How to be Unwoke while


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
maintainig a very rigid "Woke " stance.No finer example than
puffy tubby Gen. Milley as he admits faults in his historic disaster
Afghanistan withdrawal.Which is not soon enough.We the people
will have to tune in to a Network Sunday show { This Week }
with dependable one-sided Democrat partisan Martha Raddatz.
Milley has no room to wiggle around indisputable facts,timing
and outcomes.Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal was a stain on our
Military leadership and standing in the world as once the Prime
and only Superpower on earth.
Now ... it's not even debatable as to the United States
military might and readiness.Just a mere few years from
Trump's Military.But then you { many americans mite not know
that },because you've been lied to so many times in so many ways
it's like being in some 60's Spy flick and under constant
hynotic spells.Each day.Numerous times.Not even in a Franz Kafka
dystopian novel where green { Flowers,trees,shrubs } are totally absent
and only gray { old concrete structures } are available.
Which explains why Mr.Sunshine goes to great measure to hide
as much as possible.There's no reason to spread sunshine.
Not even a little sunshine.
As the new bully on the block strides around with orders
and directives under the banner of Woke!
Permitting few if any exceptions.I suppose if Mr.Sun wanted to
he could just overheat this abomination known as Wokeness.
Heat being the villain of many Human devices.Even once grand
Hollywood swimming pools.As seen in the closing scene in the
Hollywood masterpiece -Sunset Boulevard - { 1950 }
Dint Andy Warhola glitter queen Edie Sedgewick end up
out in california living in some abandoned {empty} large swimming pool.
But she was Way Out There. Like Woke couldn't even deal with her
type.Nor want to.
Maybe that's the master plan.Take over this Great country by
making fellow citizens disdain who they were and what they
once cherished.
Milley just can't seem to be happy. First he turns on Trump, now he turns on Biden.

U.S. Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Milley tells @MarthaRaddatz the evacuation from Afghanistan in August 2021 was a "strategic failure": "It didn't end the way I wanted it. It didn't end the way any of us wanted it [to]." See interview SUNDAY on @thisweekabc. 'Didn't end the way I wanted': Gen. Milley looks back at US exit from Afghanistan
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) September 13, 2023
maintainig a very rigid "Woke " stance.No finer example than
puffy tubby Gen. Milley as he admits faults in his historic disaster
Afghanistan withdrawal.Which is not soon enough.We the people
will have to tune in to a Network Sunday show { This Week }
with dependable one-sided Democrat partisan Martha Raddatz.
Milley has no room to wiggle around indisputable facts,timing
and outcomes.Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal was a stain on our
Military leadership and standing in the world as once the Prime
and only Superpower on earth.
Now ... it's not even debatable as to the United States
military might and readiness.Just a mere few years from
Trump's Military.But then you { many americans mite not know
that },because you've been lied to so many times in so many ways
it's like being in some 60's Spy flick and under constant
hynotic spells.Each day.Numerous times.Not even in a Franz Kafka
dystopian novel where green { Flowers,trees,shrubs } are totally absent
and only gray { old concrete structures } are available.
Which explains why Mr.Sunshine goes to great measure to hide
as much as possible.There's no reason to spread sunshine.
Not even a little sunshine.
As the new bully on the block strides around with orders
and directives under the banner of Woke!
Permitting few if any exceptions.I suppose if Mr.Sun wanted to
he could just overheat this abomination known as Wokeness.
Heat being the villain of many Human devices.Even once grand
Hollywood swimming pools.As seen in the closing scene in the
Hollywood masterpiece -Sunset Boulevard - { 1950 }
Dint Andy Warhola glitter queen Edie Sedgewick end up
out in california living in some abandoned {empty} large swimming pool.
But she was Way Out There. Like Woke couldn't even deal with her
type.Nor want to.
Maybe that's the master plan.Take over this Great country by
making fellow citizens disdain who they were and what they
once cherished.

You're pretty high right now, aren't you?
You're pretty high right now, aren't you?
On this Great country and once proud citizens.
In the least we are seperating the true patriots from
the Eric Hoffer termed " True Believers ".
Seperating those Fyodors the Thrashers with their beards
full of chaff.With those Like Abe Lincoln standing tall and talking
eloquently for the betterment of his fellow americans.
Not that those who tune-in to MSNBC could or would
give a gillhooley.Nor those trying to make it seem they are now
on the side of Patriiots and americana like the snarky Morning Joe
Regular from The Washington Post.David Ignatius,witining an
article made to appear he's so brutally brave and honest to a fault.
I guess that explains all the snarkiness by his Newrag of record
Washington Post bending over backwards to use classified info
by Holdover Deep Stater's anonymously.No finer example of
trickery by purposeful leaking of Classified or Top Secret
material by a major Newspaper.For the express purpose of
destroying by any means the Trump Adm.
And this Ignatius creepzoid was just too tickled pink to
On this Great country and once proud citizens.
In the least we are seperating the true patriots from
the Eric Hoffer termed " True Believers ".
Seperating those Fyodors the Thrashers with their beards
full of chaff.With those Like Abe Lincoln standing tall and talking
eloquently for the betterment of his fellow americans.
Not that those who tune-in to MSNBC could or would
give a gillhooley.Nor those trying to make it seem they are now
on the side of Patriiots and americana like the snarky Morning Joe
Regular from The Washington Post.David Ignatius,witining an
article made to appear he's so brutally brave and honest to a fault.
I guess that explains all the snarkiness by his Newrag of record
Washington Post bending over backwards to use classified info
by Holdover Deep Stater's anonymously.No finer example of
trickery by purposeful leaking of Classified or Top Secret
material by a major Newspaper.For the express purpose of
destroying by any means the Trump Adm.
And this Ignatius creepzoid was just too tickled pink to

A simple yes would have been enough. That's ok. The benzadrine back in the 60s made me talk a lot too. .

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