How some states are using progressive ideas to address economic woes


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
RGGI Cap-And-Trade Boosted State Economies: Report


Reports show that between 2008 and 2009, these CT programs produced $3 to $4 for every $1 invested. Nearly 2,700 jobs are directly attributed to energy efficiency, with an average employment income of $50,000 per year. ECMB's energy efficient programs also reportedly benefit low-income consumers -- through auditing, weatherization, and retrofitting programs, consumers saw an estimated $6 million dollars in annual energy savings.

If cap-and-trade is truly dead, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is desperately fighting to resuscitate it.

RGGI was formed by ten states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, focused on reducing CO2 emissions through cap-and-trade programs. RGGI reported this week that state programs have already seen many economic and environmental benefits.

States are expected to sell emission allowances through auctions, and invest their proceeds in consumer benefits. Participating states are reportedly investing, on average, 80 percent of their CO2 allowance proceeds to consumer benefit and energy programs. The report's findings are based on a two-year analysis of program investments, specifically focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy, bill payment assistance, and additional programs.

Overall the report finds that state investments have created jobs, reduced energy costs, and generated high economic returns.

I find it amazing that you can take a totally stacked story like this at face value, and then selectively quote it to make it seem that cap and trade is a great idea. Funny thing is the part you quoted is not talking about cap and trade itself, but about the supposed benefits of using government money to subsidize selected technologies and favored companies.
When one reads further it is also revealed that the vast majority of new jobs created are government oversight jobs. Auditors, paperwork shufflers etc. No metrics are released in any of the sub reports. All they are doing is talking to the various directors and getting their "rah rah" speeches.

A tax that will be passed down to the TAXPAYERS.

How friggen PROGRESSIVE.

And what a DAMN SCAM.
The only progressive idea is raise taxes and color it in a fashion to make it look like fucking over the middle class is a good idea.

Progs are the most vile people on the planet, and they want America destroyed.

Cloward-Piven strategy at it's finest.
I live in CT and we have some of the highest electric rates in the country second only to Hawaii. When I moved here we were fourth or fifth highest.

Is the increase related to cap and trade? I'll give odds that it is.
When one reads further it is also revealed that the vast majority of new jobs created are government oversight jobs. Auditors, paperwork shufflers etc. No metrics are released in any of the sub reports. All they are doing is talking to the various directors and getting their "rah rah" speeches.
I didn't want to give HuffyPuffy the hit or expose my intelligence to their insult.

Thanks for taking one for the team. :thup:
Or states could be like Minnesota.

Study shows who bears Minnesota's biggest tax burden

Study: Middle-, lower-income Minnesotans pay 12.3 percent in taxes. Wealthiest pay 10.3 percent.The high-octane political fight over taxes at the Capitol got a new source of fuel Wednesday: a statewide study that finds lower- and middle-income households are hit hardest by Minnesota's tax system.

"Minnesota's tax system is more regressive than it was a decade ago," acting Revenue Commissioner Dan Salomone said Wednesday. "Despite a slight improvement over the last study, the system remains notably more regressive than the historical average since 1991."

The study found that 90 percent of the state's earners paid an average of 12.3 percent of their income in state and local taxes in 2008. The wealthiest 10 percent of households earning more than $130,000 paid an average of 10.3 percent

Study shows who bears Minnesota's biggest tax burden |

Opps, the growing tax burden to the Middle Class didn't work as Minnesota's deficit is over 6 billion. Thanks, Tim Pawlenty.
Not that I'm in any mood to cut Pawlenty much of any slack, he did still have a democrat legislature....And Dayton isn't shaping up to be any better.

Oh well, the business atmosphere in Sioux Falls and Des Moines look friendlier every day.

But none of this is relevant to the phony "prosperity" claimed by cap-n-pricegouge.
Not that I'm in any mood to cut Pawlenty much of any slack, he did still have a democrat legislature....And Dayton isn't shaping up to be any better.

Oh well, the business atmosphere in Sioux Falls and Des Moines look friendlier every day.

But none of this is relevant to the phony "prosperity" claimed by cap-n-pricegouge.

Like most Democrats, the Minny Dems were/are wimps and rolled over to Pawlenty's wishes damn near every time. Pawlenty also gave many tax breaks to businesses in Minnesota and cut social programs. He also cut spending for education and we saw Minnesota go from it's perennial Number 1 spot nationally and drop to 6th.
Trickle down economics again didn't work.
Oh yeah, and during Minnesota's increase in deficits, Pawlenty not once sought to cut the state's public employee work force numbers even though it was highly recommended.
And yes, my comment is relevant as it addresses state budgets.
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I'm in no way a Pawlenty apologist....The guy is a douchebag.

That said, if the democrats wanted things differently, they could've held his feet to the fire and he would've caved right on cue.

Still, none of this is relevant to the OP.

Democrats are wimps, it's that plain and simple.
I don't support Cap & Trade. Weren't the Repugs for Cap & Trade before they were against it?
Hey, to all you regressive right wing you daddies.


Here is a news flash...heavy manufacturing will never come back to America. The only way new jobs can be created is through new technologies, like green. But carry on because energy independence is EVIL and pollution is wonderful.
America gets a large part, if not most, of its imported oil from Canada and Mexico, fool.

Of course, we could be drilling right here in America, but environmentalist moonbats like you will have none of that.

Of course, we could be expanding alternative energy but then those who can't imagine replacing over two century old technology (combustion engine) will never have none of that. I'm amazed these folks have computers, cell phone, IPods, microwaves etc; all products of the great technological revolution. Funny how that great revolution didn't spread to eliminating oil dependency for our energy.
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Nice non sequitur.

If "alternative energy" could stand on its own two feet, it wouldn't need jillions of taxpayer subsidies to prop it up.

Besides that, there's nothing new about boiling water or spinning armatures to create energy.

Like it or not, oil, coal and natural gas are the fuels of today.

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