How to be Dauntless


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Because there are those who are dauntless and then those
of the dauntless Liar persuation.Like what we have heard from
Brother Jim Biden.Who categorically stated that his older brother
Joe Biden had nothing whatever to do with his career choices nor
any wealth acquired.
We have tons of proof to the contrary.Jim was gifted a lucrative
job managing Hospitals with not a shred of experience.
Think son Hunter Biden and his job experience when gifted
with a career { on the board } of Burisma Holdings.
Now then there are fearless Moguls like Donald Trump,
virtually a self-made Real Estate Mogul.Sure his father gifted him
seed money AFTER Graduating the finest Business College in
America { Wharton School of Business }.
Trump proved his mettle without Daddy buding-in.
Had plenty of ups and downs.Remained open,personable
and available for those to converse about many topics.
So there ya have it Folks.
There is Open and Personable and also Fearless
Daunting folk.And then those who are Not open,personable
and yet fearless in there lying about.
I think Joe Public understands the difference.
Dauntingly may be used as an adjective to explain
Whereas the passions of Love and Hate rank first.
Desire and Aversion second.
Hope and Despair third.
Fear and Daring fourth.
Anger as fifth.
Sixth and last Joy and Sadness.
What passion{s} explains the state of the United
States a couple days after Presidents Day.
Tink about it.
Oh! Today is George Washington's birthday
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The media is treating Jim Bidens's word as holy writ.
Not as if Unexpected.But it's really simple.It's all american
as ... You can fool SOME of the people ALL of the time,
and you can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time ...
But you can't fool ... MOM! -- Captain Penny.
Americans are being taught to Not know the difference.
Abortion is a Prime example.
In the 50's and even 60's Abortions were considered
evil.A very bad thing.
My Proof ... The Steve McQueen/Natalie Wood movie :
- Love with the Proper Stranger - { 1963 }
Need I digress.

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