Bank.

How you know the climate fight is over
By: Michael McKenna
Special to The Examiner
08/30/10 2:05 PM EDT
The last few weeks have seen those who advocate strict regulatory regimes on greenhouse gases scrambling to regain their footing in the wake of a landslide of bad news that started with the comically weak vote last Summer for climate legislation in the House (just 219 yeas), continued through the release of the Climategate emails, the disastrous breakdown of the international effort to address global warming at the U.N. Conference of the Parties at Copenhagen last December, the embarrassment of the Senate Democrats refusing to even allow a vote on climate change legislation this Summer, and concluded with a rash of Republican candidates for Senate announcing their disdain for the notion of man-made climate change (the nerve!).

As bad as those were, the sharpest, most telling, and perhaps lethal blow came earlier this month. Almost entirely ignored by the media, Deutsche Bank announced that it was exiting the carbon trading business in the United States (reported here). As explained to Reuters by Kevin Parker, global head of the Asset Management Division, “You just throw your hands up and say ... we're going to take our money elsewhere.” Parker also noted that Deutsche Bank will focus its "green" investment dollars more and more on opportunities in China and Western Europe, where it sees governments “providing a more positive environment.”

Well. Translated back into English, that means that Mr. Parker is clearly annoyed that American taxpayers are not as pliant as they should be, and certainly not as easy to get along with as Chinese taxpayers or European voters.

To add insult to injury, Reuters also reported earlier in the month that the Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) is laying off staff at the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), citing (wait for it) a lack of U.S. action on climate change. The layoffs began on in late July, and although the total number of jobs to be cut was unknown, roughly half of the employees either had or were being let go. ICE would not confirm or comment on the layoffs, and (unlike Mr. Parker) they managed to avoid whining or blaming someone else. (their no comment can be found here)

Fickle politicians? Inconsistent international negotiators ?Troublesome leaks? Difficult opponents? All of those are probably survivable. But when the financial guys start looking for the exits, you know the game is nearing the end, the fat lady is getting ready to sing, and the buses are warming up.

Mayura Hooper Vice President of Press and Media Relations of Deutsche Bank responds:

Mark (Tapscott),

Thank you for taking my call re. Michael McKenna's blog on the Examiner's website.

I'd like to clarify that Deutsche Bank has not made any announcements regarding its carbon trading business in the United States, as Michael McKenna states in his Aug. 30, blog (please see the following link). His information is incorrect.
How you know the climate fight is over | Washington Examiner

Mr. McKenna refers to a Reuters article with Kevin Parker, the head of Deutsche Bank's asset management division, which was corrected. The corrected article makes clear that Mr. Parker speaks for a division of the Bank and points out that other areas of the bank will continue to look for climate change investment opportunities in the United States. The point Mr. Parker was making in his interview was that his business (Deutsche Asset Management) wants to invest more in the US but the lack of action from Congress makes it difficult to do so.

Please refer to the correct Reuters article below:
INTERVIEW-UPDATE1-Deutsche unit spurns US for climate investment | Reuters

Kind regards,
Mayura Hooper

Read more at the Washington Examiner: How you know the climate fight is over | Washington Examiner

How you know the climate fight is over | Washington Examiner
its impossible to control the climate ourself its not true ever

Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:
its impossible to control the climate ourself its not true ever

Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:
There are these useful books called dictionaries. Look up 'affect' then look up 'control'. :eusa_shhh:
its impossible to control the climate ourself its not true ever

Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:

You do realise that all of the things that man does, nature does as well right? There have been ocean dead zones long before man came on the scene.
its impossible to control the climate ourself its not true ever

Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:
There are these useful books called dictionaries. Look up 'affect' then look up 'control'. :eusa_shhh:

Destruction is a form of control. The one that Conservatives understand the best.
its impossible to control the climate ourself its not true ever

Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:

You do realise that all of the things that man does, nature does as well right? There have been ocean dead zones long before man came on the scene.

Silly statement. When was the last time nature created a fission bomb? Or chemical compounds that destroy our ozone shield? CFCs and similiar compounds are not found in nature to the extent that impact the ozone layer. I have yet to see a high speed rail created by nature. Or an electrical grid.
Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:
There are these useful books called dictionaries. Look up 'affect' then look up 'control'. :eusa_shhh:

Destruction is a form of control. The one that Conservatives understand the best.

No, it's not. It is impossible to control that which is not there. Destruction is an affect.
Impossible you say? Are we talking about the same species that created dead zones in the oceans? Are we talking about the same species that's deforesting the earth? Are we talking about the same species that has the ability to destroy itself several times over? You seem to have very little faith in humanity!!! :eusa_snooty:

You do realise that all of the things that man does, nature does as well right? There have been ocean dead zones long before man came on the scene.

Silly statement. When was the last time nature created a fission bomb? Or chemical compounds that destroy our ozone shield? CFCs and similiar compounds are not found in nature to the extent that impact the ozone layer. I have yet to see a high speed rail created by nature. Or an electrical grid.

Uh, gee every time a volcano erupts you get acid rain...does that count? As far as fission bombs...well I guess you got me there but plutonium does exist in nature and it was generated millions of years ago without mans influence.....

High speed rail? Now you are reaaaaallly reaching for the sky dood!:lol::lol:
And look around, the WORLD is an electrical grid. Tesla was trying to tap into it when he died. When that technology is brought to fruition, the world will truly change. Electric cars would actually make sense then because you wouldn't need batteries.

Just imagine how much research we could be doing on that technology if we weren't pissing it down the rathole of GW "research".

No? I didn't think you could imagine that either.
End of trading today and carbon credits were selling at the rate of a NICKEL PER TON! A 50% drop in one day. The next level is zero! That rather large lady is starting her song!

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