How many state solution ?

There are plenty of Palestinians in various Muslim countries. They are still alive. You shouldn't fling personal insults. Not only does it confirm that you are childish, it confirms that you are challenged intelligence-wise.
Yeah? How many times have they tried to pull a Palestine? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, etc. Oh Kuwait was the best, they sided with Sadam, and Kuwaitis threw all their asses out when the Americans rescued their nation. King Hussien of Jordan slaughtered thousands when Arafart tried to pull a Palestine in Jordan during Black September. Literally mowed them down from helicopters. But then he dies a hero and Nobel Peace Prize winner. You gotta love it.

What, you don't like the taste of your own medicine? Why are all antisemites whiners?
Who is whining? It is you who are whining because the non-Jews outnumber the Jews in the land controlled by Jews. You whine because deep down you know a minority can't rule over a majority for the long term. And, criticizing Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism. There are many Jews that agree with me, the smarter ones.
So then why are you whining Achmed? Yes, the Arab Muslim invaders outnumber the Jews, but they haven't been able to defeat the Jews nor destroy the Jewish state. Ain't gonna happen.

Israel is here to stay and flourishes and gets stronger every day.

Deal with it.

Tissue for the antisemite? Ha ha ha.
If you want to start a thread designed to show just how why and where the UN has shown bias against Israel you are welcome to do so.
Nice dodge.

Looks like you're the one with the cognitive dissonance.

There is no way to have a Palestinian solution with people that think like you. Instead of re-evaluating your position when presented with conflicting evidence, you become more entrenched in your false narrative.
So then why are you whining Achmed? Yes, the Arab Muslim invaders outnumber the Jews, but they haven't been able to defeat the Jews nor destroy the Jewish state. Ain't gonna happen.

Israel is here to stay and flourishes and gets stronger every day.

Deal with it.

Tissue for the antisemite? Ha ha ha.

Israel has about two generations left maybe three. That's why Israelis are rushing to get passports from the various European countries they or their ancestors came from.
So then why are you whining Achmed? Yes, the Arab Muslim invaders outnumber the Jews, but they haven't been able to defeat the Jews nor destroy the Jewish state. Ain't gonna happen.

Israel is here to stay and flourishes and gets stronger every day.

Deal with it.

Tissue for the antisemite? Ha ha ha.

Israel has about two generations left maybe three. That's why Israelis are rushing to get passports from the various European countries they or their ancestors came from.
The above is another cut and paste you dump across multiple threads. It was refuted previously.

The fact is that with Islamists fleeing the Islamist Middle East and seeking welfare in Europe, the expected Islamist hatreds and intolerance are poisoning Europe.

Try paying attention.
If you want to start a thread designed to show just how why and where the UN has shown bias against Israel you are welcome to do so.
Nice dodge.

Looks like you're the one with the cognitive dissonance.

There is no way to have a Palestinian solution with people that think like you. Instead of re-evaluating your position when presented with conflicting evidence, you become more entrenched in your false narrative.

Nonsense. simply because didn't engage in the thread drift doesn't mean the position is false.

I'start the thread and we can take it up there

Oh and its people like myself that are the pals only chance. I am 100% for a peaceful solution conducted in full cooperation with both peoples, I just done't see the pals having any leadership which could bring them to that place at this time and in the mean time I'm all for peaceful restrictions and deportations which in the end result in less violence and criminal behavior.
So then why are you whining Achmed? Yes, the Arab Muslim invaders outnumber the Jews, but they haven't been able to defeat the Jews nor destroy the Jewish state. Ain't gonna happen.

Israel is here to stay and flourishes and gets stronger every day.

Deal with it.

Tissue for the antisemite? Ha ha ha.

Israel has about two generations left maybe three. That's why Israelis are rushing to get passports from the various European countries they or their ancestors came from.

Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho hee hee hee. You are a joke Achmed. You must have not gotten the memo that record number of French and European Jews have immigrated to Israel to escape the hoards of Islamic savages that have caused the security crisis we are seeing in Europe. Poor Europeans couldn't celebrate New Years properly because of you Muslims, Achmed.
So then why are you whining Achmed? Yes, the Arab Muslim invaders outnumber the Jews, but they haven't been able to defeat the Jews nor destroy the Jewish state. Ain't gonna happen.

Israel is here to stay and flourishes and gets stronger every day.

Deal with it.

Tissue for the antisemite? Ha ha ha.

Israel has about two generations left maybe three. That's why Israelis are rushing to get passports from the various European countries they or their ancestors came from.
The above is another cut and paste you dump across multiple threads. It was refuted previously.

The fact is that with Islamists fleeing the Islamist Middle East and seeking welfare in Europe, the expected Islamist hatreds and intolerance are poisoning Europe.

