How The NRA Enables Massacres


Hind sight is 20 20.

How are people supposed to know the mental status of complete strangers?

We all know you're unhinged but I'll bet the guy you buy your fertilizer from doesn't

I don't go around talking about murdering people.

and the name-calling just shows you have a weak argument.

This guy was pretty clearly unhinged. And someone sold him three guns.

"This guy was pretty clearly unhinged"? And you think it was obvious to everyone that he was unhinged? Without ANY evidence concerning his behavior in the gun store, you continue to insist that it was obvious that he was crazy? You are simply lying again. There is no basis for your claim.
I don't go around talking about murdering people.

No? What happened to all your (empty) bluster about hitting people on the head with baseball bats? What do you think happens when you do that, Dr. Quincy?

When you masturbate over your fantasies of a great proletariat uprising, do you imagine mass pillow fights in the streets, comrade? Better go read your Manifesto again, hypocrite.
I don't go around talking about murdering people.

No? What happened to all your (empty) bluster about hitting people on the head with baseball bats? What do you think happens when you do that, Dr. Quincy?

When you masturbate over your fantasies of a great proletariat uprising, do you imagine mass pillow fights in the streets, comrade? Better go read your Manifesto again, hypocrite.

Naw, i never advocating hititng them on the head.

Kneecaps work so much better. they get to think about what they did wrong.
"This guy was pretty clearly unhinged"? And you think it was obvious to everyone that he was unhinged? Without ANY evidence concerning his behavior in the gun store, you continue to insist that it was obvious that he was crazy? You are simply lying again. There is no basis for your claim.

You mean other htan his own parents ratted him out?

Hey, here's an idea. If you are under 25, they have to call your parents before they sell you a gun.
I don't go around talking about murdering people.

No? What happened to all your (empty) bluster about hitting people on the head with baseball bats? What do you think happens when you do that, Dr. Quincy?

When you masturbate over your fantasies of a great proletariat uprising, do you imagine mass pillow fights in the streets, comrade? Better go read your Manifesto again, hypocrite.

Naw, i never advocating hititng them on the head.

Kneecaps work so much better. they get to think about what they did wrong.

Hypocrite, pussy, fraud, fool.

Hind sight is 20 20.

How are people supposed to know the mental status of complete strangers?

We all know you're unhinged but I'll bet the guy you buy your fertilizer from doesn't

I don't go around talking about murdering people.

and the name-calling just shows you have a weak argument.

This guy was pretty clearly unhinged. And someone sold him three guns.

So how come you didn't stop him?

Oh that's right you had absolutely no way of knowing what he was going to do did you?

So tell me why do you hold other people to a standard you yourself can't meet?

The guy didn't try to buy guns from me.

Now, I have had some pretty unhinged people who have tried to get me to write resumes for them. And even though you can't kill someone with a resume, I usually pass on those jobs if I don't think I can accomplish anything to help that person.
"This guy was pretty clearly unhinged"? And you think it was obvious to everyone that he was unhinged? Without ANY evidence concerning his behavior in the gun store, you continue to insist that it was obvious that he was crazy? You are simply lying again. There is no basis for your claim.

You mean other htan his own parents ratted him out?

Hey, here's an idea. If you are under 25, they have to call your parents before they sell you a gun.

Here is an idea. If you are mentally ill, your psychiatrist is required to submit your name to the database that feeds the NICS. Then the gun dealers will not sell you a gun. You know, like the NRA has been trying to get done for years.
No? What happened to all your (empty) bluster about hitting people on the head with baseball bats? What do you think happens when you do that, Dr. Quincy?

When you masturbate over your fantasies of a great proletariat uprising, do you imagine mass pillow fights in the streets, comrade? Better go read your Manifesto again, hypocrite.

Naw, i never advocating hititng them on the head.

Kneecaps work so much better. they get to think about what they did wrong.

Hypocrite, pussy, fraud, fool.

You forgot "Coward".
R.eally't be a Christian and JoeBlow being perfect examples. They are both all talk pussies who shoot their mouths off online but would piss themselves if push ever came to shove. Just the kind of impotent losers who build up a lifetime of frustration and shame until they snap. On their own this 'snap' wouldn't amount to anything beyond their own feebleness, but with a gun they could pretend for a moment they had dicks.

Those with no respect for the Constitution would point to psychos like them as justification for depriving normal Americans of their rights instead of focusing on the mental health issues of the deranged few in the first place. Where are all the leftists calling for a ban on cars and knives?

If all the energy expended trying to undermine the Constitution were directed toward better identification and treatment of the mentally ill we'd be better off.

