how to defeat the evil nation of chaz without loss of life !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
There is an easier, less expensive way. Its an age old siege tactic. Starve them out! Circle the area and let no one in. When they get hungry, they are welcome to leave to get food, but they cant go back in. Viola! Chaz is no more.
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
There is an easier, less expensive way. Its an age old siege tactic. Starve them out! Circle the area and let no one in. When they get hungry, they are welcome to leave to get food, but they cant go back in. Viola! Chaz is no more.
no ! i want them to face the shitzkreig ! shitzkreig ! shitzkreig ! hooray for the shitzkreig ! i really really need to see them shitzkreiged !:auiqs.jpg:
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !

Without apologizing in advance to anyone I believe loss of life needs to happen in the case of violent, subversive, terrorist ideologues seizing several blocks of a major American city. Without breaking a few or more of these "occupiers" heads like overripe watermelons the message that needs to be sent and heard and understood by anyone else contemplating the formation of another "CHAZ" like zone will not get through clearly. The federal government has made examples out of extremists who got too big for their britches many times in the past—so there's precedent for doing so. Whatever ends up happening, these terrorist want-to-be revolutionaries want more than anything to be taken seriously. Nothing says, "we're taking you seriously" like a few Hellfire missiles to the kisser. Viva la revolucion!
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
Well...…..novel thought. How about setting up one drug stand, a quarter-mile away that sells pot, meth, crack and heroin and advertise that it's free to Antifa members, providing they can all get there within 15 minutes. They would run there like lemmings and one hurt.....well, not by gunshot.
Of course, the idea of shutting off all services to that area, electrical, water, sewage and food deliveries, would work, eventually; and has been proposed also, but that will take a little while.
The one I like most is setting up HD Hi Res. cameras on Armored Personnel Carriers, a couple of tanks and on the helmets of heavily armed troops, shooting in the air and assaulting a position, with the tanks rolling over the concrete barriers. Just looking at their scared eyes and that they are pissing and sh*tting themselves and running away, being the cockroaches they are, would be priceless.
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
There are innocent civilians living in there who didn't ask for this.....Though I' wager that quite a number of them are starting to rethink their position on the 2nd Amendment.
everyone is trying to figure out how to handle the new communist nation of Chaz that has seized territory in Washington state... i have a plan that will definitely defeat the evil nation and we can do it without the loss of life that comes in all wars ! imagine the US could be the first nation on earth to win a war against an enemy country without one death on either side ! the assault would come in three fazes ...1st block all internet and phone services to the nation of Chaz !2nd cut power ! and last but most importantly carpet bomb them for several hours every day until they surrender ! now you might say wait a minute ! you said there would be no loss of life ! how can you bomb them and not kill anyone ! the answer is very simple ...we use airtankers [water bombers] that are used to drop huge amounts of water on forest fires ! but instead of water we drop raw sewage ! thats right sewage ! we bomb the nation of Chaz with planes full of piss and shit ! and since the antifa faggots and blm idiots love throwing piss and feces on law enforcement it will be the ultimate in poetic justice ! poetic justice times a million ! and lets face it the people of the US could use a good laugh right now ! and what could be funnier than a bunch of democrats communist covered in shit and piss holding up their hands in surrender ! if Trump ordered a massive sustained sewage blitzkrieg or even better call it a shitzkrieg ! he would be guaranteed to win in nov !
Eventually somebody's got to clean that up!

Maybe the surviving prisoners of war
Dude, siege them with water balloons!
Or how about 200,000 canisters of tear gas. Lets get a Guinness rep down there and set a world record for the most canisters of tear gas ever set off in an hour. It will be productive AND fun!

Supposedly there's a 30 day moratorium on the use of gas by Seattle Police.
but theres no moratorium on shit ! drop raw sewage on them ! make it rain baby make it rain !
1591931032188.png shitzkreig !:)

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