How many can afford it


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Well with arguably the best doctors, unlimited access to the medical system, and no bills to pay but the people will pay the bill. A couple of shots of steroids and like Freddy "I'm back"

Beating his chest, "If I can do it anyone can beat it"

Backed by a row of doctors. How many Americans can afford this and get similar treatment. Obviously a few but not many. The recovery rate is well in the high 90's for the general public with age being the equalizer. How many older Americans can afford such treatment?

As Trump tried to rid the world of Obama care and replace it with Trump care. Obama care survived but it still being challenged in the courts by the repubs war machine. Should all Americans have the same kind of health care as the President? Arguably it would be expensive.

Is he really the poster boy that can get people excited. The white house number of people infected is rising. The reason is his leadership on the matter. No mask needed here. We can test daily and nip it in the bud. Rally with a few wearing masks surrounded by those who don't. Yet those with masks still support him. Can't argue with that.

There is no cure yet and at best they just treat the symptoms and help the immune system fight the battle.

His message seems to say look it can be beat but catching it and surviving. The survival of the fittest or access to medical care.

Instead his message should be how to avoid it and not worry about surviving.
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View attachment 399279

Well with arguably the best doctors, unlimited access to the medical system, and no bills to pay but the people will pay the bill. A couple of shots of steroids and like Freddy "I'm back"

Beating his chest, "If I can do it anyone can beat it"

Backed by a row of doctors. How many Americans can afford this and get similar treatment. Obviously a few but not many. The recovery rate is well in the high 90's for the general public with age being the equalizer. How many older Americans can afford such treatment?

As Trump tried to rid the world of Obama care and replace it with Trump care. Obama care survived but it still being challenged in the courts by the repubs war machine. Should all Americans have the same kind of health care as the President? Arguably it would be expensive.

Is he really the poster boy that can get people excited. The white house number of people infected is rising. The reason is his leadership on the matter. No mask needed here. We can test daily and nip it in the bud. Rally with a few wearing masks surrounded by those who don't. Yet those with masks still support him. Can't argue with that.

There is no cure yet and at best they just treat the symptoms and help the immune system fight the battle.

His message seems to say look it can be beat but catching it and surviving. The survival of the fittest or access to medical care.

Instead his message should be how to avoid it and not worry about surviving.

NO ONE right now "has to afford it".. Regeneron is currently NOT FOR SALE !!! Did the phony ass reporter at the NYTimes tell you that? It's under clinical trial.. People VOLUNTEER.. And when it GOES to market -- If Pelosi gets sane and helps pass a CLEAN Covid relief bill -- the therapy WILL BE COVERED like in the previous bill...

This is FAKE NEWS and the NYTimes is STILL making you look like moron.. They're USING you as a compliant "tool" to spread their manure..
The gaggle of doctors are there for show. Apparently President Trump received standard therapy. I wonder how many Americans could have afforded Biden's operation to repair a brain embolism a few years ago. He sure didn't use Obamacare.

Dr. Shaninian of the Skull Base Institute says traditional brain surgery costs $50,000 to $150,000, but the newer techniques can bring that down to between $30,000 and $60,000.

Minimally invasive brain surgery - Skull Base Institute
I would expect this administration to make the effort to make this treatment readily available and affordable to all because they’re pro-American. Democrats, not so much (not at all).
Dems want illness as an excuse for lockdowns and dependency and control.
The pretzel shapes Trumpers are willing to twist themselves into to hide the fact that just a week ago -- they would have called government using its power to make medical treatment cheap and easily accessible -- socialism....

I thought Trumpers were for free markets -- shouldn't these medical companies be entitled to charge top dolllar for the product??
The pretzel shapes Trumpers are willing to twist themselves into to hide the fact that just a week ago -- they would have called government using its power to make medical treatment cheap and easily accessible -- socialism....

How much more ridiculous do you wanna sound? Heaven and Earth were moved to get the government OUT OF THE WAY in terms of stifling a pandemic response here.. Things that would take 2 years or more filtering thru red tape -- were DONE by the EXPERTS around the country in WEEKS or MONTHS...

That's DISMANTLING govt bureaucracy -- NOT red tape.. DEFINITELY no Socialism.

And folks have NO PROBLEM REIMBURSING these heroes by covering their expenses to handle test kits and therapies that will HAVE NO MARKET VALUE AT ALL a couple years from now.. Other then the research value of the effort.

