How the Democrats rigged the 2020 election

It took a YUGE army of conspirators across the entire country to pull off the steal. And not one of them has leaked a single word about it, even though a blowjob in the sanctity of the Oval Office can't even be kept a secret!

Just like not one of the five million illegal Mexicans who voted in 2016 was caught.
The sad thing is, you could say that to them with a straight face and they'd just nod in agreement.

DAMN those Deep State Hitler Swamp Commies. Damn them.
And thus why the GoP loses. It's members have the attention span of a gnat. The above post sums up about everything that is wrong with America at the moment. No critical thought. Just "I believe this because I believe it". Gee, why do normals like me look at conservatives and Deplorables as if they have the IQ of an ameoba.
LOLOLOL. This will be fun. Looks like your intoxicated enough to post big man at 3am......lolol

IQ????.................IQ????.......Now what does that mean. What is it?

I'll start by a question. Do you love what you do so much that you never had to work a day in your life?
LOLOL.............So funny looking at you tough guy libturds talkin shit in the middle of the night with MD4040 breath.....................BAWWWHAHAHA

What a dick measuring contest you libturds have. Biggest so far is a raging 4 incher.........BAWWWWHAHAHA
After all of this, I don't think we had an honest election since Ike. Kennedy's father stole 60, but stealing led to cleaning brain and blood matter off Daly Plaza.

Any Democrat ever winning was by fraud since 60. Any Repub winning means the Dems did not cheat enough

I see poll workers moving suitcases as Dem party operatives. Poll workers must be thoroughly vetted, like picking a Grand Jury

Now some will say it will cost more. When did a Dem ever worry about cost unless they paid for it????????

If Obama can give Africa millions to teach men to properly wash their Johnsons, then we have the money for election security.
It sounds as if the totality of your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen was poll workers at one location at one point in time being seen moving suitcases. And you believe that Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden were all elected via stolen elections and, apparently, the sole evidence of all those millions and millions of illegal votes cast is the one sighting at one time and at one location of suitcases being moved.

Color me impressed.
It sounds as if the totality of your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen was poll workers at one location at one point in time being seen moving suitcases. And you believe that Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden were all elected via stolen elections and, apparently, the sole evidence of all those millions and millions of illegal votes cast is the one sighting at one time and at one location of suitcases being moved.

Color me impressed.
The rightwing in America followed a pied piper with bleached blonde hair off the cliff and now suffers from a collective brain melt-down.
Just scratching the surface..........


Scratching the surface??

They were at it for almost half a year and all they have to show for their effors is MORE VOTES FOR BIDEN than was certified.

There was no proof of any fraud in the report, just some more suspicions, most of which were easily addressed by the county.

There is no problem in voting from prior address if you do so within 30 days of move, be it to another state or w/e.

"Potential voters that voted in multiple counties" is based on name/year-of-birth match, which of course gives many false positives. They use "potential" because these are not ACTUALY proven issues.

They even tell you that right there in your snapshot:

"there could be legitimate and legal votes in these counts"
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And you are lying to the UISMB forum again, as usual.

Biden did not promote any hotline or website to report voter fraud. I already flat out busted you in another thread by simply picking up the phone and calling the number. You're an idiot and a compulsive liar.
Holy crap, you really are shameless. To repeat my post to you on this - post 426 - I'll shove THIS lie down your throat, TOO.

You're welcome!

Hey Trumpster, you keep trying this, so I guess I'll have a little fun shoving your Trumpian ignorance and/or dishonesty down your throat.

Below is the WHOLE interview from which you have tried to distort the point of Biden's comments. So let's look at what he was actually talking about. In context. I took the time to check this out because I know what liars you are.

In context, he's talking about how important it is that they vote, how difficult the GOP is trying to make it for them to vote, how they can't let Trump get away with it, and how they can go to "I Will Vote dot com" for the resources they need on how and where to vote. This whole segment is about getting out the vote.

The question is about what his message is to people who have not yet voted. At 18:10, he begins the first part of his answer by reminding them about "I Will Vote dot com" and make sure they get out and vote.

At 19:11, he says, "secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the President (Trump) is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that they're vote won't be counted, it can't be counted, we're gonna challenge it, and all these things. If enough people vote, it's gonna overwhelm the system (quoting Trump). You see what's happening now, you guys see it as well as I do."

Biden is pointing out that Trump is lying (as usual), that anti-fraud organization is fighting it, that they can go to that website for voting resources, and that they can be sure their vote will count.

Coyote, now you have the full and honest context.

See post 426, in which I put it in full context and shove his lie down his throat.
I've done that too half a dozen times at least. Rightardism possesses a gene that blocks out reality.
Scratching the surface??

They were at it for almost half a year and all they have to show for their effors is MORE VOTES FOR BIDEN than was certified.

There was no proof of any fraud in the report, just some more suspicions, most of which were easily addressed by the county.

There is no problem in voting from prior address if you do so within 30 days of move, be it to another state or w/e.

"Potential voters that voted in multiple counties" is based on name/year-of-birth match, which of course gives many false positives. They use "potential" because these are not ACTUALY proven issues.

They even tell you that right there in your snapshot:

"there could be legitimate and legal votes in these counts"
From their report...

This is the most important finding in the audit because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent, and there
is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered
to any material degree.
First off - Mohammed, remember you are in CDZ, ok?

No, I didn't claim "no fraud" - everyone acknowledges that there is always some fraud, they just don't put in the disclaimer every time of "significant fraud". There will always be some fraud, even if it's one guy, voting in the name of his dead mother - but we have good laws and procedure in place. But no fraud significant enough to affect a national election was found, nor any sort of conspiracy on a national level. So why play semantical games?

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was massive. It worked, that's why Democrats are pumping your lie there was no significant fraud, you want these rules
Scratching the surface??

They were at it for almost half a year and all they have to show for their effors is MORE VOTES FOR BIDEN than was certified.

There was no proof of any fraud in the report, just some more suspicions, most of which were easily addressed by the county.

There is no problem in voting from prior address if you do so within 30 days of move, be it to another state or w/e.

"Potential voters that voted in multiple counties" is based on name/year-of-birth match, which of course gives many false positives. They use "potential" because these are not ACTUALY proven issues.

They even tell you that right there in your snapshot:

"there could be legitimate and legal votes in these counts"
I think my favorite one is this because it completely exposes why Cyber Ninja's was not competent to perform this audit...

In-Person Voters Who Had Moved out of Maricopa County: 2,382

That's actually 2,382 legal and valid votes for president. Those Cyber Rightards never bothered to research Arizona law which makes it legal for former residents of Arizona to vote for president if they moved within 30 days of an election. In fact, such people can move anywhere in the country and their vote for president still counts...

16-126. Authority to vote in presidential election after moving from state

A. Each person who is properly registered as an elector in any precinct in this state and who has begun residence in another state after the thirtieth day immediately preceding an election in which presidential electors are chosen shall retain his right to vote for presidential electors to be elected, but for no other offices in such election. Such vote may be cast by early ballot in the precinct from which he has removed, in person at the office of the county recorder or by mail.

B. Ballots cast by early voting procedures pursuant to this section shall be in the form prescribed by the secretary of state.

C. All applicants pursuant to this section shall have their registration canceled promptly following the election.

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