Try paying attention.

He masturbates so much about the various ways that Israel will be destroyed, he should audition for a remake of the Muslim version Fantasy Island. "Look Masta, Ze Plane! Ze destruction of Israel!" Ha ha ha.
The fastest growing population in Israel is young, highly educated Orthodox couples.
They will eventually outnumber the Lefties and drop Israel Haters within Jordanian borders.
Actually in a few generations the Jews will outnumber the Muslims in the West Bank, and Israel will eventually annex it and change its name back to Judeah and Samaria, the name it had before Arabs attacked Israel in 1948.

Let's hear an Allah Akbar on that.
Well, how about an Israeli source?

"Total Population Numbers

Israel finds itself confronting a growing demographic challenge. While the Jewish population in Israel is growing and getting younger, its share of the total Israeli population is diminishing. And while the state of Israel maintains its Jewish majority, the historic land of Eretz Israel -- the land lying between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River -- now holds an Arab majority.

  • As of February 2013, Jews constitute approximately 75.3 percent of the Israeli population, and Israeli Arabs make up around 20.7 percent of the population.(Source: Sergio DellaPergola, “Demographic Timebomb? People Power and the Future of Israel as a Jewish State,” Middle East Program, Wilson Center, February 14, 2013.) Click here to read about DellaPergola’s recent talk at the Wilson Center.
  • According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, the population of Israel at the end of 2012 was estimated at 7.981 million. The Jewish population was approximately 6.015 million (75.4 percent of total population) and the Arab population was approximately 1.648 million (20.6 percent of total population).(Source: Gabe Fisher, “On eve of 2013, Israel’s population stands at cusp of 8 million,” Times of Israel, December 30, 2012.)Click here to read the piece.
  • According to official statistics released by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics in April 2012, Jews now constitute a minority of the people living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, accounting for 5.9 million of the total 12 million people living under Israeli rule. “From now on, it is an official statistic.”
Israel's Demographic Challenge
Monte's demographic masturbation, and now the truth:

Israel's Demographic Miracle

"The word 'miracle' in Hebrew does not possess the connotation of the supernatural," Rabbi J. B. Soloveitchik once wrote. "Miracle describes only an outstanding event which causes amazement." Whether the term applies to Israel's demographics is a question for higher authority, but the Jewish State's population characteristics stand out as unique in the developed world.

Israel's fertility rate of three children per Jewish woman is higher than that of any other country in the developed world, and the only fertility rate substantially above replacement. Only the United States among the world's industrial nations has a fertility rate around the replacement level of 2.1; Europe and East Asia are headed for eventual population decline with fertility of just 1.5 children per woman. Israeli women, by contrast, have three children on average; non-Haredi Jewish women have an average of 2.6.

Just as remarkable is that fertility in most of the Muslim world has fallen below Israel's, while the fertility of Israeli Arabs and Arabs in Judea and Samaria has converged on the Jewish fertility rate in Israel. At present fertility rates there is no risk that a non-Jewish majority will emerge between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. Not only has the so-called population time bomb disappeared in Israel; in large parts of the Muslim world, fertility has fallen below the Jewish fertility rate in Israel.

Whether the proportion of Arabs in Judea and Samaria as well as in Israel itself is growing may be the most politicized demographic question in the world.

The late Yasser Arafat can take credit for the worst demographic forecast of the twentieth century. "The womb of the Arab woman," the late Palestinian strongman averred, "is my strongest weapon." By this he meant that the Arabs of Israel and the occupied territories would outbreed and overwhelm the Jews. A generation of Israeli politicians believed him, fearing that a "ticking demographic time bomb" threatened the integrity of the Jewish state. In 2001, for example, The Christian Science Monitor noted a report to the Knesset, Israel's parliament, which said:

In the whole area west of the Jordan—including Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza—Jews last year represented 50.5 percent of the population; the Arabs, 49.5 percent. Testifying before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Prof. Arnon Sofer of Haifa University projected that with their higher birthrate, Arabs would constitute 58 percent of this population by the year 2020 and Jews, 42 percent. Without final borders and a clear separation between states, he said Israel faces an existential crisis.

The supposed demographic threat loomed behind the late Yitzhak Rabin's celebrated Rose Garden handshake with Arafat in 1994. It motivated then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to offer the Palestinians half of Jerusalem and almost all of the West Bank in return for a peace agreement in 2007. In October of that year Olmert warned the Knesset of "a demographic battle, drowned in blood and tears," if Israel did not achieve peace through concessions of land. A month later Olmert predicted "the end of the State of Israel" by demographic exhaustion. "Mr. Olmert," reported the BBC in November, "said it was not the first time he had articulated his fears about the demographic threat to Israel as a Jewish state from a faster growing Palestinian population. He made similar comments in 2003 to justify the failed strategy of unilateral withdrawals from Israeli-occupied land which holds large Palestinian populations." Israeli concessions in the first decade of the twenty-first century were motivated by fear that Arab fecundity would swamp Israel's Jewish population.

