Jews - What the press doesn't mention



The pro Jew lobby always harps on about how friendly and cuddly Jews are, and how the nasty Palestinians try to kill them for nothing.

This video shows up a little of the truth, allowing us to see Jews with guns, bombs and a variety of other weapons, all celebrating a child's murder.

Does America really send piles of Joe taxpayer's cash to these terrorists?

How much more of this will us infidels put up with before it's an all out war against Muslims? Oh well,at least their radicals have united Chistians & Jews like never before. Praise be to Allah.
Was that camera left over from the 60s?
What a crappy piece of footage accompanied by sub-titles from...where?
The video has been cut and pasted into an earlier thread. Can't the cut and paste flamers be a bit better at coordinating their cut and paste flaming?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
"The shocking pictures that were broadcast this evening show the true face of a group that constitutes a danger to Israeli society and to the security of Israel.
are not prepared to accept people who deny the laws of the state and do not view themselves as subject to them.
The pictures underscore how important a strong ISA is to the security of us all."

Jewish extremists are a ‘ticking bomb’ for Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
"The shocking pictures that were broadcast this evening show the true face of a group that constitutes a danger to Israeli society and to the security of Israel.
are not prepared to accept people who deny the laws of the state and do not view themselves as subject to them.
The pictures underscore how important a strong ISA is to the security of us all."

Jewish extremists are a ‘ticking bomb’ for Israel

Did these extremists actually DO anything like their Muslims cousins would have?
Jews wave guns while Muslims wave decapitated corpses.
What grade are you in?
What you have written is nothing less of a Sophomoric student who does not understand how humans develop cultural norms...

The less developed areas of the world adopt religions to meet the needs of their survival. Islam is a perfect adaptation to survive where Law and Order of more developed countries need less control of families...This is why Islam is expanding exponentially.

Islam like Christianity will change as technology like the Internet infuses knowledge into their cultures.

Unfortunately for Israel Judaic Christianization has made Jews more Western than their original roots adhered to by the Orthodox who are more like Islamic Orthodoxy that most Jews in Israel reject.

Stop skimming the surface, Israel will never be accepted unless Islam does in a peace deal offered by the Arab League several times.

Share the Land.
Barnhardt | Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.
The fact of the matter is this: you show me an anti-semitic Christian, and I’ll show you a Christian who is completely and totally clueless about his faith. Sadly, in this day and age, most Christians are exactly that – CLUELESS. And that goes for everyone, Catholic, Protestant, non-denominational, all of them. If we look at the Church from an intellectual standpoint, it has already been reduced down to just a mere remnant. There are so many heresies active today that it would take a lifetime to define them all individually, so I have named them corporately. What the Church suffers from today is the Heresy of Stupidity.

Now everyone listen up, Jew, Christian, atheist – EVERYONE.

The foundational premise of the Jewish people and of Israel is that Israel is the representative proxy for humanity. This is why the Jews are called “the chosen people”, because they ARE. God chose Israel to stand in representation of all people everywhere. This is an honor, but it is a taxing and dubious honor due to the Fall of Adam and Eve and the inherent tendency that all people have for sin, which is called concupiscence.

God chose Israel to stand at the fore of humanity and be the people with whom the historical narrative of Salvation History is played out. This began with a married couple, Adam and Eve, and then expanded to a family unit through Noah, then the expansion moved to the tribal level through Abraham, the national level through Moses, then to the level of a kingdom through David, and finally in the fullness of time the expansion moved beyond Israel to cover all people everywhere through Jesus Christ. BUT, the only way to fully understand God’s relationship with us as individuals is to understand God’s interaction with Israel through history.
A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers “Jewish Terrorism”!
Well, I’ll be damned. The mainstream media has finally discovered the Jewish Defense League. And only a decade or two too late. But why nitpick? Any old fool can condemn a terrorist group while it’s actively threatening and murdering people, but CNN didn’t get where it is today (the basement) by being rash and foolhardy (you know, like nearly going on air with the false announcement of a president’s death). Like a cobra with Down syndrome, CNN knows that the best time to strike is when the target is dead and motionless.

Because of my own history with the JDL (CliffsNotes version: The group tried to kill me), some of my friends understandably thought I’d cheer the clips they emailed me of CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield lecturing a Donald Trump supporter about how Jews are supposedly just as bad as Muslims when it comes to terrorism in the U.S.:

You know what? I’m going to tell ya something. There’s a guy named John Pistole, who just recently was running the TSA. Uh, real venerable guy. He, before that, was with the FBI. He was an executive assistant director for counterterror and counterintelligence and he sat before Congress in 2004 and he testified—and this is to your point about there are no Jews coming to hurt Americans—he testified about, from a period of 1980 to 1985, there were 18 terrorist attacks in the United

A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers “Jewish Terrorism”!
Fanger, you are a blast. Bless you. So wonderful to have something to laugh at while those you support are killing us infidels all over the world. Happy Ramadon.
A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers “Jewish Terrorism”!
Well, I’ll be damned. The mainstream media has finally discovered the Jewish Defense League. And only a decade or two too late. But why nitpick? Any old fool can condemn a terrorist group while it’s actively threatening and murdering people, but CNN didn’t get where it is today (the basement) by being rash and foolhardy (you know, like nearly going on air with the false announcement of a president’s death). Like a cobra with Down syndrome, CNN knows that the best time to strike is when the target is dead and motionless.

Because of my own history with the JDL (CliffsNotes version: The group tried to kill me), some of my friends understandably thought I’d cheer the clips they emailed me of CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield lecturing a Donald Trump supporter about how Jews are supposedly just as bad as Muslims when it comes to terrorism in the U.S.:

You know what? I’m going to tell ya something. There’s a guy named John Pistole, who just recently was running the TSA. Uh, real venerable guy. He, before that, was with the FBI. He was an executive assistant director for counterterror and counterintelligence and he sat before Congress in 2004 and he testified—and this is to your point about there are no Jews coming to hurt Americans—he testified about, from a period of 1980 to 1985, there were 18 terrorist attacks in the United

A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers “Jewish Terrorism”!

JDL!!! Oh gosh, how ludicrous can you get!
Oh, man...JDL Terrorists! Oh, God!
Thank you for that Shabbos gut buster!
How much more of this will us infidels put up with before it's an all out war against Muslims? Oh well,at least their radicals have united Chistians & Jews like never before. Praise be to Allah.

I will leave Christians and Jews out of this but as far as Israel is concerned, it is in bed with terrorist groups such as IS, Al Nusr, etc.

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