How The NRA Enables Massacres

I have had some pretty unhinged people who have tried to get me to write resumes for them.

Anyone who would want a hack like you to write anything for them would have to be unhinged.

Yeah, all those unhinged people who got good paying jobs with my resumes.

those unhinged people.

Somehow, I think you and TEmplar Kormac go to the same video-game club.
So how come you didn't stop him?

Oh that's right you had absolutely no way of knowing what he was going to do did you?

So tell me why do you hold other people to a standard you yourself can't meet?

The guy didn't try to buy guns from me.

Now, I have had some pretty unhinged people who have tried to get me to write resumes for them. And even though you can't kill someone with a resume, I usually pass on those jobs if I don't think I can accomplish anything to help that person.

even if he did you wouldn't have known his mental state

Um, yeah, guy, I probably would have. Funny thing about Crazy people. They talk about their crazy the way the rest of us talk about the weather.
Uh no sunshine,we are increasingly more violent compared with the last 50 years.

Um, no, we're not.


Violent crime is way down from where it was in the 1970's.
The guy didn't try to buy guns from me.

Now, I have had some pretty unhinged people who have tried to get me to write resumes for them. And even though you can't kill someone with a resume, I usually pass on those jobs if I don't think I can accomplish anything to help that person.

even if he did you wouldn't have known his mental state

Um, yeah, guy, I probably would have. Funny thing about Crazy people. They talk about their crazy the way the rest of us talk about the weather.

Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth ?
Um, yeah, guy, I probably would have. Funny thing about Crazy people. They talk about their crazy the way the rest of us talk about the weather.

Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth ?

Wow, you know, I'm starting to wonder why so many gun nuts are terrified the gun sellers might stop selling to crazy people.

You won't answer the question I asked you multiple times.

Instead you say "I'd know if a person was crazy"

And the truth is you probably wouldn't.
Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth ?

Wow, you know, I'm starting to wonder why so many gun nuts are terrified the gun sellers might stop selling to crazy people.

You won't answer the question I asked you multiple times.

Instead you say "I'd know if a person was crazy"

And the truth is you probably wouldn't.

Yeah, i probably would.

Yeah, crazy people are usually pretty shitty at hiding it. Most of them think it's normal.
Wow, you know, I'm starting to wonder why so many gun nuts are terrified the gun sellers might stop selling to crazy people.

You won't answer the question I asked you multiple times.

Instead you say "I'd know if a person was crazy"

And the truth is you probably wouldn't.

Yeah, i probably would.

Yeah, crazy people are usually pretty shitty at hiding it. Most of them think it's normal.

Uh Huh
Wow, you know, I'm starting to wonder why so many gun nuts are terrified the gun sellers might stop selling to crazy people.

You won't answer the question I asked you multiple times.

Instead you say "I'd know if a person was crazy"

And the truth is you probably wouldn't.

Yeah, i probably would.

Yeah, crazy people are usually pretty shitty at hiding it. Most of them think it's normal.

You are so full of shit. Maybe if you expect every mentally ill person to be babbling and raving like the crazies on the street, you might have a point. But then, if you believe that you are clueless about what mental illness is all about.

You have said you can spot a mentally ill person and you have said that Rodgers was acting batshit crazy when he was in the gun store. But are lies.
You mean other htan his own parents ratted him out?

Hey, here's an idea. If you are under 25, they have to call your parents before they sell you a gun.

Here is an idea. If you are mentally ill, your psychiatrist is required to submit your name to the database that feeds the NICS. Then the gun dealers will not sell you a gun. You know, like the NRA has been trying to get done for years.

NO, they haven't.

The NRA wants crazy people to have guns. Otherwise, they'd have set up their own system.

The NRA has no legal authority to monitor and control guns sales
You won't answer the question I asked you multiple times.

Instead you say "I'd know if a person was crazy"

And the truth is you probably wouldn't.

Yeah, i probably would.

Yeah, crazy people are usually pretty shitty at hiding it. Most of them think it's normal.

Uh Huh

On this, I have to agree with Joe. I've read enough of his posts to have a good idea about his mental state and it's lack of touch with reality. I'd hate for anyone to sell him a firearm.
NRA works for gun mfgrs.

End of discussion.

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I'm sure you do want that to be the end of the discussion because your claim cannot be substantiated. The NRA was founded in 1871 to promote marksmanship amongst people after it was calculated that there were 1,000 misses for every shot fired by the Union that hit a Confederate soldier. They organized rifle clubs, and many state National Guard organizations sought NRA advice to improve members' marksmanship. The NRA formed its Legislative Affairs Division to update members with facts and analysis of upcoming bills after the National Firearms Act of 1934 was passed. Even then, the NRA mainly focused on sportsmen, hunters and target shooters, and downplayed gun control issues, until the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968 galvanized a growing number of NRA gun rights activists.

While the gun industry does contribute to the NRA to support their efforts, the gun industry has its own lobbying arm, the National Shooting Sports Foundation. If the NRA worked for the gun manufacturers as you contend, why would they not focus on the NRA rather than have their own lobbying arm?

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