Yet the Israeli Jewish fertility rate has risen to three children per female while the Arab fertility rate has fallen to the point where the two trend lines have converged and perhaps even crossed. A 2006 study by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies claims that the West Bank and Gaza population in 2004 was only 2.5 million, rather than the 3.8 million claimed by the Palestinian authorities. Presumably the numbers were inflated to increase foreign aid and exaggerate the importance of the Palestinian population.

Most of the phantom population, the report argues, comes from births that never occurred:

[The Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics] projected that the number of births in the Territories would total almost 908,000 for the seven-year period from 1997 to 2003. Yet, the actual number of births documented by the PA Ministry of Health for the same period was significantly lower at 699,000, or 238,000 fewer births than had been forecast by the PCBS. … The size of the discrepancy accelerated over time. Whereas the PCBS predicted there would be over 143,000 births in 2003, the PA Ministry of Health reported only 102,000 births, which pointed to a PCBS forecast 40% beyond actual results.

Palestinian fertility on the West Bank has already fallen to the Israeli fertility rate of three children per woman, if we believe the Palestine Ministry of Health numbers rather than the highly suspect Central Bureau of Statistics data. In 1963, Israeli Arab women had eight or nine children; today they have three, about the same as Israeli Jews. Education explains most of the fertility decline among Arabs, and it is likely that Arab fertility behind the Green Line as well as in Judea and Samaria will continue to fall.

More recent data also show that the Israeli Jewish birth rate has risen faster than predicted. Jewish births rose from 96,000 in the year 2000 to 125,000 in 2010, while Arab births fell slightly over the same period—from about 40,781 to 40,750, according to a new study by Yaakov Faitelson at the Institute for Zionist Strategies. The proportion of Jewish pupils in Israel's elementary schools is increasing, Faitelson reports:

The percentage of students in the Arab educational system out of all Israel's total first grade student body will decrease from 29.1% in 2007 to only 24.3% in 2016 and 22.5% in 2020. At the same time the percentage of students in the Jewish educational system out of the total first grade student body will reach 75.7% by 2016 and 77.5% by 2020.

While Israel's ultra-Orthodox minority contributes disproportionately to Jewish population growth, most of the increase in Jewish births comes from the secular and non-Orthodox religious categories, which average 2.6 children per woman. Faitelson notes that the ultra-Orthodox fertility rate fell over the past decade, while the fertility of the general Jewish population rose.
Oh, so the official statistics are less tenable than a piece of propaganda, quoting 2001 figures, that has already been proven false .

Non-Jews were already a majority in 2012, as revealed by Israeli official statistics.

"According to official statistics released by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics in April 2012, Jews now constitute a minority of the people living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, accounting for 5.9 million of the total 12 million people living under Israeli rule. “From now on, it is an official statistic.”"

Israel's Demographic Challenge

Stop digging

giphy.gif I said, in a few generations the Jews will outnumber the Moooslems in the West Bank, and then Israel will annex it. Can we hear a praise be to the Allah?

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In addition to internal migration, the settlements absorb annually about 1000 new immigrants from outside Israel. In the 1990s, the annual settler population growth was more than three times the annual population growth in Israel.Population growth has continued in the 2000s. According to the BBC, the settlements in the West Bank have been growing at a rate of 5–6% since 2001."

Yeah, dat's what I'm talking about baby! :clap2:

Propaganda Fail.

You can make up all the Wiki fantasy you want. But the facts are the facts. And these facts are current.

Reuters. September 10, 2015

Population parity in historic Palestine raises hard questions for Israel

Coupled with the 1.75 million Arabs in Israel, that is 6.3 million people of Palestinian origin in Israel and the Palestinian territories - the same number as there are Jews. Given that the Palestinian figures are a year old, the number of Arabs may well already exceed that of Jews....Some right-wing Israeli politicians, including members of Netanyahu's cabinet, dismiss the idea of an independent Palestinian state altogether, suggesting Israel instead annex most of the West Bank.....
means that Israel either ceases to be a democracy (making Palestinians second-class citizens to retain its Jewish character) or ceases to be Jewish (because the first thing Palestinians do with the vote is change Israel's identity from Jewish to something else)."

Population parity in historic Palestine raises hard questions for Israel
Bzzzzzz wrong! Israel proper already has a majority Jewish and in a few generations so will the West Bank. Game, set match. Time is on the Joooos side,mthats why you guys are so panicked! Ha ha ha.

From Columbia University:


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