Every leftist post in this thread demonstrates an abject ABSENCE of knowing how stuff works and disqualifies your "party of science" from holding any kind of monopoly on managing crises like this one..
View attachment 399279

Well with arguably the best doctors, unlimited access to the medical system, and no bills to pay but the people will pay the bill. A couple of shots of steroids and like Freddy "I'm back"

Beating his chest, "If I can do it anyone can beat it"

Backed by a row of doctors. How many Americans can afford this and get similar treatment. Obviously a few but not many. The recovery rate is well in the high 90's for the general public with age being the equalizer. How many older Americans can afford such treatment?

As Trump tried to rid the world of Obama care and replace it with Trump care. Obama care survived but it still being challenged in the courts by the repubs war machine. Should all Americans have the same kind of health care as the President? Arguably it would be expensive.

Is he really the poster boy that can get people excited. The white house number of people infected is rising. The reason is his leadership on the matter. No mask needed here. We can test daily and nip it in the bud. Rally with a few wearing masks surrounded by those who don't. Yet those with masks still support him. Can't argue with that.

There is no cure yet and at best they just treat the symptoms and help the immune system fight the battle.

His message seems to say look it can be beat but catching it and surviving. The survival of the fittest or access to medical care.

Instead his message should be how to avoid it and not worry about surviving.
The elderly have an approximate 95% chance of recovery. You are making mountains out of molehills because you have an incurable disease: TDS disorder. Get help.
View attachment 399279

Well with arguably the best doctors, unlimited access to the medical system, and no bills to pay but the people will pay the bill. A couple of shots of steroids and like Freddy "I'm back"

Beating his chest, "If I can do it anyone can beat it"

Backed by a row of doctors. How many Americans can afford this and get similar treatment. Obviously a few but not many. The recovery rate is well in the high 90's for the general public with age being the equalizer. How many older Americans can afford such treatment?

As Trump tried to rid the world of Obama care and replace it with Trump care. Obama care survived but it still being challenged in the courts by the repubs war machine. Should all Americans have the same kind of health care as the President? Arguably it would be expensive.

Is he really the poster boy that can get people excited. The white house number of people infected is rising. The reason is his leadership on the matter. No mask needed here. We can test daily and nip it in the bud. Rally with a few wearing masks surrounded by those who don't. Yet those with masks still support him. Can't argue with that.

There is no cure yet and at best they just treat the symptoms and help the immune system fight the battle.

His message seems to say look it can be beat but catching it and surviving. The survival of the fittest or access to medical care.

Instead his message should be how to avoid it and not worry about surviving.

NO ONE right now "has to afford it".. Regeneron is currently NOT FOR SALE !!! Did the phony ass reporter at the NYTimes tell you that? It's under clinical trial.. People VOLUNTEER.. And when it GOES to market -- If Pelosi gets sane and helps pass a CLEAN Covid relief bill -- the therapy WILL BE COVERED like in the previous bill...

This is FAKE NEWS and the NYTimes is STILL making you look like moron.. They're USING you as a compliant "tool" to spread their manure..
NO ONE right now "has to afford it"

Duh yeah it is still being tested and yes volunteer can volunteer for it. At some point when and if it is approved, It will cost big money. COVID-19 test are about 20 to 100 dollars. Some sources say as high as 800.

Your really not saying anything that is not know but it is only temporary.
There are still doctors involved and tests being done. So its not free. Yeah they will give you a dose but a bill will still have to be paid. Its not like you walk in and say give me a shot and walkout 10 minutes later.

If you believe that its free then go for it.
View attachment 399279

Well with arguably the best doctors, unlimited access to the medical system, and no bills to pay but the people will pay the bill. A couple of shots of steroids and like Freddy "I'm back"

Beating his chest, "If I can do it anyone can beat it"

Backed by a row of doctors. How many Americans can afford this and get similar treatment. Obviously a few but not many. The recovery rate is well in the high 90's for the general public with age being the equalizer. How many older Americans can afford such treatment?

As Trump tried to rid the world of Obama care and replace it with Trump care. Obama care survived but it still being challenged in the courts by the repubs war machine. Should all Americans have the same kind of health care as the President? Arguably it would be expensive.

