How many " I didn't know" are enough?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Obama didn't know about Fast and Furious. Yet somehow claimed Executive Privilege to hide the evidence.

Obama didn't know, after being informed by his own intelligence sources, that Benghazi was not related to a video. He didn't know for 3 weeks after numerous briefings, that Benghazi was a planned and executed Terrorist attack that had nothing to do with a Video.

Obama did not know his Ambassadress had begged repeatedly for more security.

Obama did not know that Special Forces ON THE GROUND and with transportation, were ordered to stand down instead of go to the aid of the Ambassador.

Obama did not know that Benghazi was a cover up for shipping weapons to the Syrian Rebels.

Obama did not know that for 18 months, after repeated complaints even in the press, that the IRS was targeting Conservative groups and denying them legal programs.

Obama does not know who in his White House has for 5 years now leaked information of a classified nature.

Obama did not know his Justice Department targeted the AP and illegally gathered months of phone records.

Obama does not know that MILLIONS of the supposed uninsured his program was created to "help" are Illegal aliens, millions more already had insurance and millions more REFUSED insurance.

Obama's excuse given by others is that the Government is just to big for him to possibly be held accountable for crimes mistakes and prejudicial actions by any part of his Executive branch.

Could someone tell me what he is supposed to be doing as President if every thing is just to much for him to know about? Who in the EXECUTIVE Branch is responsible for its conduct and actions?
How many people does one have to murder to be a murderer? How many times does one have to steal to be a thief? How many times does one have to lie to be a liar?

In answer to your question the answer is the same; One.
You folks do understand that the laws were changed after watergate that prohibited the President from directly issuing any orders to many agencies..

So he can hide behind his appointees and not take responsibility for his appointees?
We can hold parents responsible for the unaided actions of their children but the president gets a free ride? I didn't realize that the presidency was above the law...... :blsmile:
You folks do understand that the laws were changed after watergate that prohibited the President from directly issuing any orders to many agencies..


Obama claims he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious, as does Holder. So perhaps YOU can explain how he used Executive Privilege to keep information secret, Information HE SAID didn't exist?

Who EXACTLY is in charge of the Executive branch? Who is responsible for its conduct action and procedures?

When Nixon broke the law Republicans voted to Impeach him and those in the Senate let him know they would convict him. We now have 2 Democrats that either broke the law or were incompetent. And the response from Democrats has been " We don't care" You are saying it right now, you don't care how much illegal stuff Obama does, or you don't care he is beyond incompetent.
"The Buck Stops Everywhere Else But Here."

Sign that should sit on President Obama's desk.

President "Pass-the-buck" Obama.
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obamaspeak translated turns I don't know into I don't care.

Accuracy is important.
Obama never knows anything, a person this out of touch with reality does not deserve the Office of the Presidency!!!
You folks do understand that the laws were changed after watergate that prohibited the President from directly issuing any orders to many agencies..


So a law prevents corruption? Corrupt actors ignore laws, that's why they are corrupt!

That said, this President is either corrupt or incompetent. If low level employees are allowed to exercise this much power there is a more serious problem than some corrupt politicians.
I ask again Liberals and Obama supporters..... WHO RUNS THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH?

What one person is responsible for the entire Branch?

And what has that person said about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP scandal. What has his apologist claimed?

Do you Obama supporters approve of a claim that the Executive Branch is to big for Obama to know about it? That he should be applauded for not knowing what his appointees and his Administration is doing in HIS NAME?

Honestly? Have none of you any shame?
Has anyone else noticed that VP Biden hasn't been around much in the media as of late? Is he just being neglected by the media or is Obama hiding him so he doesn't say anything stupid? :) Biden would probably let the truth out about why Obama keeps saying "I don't know", and it would be glorious/hilarious.
How many times has this President said he learned about something
when it made it's way to the newspapers or TV news....

Does anyone in this administration have a clue about what's going on in government?
How many times has this President said he learned about something
when it made it's way to the newspapers or TV news....

Does anyone in this administration have a clue about what's going on in government?

Of course they do. That is not the problem. They think they are untouchable.
Obama is neither legally nor morally responsible for every mistake made by third rate hacks in government almost all of whom are careerist legacies of previous administrations. Competence in government bureaucracies is about as common as hen's teeth. Probably 70% of senior government people - ESPECIALLY military officers and senior regulatory officials - could never have hoped to rise much above mid-level performers in their areas of expertise in the private sector. Which is precisely why they chose government work where the bars are low and the benefits of thirty years are relatively high for amount of benefits to taxpayers in the period.

However, Obama is entirely responsible for remedies.

That is what to watch.
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Has anyone else noticed that VP Biden hasn't been around much in the media as of late? Is he just being neglected by the media or is Obama hiding him so he doesn't say anything stupid? :) Biden would probably let the truth out about why Obama keeps saying "I don't know", and it would be glorious/hilarious.

I hadn't really noticed Biden missing until you just brought it up....and I think you're right! I'm sure that's a lot of the reason he's not allowed outside to play!! Lol!!!
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