How Much More Involved is Antony Blinken in the Biden Laptop Coverup Scandal?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How Much More Involved is Antony Blinken in the Biden Laptop Coverup Scandal?

8 May 2023 ~~ By Brian Lupo

Hat tip Badlands

Part I:
A recent press release from the offices of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Intel Committee Chairman Mike Turner revealed an incredible discovery in the Hunter Biden laptop debacle. The press release revolved around testimony from Michael Morrell, the former Deputy Director of the CIA. Morrell was also intricately involved in the creation of the debunked “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails.”
Last week, from an email obtained by Just The News, we learned that Morrell had asked former Obama CIA Director John Brennan to sign onto the letter in order to “give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.” Brennan responded to add his name to the list and “good initiative.” In the Marine Corps and throughout the US military, we have a saying: “Good initiative, bad judgement.” This subversion of truth for a political “talking point” is not a “good initiative” and is riddled with “bad judgment.” It is a disgusting use of a prestigious former title to influence the American people by obfuscating a serious issue that suggests foreign corruption involving the family of the now “President” of the United States, and likely the “President” himself.
But it seems as though there is more to this story.
We learned another important detail from that press release: it was “revealed that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then the senior advisor to the Biden campaign, was the impetus of the public statement” and that the Biden campaign called Morrell to thank him after the debates:
Badlands Media co-founder and investigative journalist Jon Herold took to ChatGPT to help with a stymied research initiative. He started by establishing that ChatGPT’s “knowledge cutoff” is “September 2021.” This means, according to ChatGPT that “I am not aware of any changes that have occurred after my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, including changes to websites or the removal of information from the internet.”
Given that baseline, Herold then asked ChatGPT “When were Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken both former members of the Aspen Strategy Group?” ChatGPT responded that Harris has not been a former member, but that Blinken “has been a member of the Aspen Strategy Group since at least 2017.
When asked to provide more sources, ChatGPT spit out three more articles from Bloomberg, Reuters, and Foreign Policy. All three were “404 not found.” None of them were archived.
Herold told ChatGPT that the links were “404 not found”. ChatGPT quickly apologized and said “Here are some updated links to articles that mention Blinken’s membership in the Aspen Strategy Group:” referencing articles by The Hill, NYT, and CNN again. Again, “404 not found” and no archives.
On September 1, 2021, the State Department awarded the Aspen Institute a $10.3 million grant for “Professional and Cultural Exchange Programs – Citizen Exchanges.” This grant is the first awarded to the institute in over 10 years by the State Department. The last and only two other State Department grants were on 9/25/2010 and 11/24/2010 for $148,500 and $297,000, respectively. This recent grant is more than 23 times the total amount of previous grants received in the last 11 years from the State Department to the Aspen Institute.

Biden is the front for the Criminal Bolshevik Cabal.
We know that Hunter isn't in charge. Nor is Biden who is a dribbling fool (or actor).
Yet these stories constantly steer attention onto the puppet and away from the Cabal pulling his strings.
There's this quote by Thomas Sowell:
“The media are less a window on reality, than a stage on which officials and journalists perform self-scripted, self-serving fictions.”
Who forgets a laptop with incriminating material, not once but twice?
Remember how it was right after Biden's Bolshevik Cabal seized power and the Epstein scandal broke that the Hunter/laptop angle started being pushed.
Our attention was completely misdirected away from the Bolshevik Cabal, the real power, and $$ billion child sex trafficking blackmail ring in which god knows how many high-level politicians, judges and public officials were ensnared by Epstein.

How Much More Involved is Antony Blinken in the Biden Laptop Coverup Scandal?

