How the multiverse came to be, along with other nonsense


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2019
Fake physics for morons and other democrats, the multiverse by a gibberish generator

Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
A nonsensical academic paper on nuclear physics written only by iOS autocomplete has been accepted for a scientific conference.

Christoph Bartneck, an associate professor at the Human Interface Technology laboratory at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, received an email inviting him to submit a paper to the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics in the US in November.

“Since I have practically no knowledge of nuclear physics I resorted to iOS autocomplete function to help me writing the paper,” he wrote in a blog post on Thursday. “I started a sentence with ‘atomic’ or ‘nuclear’ and then randomly hit the autocomplete suggestions.

“The text really does not make any sense.”

“The atoms of a better universe will have the right for the same as you are the way we shall have to be a great place for a great time to enjoy the day you are a wonderful person to your great time to take the fun and take a great time and enjoy the great day you will be a wonderful time for your parents and kids,” is a sample sentence from the abstract.

It concludes: “Power is not a great place for a good time.”

Bartneck illustrated the paper – titled, again through autocorrect, “Atomic Energy will have been made available to a single source” – with the first graphic on the Wikipedia entry for nuclear physics.

He submitted it under a fake identity: associate professor Iris Pear of the US, whose experience in atomic and nuclear physics was outlined in a biography using contradictory gender pronouns.

The nonsensical paper was accepted only three hours later, in an email asking Bartneck to confirm his slot for the “oral presentation” at the international conference.

Next round please
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  • #3
Try and pay attention. This paper good:
Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
Go to your OP. Look at the link in the second paragraph that starts with the paragraph "International Conference on ...."

That link bad.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk
Curly of the Three Stooges said that. You must be an old timer.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
Try and pay attention. This paper good:
Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
Go to your OP. Look at the link in the second paragraph that starts with the paragraph "International Conference on ...."

That link bad.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk
Curly of the Three Stooges said that. You must be an old timer.
Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference

The above link is good, deal with it.

Yes my little chickadee
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Last edited:

Ah yes, the paper is real but the conference is not. Quote from your new source:
Bartneck, was asked confirm his slot for the "oral presentation" and register for the event at a cost of US$1099

That was an attempt to scam Bartneck. If a legitimate researcher took the email seriously and sent the $1099, the scammer would be $1099 richer and the author would eventually find out that the conference does not exist.

It's a variation on the you-won-a-million-dollars scam. You have to prepay taxes of $1099 before they send you the million.

Now you are the sore looser, don't ya think?

May the farce be with you.


Ah yes, the paper is real but the conference is not. Quote from your new source:
Bartneck, was asked confirm his slot for the "oral presentation" and register for the event at a cost of US$1099

That was an attempt to scam Bartneck. If a legitimate researcher took the email seriously and sent the $1099, the scammer would be $1099 richer and the author would eventually find out that the conference does not exist.

It's a variation on the you-won-a-million-dollars scam. You have to prepay taxes of $1099 before they send you the million.

Now you are the sore looser, don't ya think?

May the farce be with you.

The paper and the conference were real, your loss was predestined I told you so

Scientific conference accepts fake paper written by autocomplete

The paper and the conference were real, your loss was predestined I told you so

Scientific conference accepts fake paper written by autocomplete

Paper real. Conference fake. It happens. Fake conferences are called predatory conferences. Here is more detail on that fake conference.

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference • Skeptical Science

..... Now here comes another punchline to all this. It happened in 2016, and even became a media story at the time. So here are we two years later with the 2018 conference in October up and running.

Who is organising that conference and is behind this?

Conference Series LLC LTD are, and they are a subsidiary of the OMICS Publishing Group, a publisher that is widely regarded as predatory.

Jeffrey Beall went after these people and issued the following guidance …

“in the strongest terms possible, that all scholars from all countries avoid doing business in any way with the OMICS Group. Do not submit papers. Do not agree to serve on their editorial boards. Do not register for or attend their conferences.”

