How the MSM hide the truth about the "46 million uninsured Americans" per Obama.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Barack Obama at a town hall in New Hampshire said:
"I don't have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don't have health insurance coverage today.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million

A) DIDN"T account for Medicaid eligible Americans.
The Impact of Obamacare, in Four Maps
Oct 31, 2016 - It appears that Medicaid expansion has had a couple of effects:
It helped spur many people Who were already eligible for the program to sign up.
The Impact of Obamacare, in Four Maps

This report echoes earlier studies that show many Medicaid expansion enrollees were already eligible before the healthcare law.
Last year, analysis from the RAND Corporation found that 6.1 million new Medicaid enrollees were already
eligible for Medicaid. MIT economist and
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.
Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled.

B) "Sloppy" by 22%!!!
See what Obama DIDN"T EXPLAIN to you that he was "sloppy" as the Biased Politifact admits :
"It's an overcount because it counts non-citizens. Take out the 9.7 million non-citizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million. So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
"Sloppy" by 22%!!!

So just by adding 9.7 million illegals and 14 million Medicaid eligible BEFORE ACA you come up with
near 24 million by Obama's "SLOPPY" accounting or over 52% gross sloppy estimation.
Remember folks "46 million" was the magic number used to convince JuST Dems to pass Obamacare.

In reality that "sloppy" and "unexplained 24 million was used including 18 million people that NEVER NEEDED or wanted health insurance!

18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance but Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

" 24 percent of sign-ups coming in among young adults bad news for the Affordable Care Act?
It is, obviously, lower than the targeted 40 percent." the exact group the White House thinks it really, really needs to enroll to make the health-care law work.That's an important target to hit because more young adults in the exchanges would mean a more healthy population, whose premiums could help subsidize the health care of older and sicker enrollees.
One in four Obamacare enrollees are young adults. That’s below the target.
The exact group that don't need health insurance was what Obamacare was counting on AND so he
falsely counted 18 million people that HE KNEW didn't WANT or NEED Obamacare! WHY??
from his book:"Dreams from My Father"
OBAMA: It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.

So here we had an INFLATED 46 million when total reality is less then 5 million that really needed insurance!
It seems we can aid the situation greatly by deporting the illegals.

Could a wall be an answer to the health care crisis?
It seems we can aid the situation greatly by deporting the illegals.

Could a wall be an answer to the health care crisis?

It would help! But my suggestion would be DON"T give any credibility to the concept of a "health care crisis".
There never was one.
A) Medicaid is the truly only "crisis" mode and that's being fixed by simply having more people WORK and employers/employees paying into Medicare/SS...which is happening.
B) Health insurance companies were bound to go broke under Obamacare's onerous 85% Medical Loss ratio.
The average company already spent about 80% of every dollar in premium received in claims. This left 20% for overhead, taxes and those nefarious profits.
BUT profits are what create "reserves" which is used to pay future claims.
The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% or 85% of premium dollars on medical care, with the rate review provisions imposing tighter limits on health insurance rate increase. Medical Loss Ratio - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

For example:
In Iowa, most of the Wellmark (BCBS) market share continues to be in non-compliant plans (the grandmothered/grandfathered pre-ACA plans),
so Wellmark cherry picks its own market share. Over three years, news reports show Wellmark lost $90 million on ACA compliant plans, with one enrollee accounting for $18 million in claims for one year alone. So for 2018 Wellmark will not only leave the marketplace, it will stop offering all ACA compliant plans, keeping in force just their pre-ACA policies.
Why So Many Insurers Are Leaving Obamacare

NOTE the bias in the article" "Wellmark cherry picks"! Again total ignorance on the part of MSM/Obama regarding how health insurance works!

So let's not play into the MSM's hands by using terms like "health care crisis". There never was one!
It seems we can aid the situation greatly by deporting the illegals.

Could a wall be an answer to the health care crisis?

It would help! But my suggestion would be DON"T give any credibility to the concept of a "health care crisis".
There never was one.
A) Medicaid is the truly only "crisis" mode and that's being fixed by simply having more people WORK and employers/employees paying into Medicare/SS...which is happening.
B) Health insurance companies were bound to go broke under Obamacare's onerous 85% Medical Loss ratio.
The average company already spent about 80% of every dollar in premium received in claims. This left 20% for overhead, taxes and those nefarious profits.
BUT profits are what create "reserves" which is used to pay future claims.
The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% or 85% of premium dollars on medical care, with the rate review provisions imposing tighter limits on health insurance rate increase. Medical Loss Ratio - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

For example:
In Iowa, most of the Wellmark (BCBS) market share continues to be in non-compliant plans (the grandmothered/grandfathered pre-ACA plans),
so Wellmark cherry picks its own market share. Over three years, news reports show Wellmark lost $90 million on ACA compliant plans, with one enrollee accounting for $18 million in claims for one year alone. So for 2018 Wellmark will not only leave the marketplace, it will stop offering all ACA compliant plans, keeping in force just their pre-ACA policies.
Why So Many Insurers Are Leaving Obamacare

NOTE the bias in the article" "Wellmark cherry picks"! Again total ignorance on the part of MSM/Obama regarding how health insurance works!

So let's not play into the MSM's hands by using terms like "health care crisis". There never was one!
. Does all this equate or factor into the problem of premiums rising to unsustainable levels for those working prior to the ACA, and how policies deductibles we're sky rocketing, the split went from 80/20 to 70/30 or below, and pre-existing conditions weren't covered ??

Hey there was a crisis, and there still is a crisis in these coverages or plans, so I beg to differ with your accounts of what the actual facts we're on the ground verses the lobbyist or paid for versions being spewed by those profiting big-time from the out of control situation.

You see healthcare insurance being a product don't have to be peddled to the masses, where as all it has to be is sold to those who can afford the product, and the product owned insurance company profits big-time from the sales and it's customers who buy the product.

The issue is that the government wants the companies to offer the products and services to be sold at better rates to include more citizens in order to reach the masses, but the companies we're only willing to do that if the government subsidized the product to make up the difference.

Trumps idea of allowing true competition to flourish in the industry by saying it needs to be allowed to cross state lines is the only way to fix it if it remains a marketed product, and with the ending of government help at some point.

If we have reached a point where the product becomes to high and unaffordable for all to be covered whom desire to be covered without government help, then the government must offer a plan or an insurance to all as a competition to those businesses that have enjoyed their monopolies over the citizens for to long now. We can't have a situation where to many are without insurance in which couldn't qualify for government assisted or government Healthcare such as medicaid or Medicare. Company sponsored plans for workers must be reasonable, and they must be quality plans. Workers shouldn't have to pay unreasonable amounts for plans that aren't any good, and that's what's been happening to them.
But my suggestion would be DON"T give any credibility to the concept of a "health care crisis".
There never was one.
The GOP method for solving a problem, deny it exists, problem solved.

Well YOU explain a non-existent health care crisis.
where is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
"the current economic crisis"
synonyms: emergency, disaster, catastrophe, calamity;

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