8 May 2023 ~~ By Brian Lupo

Hat tip Badlands

Part I:
A recent press release from the offices of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Intel Committee Chairman Mike Turner revealed an incredible discovery in the Hunter Biden laptop debacle. The press release revolved around testimony from Michael Morrell, the former Deputy Director of the CIA. Morrell was also intricately involved in the creation of the debunked “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails.”
Last week, from an email obtained by Just The News, we learned that Morrell had asked former Obama CIA Director John Brennan to sign onto the letter in order to “give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.” Brennan responded to add his name to the list and “good initiative.” In the Marine Corps and throughout the US military, we have a saying: “Good initiative, bad judgement.” This subversion of truth for a political “talking point” is not a “good initiative” and is riddled with “bad judgment.” It is a disgusting use of a prestigious former title to influence the American people by obfuscating a serious issue that suggests foreign corruption involving the family of the now “President” of the United States, and likely the “President” himself.
But it seems as though there is more to this story.
We learned another important detail from that press release: it was “revealed that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then the senior advisor to the Biden campaign, was the impetus of the public statement” and that the Biden campaign called Morrell to thank him after the debates:
Badlands Media co-founder and investigative journalist Jon Herold took to ChatGPT to help with a stymied research initiative. He started by establishing that ChatGPT’s “knowledge cutoff” is “September 2021.” This means, according to ChatGPT that “I am not aware of any changes that have occurred after my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, including changes to websites or the removal of information from the internet.”
Given that baseline, Herold then asked ChatGPT “When were Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken both former members of the Aspen Strategy Group?” ChatGPT responded that Harris has not been a former member, but that Blinken “has been a member of the Aspen Strategy Group since at least 2017.
When asked to provide more sources, ChatGPT spit out three more articles from Bloomberg, Reuters, and Foreign Policy. All three were “404 not found.” None of them were archived.
Herold told ChatGPT that the links were “404 not found”. ChatGPT quickly apologized and said “Here are some updated links to articles that mention Blinken’s membership in the Aspen Strategy Group:” referencing articles by The Hill, NYT, and CNN again. Again, “404 not found” and no archives.
On September 1, 2021, the State Department awarded the Aspen Institute a $10.3 million grant for “Professional and Cultural Exchange Programs – Citizen Exchanges.” This grant is the first awarded to the institute in over 10 years by the State Department. The last and only two other State Department grants were on 9/25/2010 and 11/24/2010 for $148,500 and $297,000, respectively. This recent grant is more than 23 times the total amount of previous grants received in the last 11 years from the State Department to the Aspen Institute.

Biden is the front for the Criminal Bolshevik Cabal.
We know that Hunter isn't in charge. Nor is Biden who is a dribbling fool (or actor).
Yet these stories constantly steer attention onto the puppet and away from the Cabal pulling his strings.
There's this quote by Thomas Sowell:
“The media are less a window on reality, than a stage on which officials and journalists perform self-scripted, self-serving fictions.”
Who forgets a laptop with incriminating material, not once but twice?
Remember how it was right after Biden's Bolshevik Cabal seized power and the Epstein scandal broke that the Hunter/laptop angle started being pushed.
Our attention was completely misdirected away from the Bolshevik Cabal, the real power, and $$ billion child sex trafficking blackmail ring in which god knows how many high-level politicians, judges and public officials were ensnared by Epstein.
Outta the park, Doc7505!
Blinken along with the traitorous 51 should be charged with election tampering....
You're probably right, but the information I read this past week on the 51 who signed were merely told to sign it by a superior officer, after handing them rearranged information. (narrative unknown) :rolleyes-41:
You're probably right, but the information I read this past week on the 51 who signed were merely told to sign it by a superior officer, after handing them rearranged information. (narrative unknown) :rolleyes-41:
Well not one has apologized for it so I figure they didn't have to have their arms twisted very hard....
They all basically tampered with an American election and if they aren't held responsible for it then I'm afraid it will keep happening and we can say goodbye to ever being free to select our own leaders....
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???? There is no cover up. No evidence exists.

Like Benghazi. Lots of assertions, no proof.
51 CIA Agents signed a lie, and there's no evidence? It's too bad we have to hire detectives to find out why the 51 signed on to not only to a lie, but an egregious lie.
Edit: and I'm adding on my opinion that since it totally swung an election, they have to find out because it is against 18 U.S. Code Chapter 29, regarding elections and political activities, Notation 595 which disallows "interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments."

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How Much More Involved is Antony Blinken in the Biden Laptop Coverup Scandal?

8 May 2023 ~~ By Brian Lupo

Hat tip Badlands

Part I:
A recent press release from the offices of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Intel Committee Chairman Mike Turner revealed an incredible discovery in the Hunter Biden laptop debacle. The press release revolved around testimony from Michael Morrell, the former Deputy Director of the CIA. Morrell was also intricately involved in the creation of the debunked “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails.”
Last week, from an email obtained by Just The News, we learned that Morrell had asked former Obama CIA Director John Brennan to sign onto the letter in order to “give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.” Brennan responded to add his name to the list and “good initiative.” In the Marine Corps and throughout the US military, we have a saying: “Good initiative, bad judgement.” This subversion of truth for a political “talking point” is not a “good initiative” and is riddled with “bad judgment.” It is a disgusting use of a prestigious former title to influence the American people by obfuscating a serious issue that suggests foreign corruption involving the family of the now “President” of the United States, and likely the “President” himself.
But it seems as though there is more to this story.
We learned another important detail from that press release: it was “revealed that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then the senior advisor to the Biden campaign, was the impetus of the public statement” and that the Biden campaign called Morrell to thank him after the debates:
Badlands Media co-founder and investigative journalist Jon Herold took to ChatGPT to help with a stymied research initiative. He started by establishing that ChatGPT’s “knowledge cutoff” is “September 2021.” This means, according to ChatGPT that “I am not aware of any changes that have occurred after my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, including changes to websites or the removal of information from the internet.”
Given that baseline, Herold then asked ChatGPT “When were Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken both former members of the Aspen Strategy Group?” ChatGPT responded that Harris has not been a former member, but that Blinken “has been a member of the Aspen Strategy Group since at least 2017.
When asked to provide more sources, ChatGPT spit out three more articles from Bloomberg, Reuters, and Foreign Policy. All three were “404 not found.” None of them were archived.
Herold told ChatGPT that the links were “404 not found”. ChatGPT quickly apologized and said “Here are some updated links to articles that mention Blinken’s membership in the Aspen Strategy Group:” referencing articles by The Hill, NYT, and CNN again. Again, “404 not found” and no archives.
On September 1, 2021, the State Department awarded the Aspen Institute a $10.3 million grant for “Professional and Cultural Exchange Programs – Citizen Exchanges.” This grant is the first awarded to the institute in over 10 years by the State Department. The last and only two other State Department grants were on 9/25/2010 and 11/24/2010 for $148,500 and $297,000, respectively. This recent grant is more than 23 times the total amount of previous grants received in the last 11 years from the State Department to the Aspen Institute.