Conference fake. QED. I have to admit your OP is more entertaining than I expected. Kudos to you.

The paper and the conference were real, your loss was predestined I told you so

Scientific conference accepts fake paper written by autocomplete

Paper real. Conference fake. It happens. Fake conferences are called predatory conferences. Here is more detail on that fake conference.

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference • Skeptical Science

..... Now here comes another punchline to all this. It happened in 2016, and even became a media story at the time. So here are we two years later with the 2018 conference in October up and running.

Who is organising that conference and is behind this?

Conference Series LLC LTD are, and they are a subsidiary of the OMICS Publishing Group, a publisher that is widely regarded as predatory.

Jeffrey Beall went after these people and issued the following guidance …

“in the strongest terms possible, that all scholars from all countries avoid doing business in any way with the OMICS Group. Do not submit papers. Do not agree to serve on their editorial boards. Do not register for or attend their conferences.”

Conference fake. QED. I have to admit your OP is more entertaining than I expected. Kudos to you.


Not good
The paper and the conference were real, your loss was predestined I told you so

Scientific conference accepts fake paper written by autocomplete

Paper real. Conference fake. It happens. Fake conferences are called predatory conferences. Here is more detail on that fake conference.

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference • Skeptical Science

..... Now here comes another punchline to all this. It happened in 2016, and even became a media story at the time. So here are we two years later with the 2018 conference in October up and running.

Who is organising that conference and is behind this?

Conference Series LLC LTD are, and they are a subsidiary of the OMICS Publishing Group, a publisher that is widely regarded as predatory.

Jeffrey Beall went after these people and issued the following guidance …

“in the strongest terms possible, that all scholars from all countries avoid doing business in any way with the OMICS Group. Do not submit papers. Do not agree to serve on their editorial boards. Do not register for or attend their conferences.”

Conference fake. QED. I have to admit your OP is more entertaining than I expected. Kudos to you.

FTC Charges Academic Journal Publisher OMICS Group Deceived Researchers

The Federal Trade Commission has charged the publisher of hundreds of purported online academic journals with deceiving academics and researchers about the nature of its publications and hiding publication fees ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

The FTC’s complaint alleges that OMICS Group, Inc., along with two affiliated companies and their president and director, Srinubabu Gedela, claim that their journals follow rigorous peer-review practices and have editorial boards made up of prominent academics. In reality, many articles are published with little to no peer review and numerous individuals represented to be editors have not agreed to be affiliated with the journals.

This is exactly how AGW got faked
The paper and the conference were real, your loss was predestined I told you so

Scientific conference accepts fake paper written by autocomplete

Paper real. Conference fake. It happens. Fake conferences are called predatory conferences. Here is more detail on that fake conference.

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference • Skeptical Science

..... Now here comes another punchline to all this. It happened in 2016, and even became a media story at the time. So here are we two years later with the 2018 conference in October up and running.

Who is organising that conference and is behind this?

Conference Series LLC LTD are, and they are a subsidiary of the OMICS Publishing Group, a publisher that is widely regarded as predatory.

Jeffrey Beall went after these people and issued the following guidance …

“in the strongest terms possible, that all scholars from all countries avoid doing business in any way with the OMICS Group. Do not submit papers. Do not agree to serve on their editorial boards. Do not register for or attend their conferences.”

Conference fake. QED. I have to admit your OP is more entertaining than I expected. Kudos to you.

FTC Charges Academic Journal Publisher OMICS Group Deceived Researchers

The Federal Trade Commission has charged the publisher of hundreds of purported online academic journals with deceiving academics and researchers about the nature of its publications and hiding publication fees ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

The FTC’s complaint alleges that OMICS Group, Inc., along with two affiliated companies and their president and director, Srinubabu Gedela, claim that their journals follow rigorous peer-review practices and have editorial boards made up of prominent academics. In reality, many articles are published with little to no peer review and numerous individuals represented to be editors have not agreed to be affiliated with the journals.

