How one teacher's Black Lives Matter lesson divided a small Wisconsin town

I expected this article to be about the backlash this grade school teacher faced after having a classroom discussion on racism but it actually highlights several other challenges faced by black families, namely that in almost all cases, the people who set up the system, made the rules and enforce them, all of whom are white, will seldom if ever find that racism was a factor in the bad, threatening, harassing behavior engaged in by whites towards blacks. And because they deem it "not due to racism", none of the behaviors are addressed or punished as they should be irrespective of the racial element.

The other thing that i found interesting is how so many people consider the Black Lives Matter a political movement and use the founders political affiliations as a basis to discount their message and the entire group. It has been brought up repeatedly that the COVID crisis has highlighted the fact that many white Americans react very poorly to being told what to do/not do. One of the [white] people interviewed in this article stated “You can’t even go out to eat dinner without them trying to get you on your knees,” which if you think about it is kind of hilarious. It brings to mind the white woman who got banned from all Starbucks in the country because she believed and stated that she didn't have to do what the young black barista asked her to do which was simply put on her mask. She made it obvious that it was a racial thing, at least for her, when she exited with a "f__k Black Lives Matter".

The racists are struggling coming to terms with the changes that are happening all around us.

And because they deem it "not due to racism", none of the behaviors are addressed or punished as they should be irrespective of the racial element.

Give me an example.

The other thing that i found interesting is how so many people consider the Black Lives Matter a political movement and use the founders political affiliations as a basis to discount their message and the entire group.

We want what we want, or we will burn this country to ashes.

When people who speak in the name of BLM, make radical demands or threaten mass violence.... such as burning this country to ashes..... It's impossible not to discount their message as politically motivated terrorism.

What other reasonable assumption could be made?

“You can’t even go out to eat dinner without them trying to get you on your knees,” which if you think about it is kind of hilarious.

Yeah let me do that to you, and see if your terrified wife and kids, find it nearly as "hilarious".

A riot is the language of the unheard


No, it's not. Riots are the language of thugs and criminals. Protests are the language of the unheard. Riots, are just animals, that want to break things for fun.

If that makes you feel better.

Not sure it makes me feel better.... but it is factually true. Facts don't care about my feelings either. They are still the facts.
The New York Times is right this time at least: Everything that is happening in this country in 2020 stems from the fatal sin committed in the year 1619.

We were punished by God/Karma/Fate with the Civil War, which took the lives of hundreds of thousands of totally innocent boys on both sides.

Now we are being punished by the gradual implosion of the whole nation, BLM being just one aspect of the tragedy.

The seed was planted in 1619, and now we are reaping the consequences.

I think it fair to say that the United States of America in its current configuration will be coming to an end faster than we think.


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