Biden is the front for the Criminal Bolshevik Cabal.
We know that Hunter isn't in charge. Nor is Biden who is a dribbling fool (or actor).
Yet these stories constantly steer attention onto the puppet and away from the Cabal pulling his strings.
There's this quote by Thomas Sowell:
“The media are less a window on reality, than a stage on which officials and journalists perform self-scripted, self-serving fictions.”
Who forgets a laptop with incriminating material, not once but twice?
Remember how it was right after Biden's Bolshevik Cabal seized power and the Epstein scandal broke that the Hunter/laptop angle started being pushed.
Our attention was completely misdirected away from the Bolshevik Cabal, the real power, and $$ billion child sex trafficking blackmail ring in which god knows how many high-level politicians, judges and public officials were ensnared by Epstein.
What is the evidence that he was involved?

Pipe dreams
What is the evidence that he was involved?

Pipe dreams
Secretary of State Blinken is accountable as assistant Secretary of State in charge of foreign policies and currently is Secretary of State. With re to his job, he knew when he collected those 51 signatures, the Constitution does NOT allow Government employees to interfere with an election under 18 US Code Chapter 29 regarding his orders to gather information that interferes with an election, and he well knew for a fact it was false evidence based on Hillary Clinton's purchased Steel Dossier that was proven to be not only a lie, but also showed that Hillary Clinton contacted a foreign government spy to get dirt on Donald Trump, which means she projected her behavior onto her rival in an egregious plot to get rid of her rival Trump. She created a shadow government to get him, IOW, and Blinken, knowing it was all lies to damage Donald Trump, got 51 people to sign a document that would forever rid the Democrats of President Trump in his campaign to recover his stolen re-election in 2020. When this complex crime is fully understood, true justice would be to put its' instigators into prison for the duration of their lying, cheating lies. Donald Trump did not do what Hillary Clinton dreamed up as something so sordid people in america and the whole world would hate Donald Trump for the rest of his life. So far, nobody has had time enough to make her pay for this egregious and Unconstitutional crime she committed against President Trump, because she used Government employees in several areas of the Executive branch to destroy a sitting President. She's a liar, a cheat, and a very vicious influence to the office of First Lady.
51 CIA Agents signed a lie, and there's no evidence? It's too bad we have to hire detectives to find out why the 51 signed on to not only to a lie, but an egregious lie.
Edit: and I'm adding on my opinion that since it totally swung an election, they have to find out because it is against 18 U.S. Code Chapter 29, regarding elections and political activities, Notation 595 which disallows "interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments."

You need to look up who actually signed it because clearly you don’t know.
Beautress, produce the statement with the affidavit that it is true.
You didn't read any of my links? I am not in charge of affidavits that are likely classified information at this point in time, until the House and Senate resolve this egregious attack on the Constitution and sundry ethics codes, by Democrat Party leadership individuals in the Federal Government as I described. The agency you might contact for procuring information is here: Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
Beautress has no idea what any of what she has written means at all.
Yes I do. It's too bad you can't understand the deep state that caused what I wrote about, which to me, their unconstitutional, illegal, and undesirable activities are horrendous. The misuse of power is apparently too obtuse for you to digest. It makes patriots sick at the stomach to see the American people on the verge of losing their right to say the truth as they know it which has been protected by the First Amendment for 247 years and counting. :cranky:
It's more than a scandal. It's a question of high crimes and misdemeanors among the agencies we used to trust. These fifty traitors who sighed the letter knew it was untrue but were willing to engage in perjury because of their loyalty to a political party. Where are Woodword & Karl Marx Bernstein these days?

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