This is exactly how AGW got faked
Try and pay attention. This paper good:
Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
Go to your OP. Look at the link in the second paragraph that starts with the paragraph "International Conference on ...."

That link bad.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk
Curly of the Three Stooges said that. You must be an old timer.
Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference

The above link is good, deal with it.

Yes my little chickadee
Link works, it goes to The Guardian article
Fake physics for morons and other democrats, the multiverse by a gibberish generator

Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
A nonsensical academic paper on nuclear physics written only by iOS autocomplete has been accepted for a scientific conference.

Christoph Bartneck, an associate professor at the Human Interface Technology laboratory at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, received an email inviting him to submit a paper to the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics in the US in November.

“Since I have practically no knowledge of nuclear physics I resorted to iOS autocomplete function to help me writing the paper,” he wrote in a blog post on Thursday. “I started a sentence with ‘atomic’ or ‘nuclear’ and then randomly hit the autocomplete suggestions.

“The text really does not make any sense.”

“The atoms of a better universe will have the right for the same as you are the way we shall have to be a great place for a great time to enjoy the day you are a wonderful person to your great time to take the fun and take a great time and enjoy the great day you will be a wonderful time for your parents and kids,” is a sample sentence from the abstract.

It concludes: “Power is not a great place for a good time.”

Bartneck illustrated the paper – titled, again through autocorrect, “Atomic Energy will have been made available to a single source” – with the first graphic on the Wikipedia entry for nuclear physics.

He submitted it under a fake identity: associate professor Iris Pear of the US, whose experience in atomic and nuclear physics was outlined in a biography using contradictory gender pronouns.

The nonsensical paper was accepted only three hours later, in an email asking Bartneck to confirm his slot for the “oral presentation” at the international conference.

Next round please
"The atoms of a better universe will have the right for the same as you are"

"we shall have to be a great place for a great time"
True of USMB and pretty much anywhere really.

“Power is not a great place for a good time.”

Should read "The halls of power are not great places for a good time" but otherwise correct.

What's the problem??
Fake physics for morons and other democrats, the multiverse by a gibberish generator

Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference
A nonsensical academic paper on nuclear physics written only by iOS autocomplete has been accepted for a scientific conference.

Christoph Bartneck, an associate professor at the Human Interface Technology laboratory at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, received an email inviting him to submit a paper to the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics in the US in November.

“Since I have practically no knowledge of nuclear physics I resorted to iOS autocomplete function to help me writing the paper,” he wrote in a blog post on Thursday. “I started a sentence with ‘atomic’ or ‘nuclear’ and then randomly hit the autocomplete suggestions.

“The text really does not make any sense.”

“The atoms of a better universe will have the right for the same as you are the way we shall have to be a great place for a great time to enjoy the day you are a wonderful person to your great time to take the fun and take a great time and enjoy the great day you will be a wonderful time for your parents and kids,” is a sample sentence from the abstract.

It concludes: “Power is not a great place for a good time.”

Bartneck illustrated the paper – titled, again through autocorrect, “Atomic Energy will have been made available to a single source” – with the first graphic on the Wikipedia entry for nuclear physics.

He submitted it under a fake identity: associate professor Iris Pear of the US, whose experience in atomic and nuclear physics was outlined in a biography using contradictory gender pronouns.

The nonsensical paper was accepted only three hours later, in an email asking Bartneck to confirm his slot for the “oral presentation” at the international conference.

Next round please

Germany was once the world's leader in Physics. Their universities were producing the leading thinkers in Physics, Einstein, Heisenberg, Planck.

They were laying the foundation of Quantum Physics. Then came along, the Nazis. They purged the Jews from universities and scientific industries, they labeled the ideas of some of the most brilliant among them as "Jewish Physics" and created their own version called "Deutsche Physics".

Science is the best methodology for the betterment of mankind yet devised by man. But, when it is polluted with ideological thought (from the left or the right), it becomes a tool for the destruction of man.

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