How many members would like to join in a We Are Charlie Hebdo Event @ USMB?

Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.
Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.

I don't recall Dante ever stating that changing our avatars was a way to win a war.

My understanding is that we are recognizing the lives lost to those would attempt to stop free speech.

Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.
Winning what war?
Dekster Boo!

Shame on you for or belittling the honoring and celebration of the lives of the victims of terrorism
Why not start today -- use 12 days symbolism of the 12 lives lived (that were lost in the attack)

it can represent a celebration of their lives
Why not start today -- use 12 days symbolism of the 12 lives lived (that were lost in the attack)

it can represent a celebration of their lives
from 12 to 17 deaths attributed to these terrorists

17 days
Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.

I believe you have seriously missed the point here! I applaud Dante' for standing up boldly for freedom of speech and those who lost their lives to defend the right. You should too!
What is the right thing to do? Here is the right thing to do:
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.

That's the right thing to do. Always.

Way to go, Dante'!

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