Is he really the poster boy that can get people excited. The white house number of people infected is rising. The reason is his leadership on the matter. No mask needed here. We can test daily and nip it in the bud. Rally with a few wearing masks surrounded by those who don't. Yet those with masks still support him. Can't argue with that.

There is no cure yet and at best they just treat the symptoms and help the immune system fight the battle.

His message seems to say look it can be beat but catching it and surviving. The survival of the fittest or access to medical care.

Instead his message should be how to avoid it and not worry about surviving.
The elderly have an approximate 95% chance of recovery. You are making mountains out of molehills because you have an incurable disease: TDS disorder. Get help.

Well I am going to provide some help to you. The risk of COVID 19 increases with age. That is all that is being said

CDC says 8 out of 10 deaths from covid 19 is from age 65 or over

If you think death is minor and a inconvenience that can be easily justified with numbers then maybe you should get help,
Well I am going to provide some help to you. The risk of COVID 19 increases with age. That is all that is being said

CDC says 8 out of 10 deaths from covid 19 is from age 65 or over

If you think death is minor and a inconvenience that can be easily justified with numbers then maybe you should get help,
You are full of shit:

"A CDC update Wednesday says individuals are more likely to survive the coronavirus after contracting it. The health agency says if you have the virus between the ages of 0 to 70, you have a 99% survival rate. And if you’re over 70, the survival rate is nearly 95%."

"Gov. Ron DeSantis also tweeted about the update, saying people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance."

Well I am going to provide some help to you. The risk of COVID 19 increases with age. That is all that is being said

CDC says 8 out of 10 deaths from covid 19 is from age 65 or over

If you think death is minor and a inconvenience that can be easily justified with numbers then maybe you should get help,
You are full of shit:

"A CDC update Wednesday says individuals are more likely to survive the coronavirus after contracting it. The health agency says if you have the virus between the ages of 0 to 70, you have a 99% survival rate. And if you’re over 70, the survival rate is nearly 95%."

"Gov. Ron DeSantis also tweeted about the update, saying people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance."

yet you quote a story that gets it information from a website that say that this information is not official stats but estimations of scenarios

Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios. The scenarios are intended to advance public health preparedness and planning. They are not predictions or estimates of the expected impact of COVID-19. The parameter values in each scenario will be updated and augmented over time, as we learn more about the epidemiology of COVID-19. Additional parameter values might be added in the future (e.g., population density, household transmission, and/or race and ethnicity).

Parameter values Table 1
ParameterScenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate
Infection Fatality Ratio†0-19 years: 0.00002
20-49 years: 0.00007
50-69 years: 0.0025
70+ years: 0.028
0-19 years: 0.0001
20-49 years: 0.0003
50-69 years: 0.010
70+ years: 0.093
0-19 years: 0.00003
20-49 years: 0.0002
50-69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054
Percent of infections that are asymptomatic§10%70%10%70%40%
Infectiousness of asymptomatic individuals relative to symptomatic¶25%100%25%100%75%
Percentage of transmission occurring prior to symptom onset**30%70%30%70%50%

The chances of survival are great if that what you want to focus on. 201,947 people died according to CDC so far

I guess its how you look at it.
I guess its how you look at it.
Yeah if you have TDS you look at it emotionally I guess. This virus has, at worst' a 95% survival rate. Your odds are worse driving a car. TDSers blow it out of proportion because they want 'Orange Man Bad' gone at any price, by any means even if it means destroying America.
The chances of survival are great if that what you want to focus on. 201,947 people died according to CDC so far

I guess its how you look at it.
Indeed, I look at it from a purely statistical standpoint and have studied reported causes of death. I found out that hospitals get more $$$ for a covid death and, if someone has a morbid condition (other than covid) and dies, their death is chalked up to Covid. I studied death certificates and found them to be very convoluted and subject to reporting false findings. All of that skews the underlying data so any statistical analysis is unreliable.

Also, the rise in cases does not necessarily predict a death. In fact MOST cases (95%) DO NOT result in death. I you are afraid you are going to be among the unlucky 5% then by all means, lock yourself away just stop preaching your doomsday fears to the rest of US.

The fact that Covid is widespread in the U.S. is undeniable however, most will not die of it. The ONLY reason it is being promoted, IMO, is to hurt Trump in this election year by keeping the country closed and our economic system hamstrung. Frankly, it is unconscionable what one party (the Democrats) are doing to the people of the United States.
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