My door is always open.

Your door, like the rest of your cell, is padded and your meds come with flavored Jell-O every afternoon.

Even though that is not likely true, THAT IS FUNNY! :lol::lol:
I don't go around talking about murdering people.

and the name-calling just shows you have a weak argument.

This guy was pretty clearly unhinged. And someone sold him three guns.

So how come you didn't stop him?

Oh that's right you had absolutely no way of knowing what he was going to do did you?

So tell me why do you hold other people to a standard you yourself can't meet?

The guy didn't try to buy guns from me.

Now, I have had some pretty unhinged people who have tried to get me to write resumes for them. And even though you can't kill someone with a resume, I usually pass on those jobs if I don't think I can accomplish anything to help that person.

even if he did you wouldn't have known his mental state
The issue isn't guns, it's mental health. You can get rid of guns but these lunatic's will still find a way to kill. Elliot Rodgers family reported him weeks ago but the police couldn't do anything about it because he didn't break any laws. We need to look at what's causing us to become increasingly violent and how can it be dealth with and still protect a persons rights.

Um, violent crime is actually down, mostly because as a society, we are growing older.

NO, the real problem is that you have a gun industry that is happy to sell to anyone in order to keep people afraid.

Uh no sunshine,we are increasingly more violent compared with the last 50 years. We may be down as compared to recently, although I think that's Political BS anyway. If you go back and look at the last 50 years, there's clearly a problem with violence that didn't exist here in the USA. Even 30 years ago you didn't have all these mass killings at the rate it is today. Every other week some nutjob goes off. The Tommy gun has been around since 1918 and the AK47 since WWII, both capable of mass shootings yet you didn't see someone walking into a school and shooting up the place with a Tommy gun or a AK47. Hell you didn't even see someone shooting a school up with a musket. The point being, it wasn't done. This is a new problem and we need to ask ourselves why and whats causing it.

FYI when I was a kid, a lot of kids, myself included, carried pocket knives to school. Amount of kids that got stabbed at my school? 0 Nor was it a concern of the school faculty. Gum chewing and smoking in school was the major issue. Now my kids have to pass through Metal detector's before entering school and the doors locked behind them. In my day the doors were all left unlocked during the day. Heck when I was a kid you could go to the beach all day, leave every door and window in the house open and unlocked and nobody would bother the house. That's how much society has changed.

It's not the guns it's mental and social issues that aren't being addressed. It's easier to pick on an object that can't fight back than deal with the real issues with people who can complain or vote you out of office. Blame it on the gun, sweep it under the carpet and hope it goes away hasn't worked and won't work. every mass killing is evidence of that.

BTW Elliot Rodgers used a knife to stab three people, are we going to ban knives too?
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Uh no sunshine,we are increasingly more violent compared with the last 50 years. We may be down as compared to recently, although I think that's Political BS anyway. If you go back and look at the last 50 years, there's clearly a problem with violence that didn't exist here in the USA. Even 30 years ago you didn't have all these mass killings at the rate it is today. Every other week some nutjob goes off. The Tommy gun has been around since 1918 and the AK47 since WWII, both capable of mass shootings yet you didn't see someone walking into a school and shooting up the place with a Tommy gun or a AK47. Hell you didn't even see someone shooting a school up with a musket. The point being, it wasn't done. This is a new problem and we need to ask ourselves why and whats causing it.

FYI when I was a kid, a lot of kids, myself included, carried pocket knives to school. Amount of kids that got stabbed at my school? 0 Nor was it a concern of the school faculty. Gum chewing and smoking in school was the major issue. Now my kids have to pass through Metal detector's before entering school and the doors locked behind them. In my day the doors were all left unlocked during the day. Heck when I was a kid you could go to the beach all day, leave every door and window in the house open and unlocked and nobody would bother the house. That's how much society has changed.

It's not the guns it's mental and social issues that aren't being addressed. It's easier to pick on an object that can't fight back than deal with the real issues with people who can complain or vote you out of office. Blame it on the gun, sweep it under the carpet and hope it goes away hasn't worked and won't work. every mass killing is evidence of that.

BTW Elliot Rodgers used a knife to stab three people, are we going to ban knives too?
Yep. I never heard of school stabbings or the shoot em ups but liberals have to blame something they can touch or smell. The possibility that their policies deteriorate society can't be possible in their minds. They spoil their kids and teach them problems are someone else's fault and they are victims of those that would exploit them.

Many schools used to have rifle ranges, kids went to school with their own weapons. How did guns evolve into such insidious creatures? They don't say.

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