How long will it take the Biden War Machine to begin its regime change war with Assad?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
By the end of 2021, we will be in a large scale war with Syria, I have 90% confidence.

Harris has already said as much, and we know Biden loves war.

Harris:"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad viciously attacked innocent civilians, including scores of children, who suffocated to death from chemical weapons. This attack reinforces the clear fact that President Assad is not only a ruthless dictator brutalizing his own people-he is a war criminal the international community cannot ignore.”

We now know the chemical attack was bullshit propoganda by Syrian rebels.

Biden’s Sec Def is on the board of Raytheon, clearly he is a War Pig and memeber of the MIC.

Johhny get your gun...Assad is going down!
By the end of 2021, we will be in a large scale war with Syria, I have 90% confidence.

Harris has already said as much, and we know Biden loves war.

Harris:"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad viciously attacked innocent civilians, including scores of children, who suffocated to death from chemical weapons. This attack reinforces the clear fact that President Assad is not only a ruthless dictator brutalizing his own people-he is a war criminal the international community cannot ignore.”

We now know the chemical attack was bullshit propoganda by Syrian rebels.

Biden’s Sec Def is on the board of Raytheon, clearly he is a War Pig and memeber of the MIC.

Johhny get your gun...Assad is going down!
Doesn't Biden have to breath life into the Obama deal with Iran to empower the terrorist state once again and tear up the Israel/Arab peace accord before lighting the Middle East on fire again?
By the end of 2021, we will be in a large scale war with Syria, I have 90% confidence.

Harris has already said as much, and we know Biden loves war.

Harris:"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad viciously attacked innocent civilians, including scores of children, who suffocated to death from chemical weapons. This attack reinforces the clear fact that President Assad is not only a ruthless dictator brutalizing his own people-he is a war criminal the international community cannot ignore.”

We now know the chemical attack was bullshit propoganda by Syrian rebels.

Biden’s Sec Def is on the board of Raytheon, clearly he is a War Pig and memeber of the MIC.

Johhny get your gun...Assad is going down!
They're trying to figure out a way to make it look like Trump's fault, then they'll jump back in.
Trump never ended any wars or pulled our troops out. Trump just lied about pulling US out!!!

Trump Says He Wanted To Assassinate Syria’s Assad - “I would have rather taken him out. I had him all set. Mattis didn't want to do it," Trump said in an interview on “Fox and Friends,” referring to then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. "Mattis was against most of that stuff."
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Trump never ended any wars or pulled our troops out. Trump just lied about pulling US out!!!

He joined a long list of politicians that lied to us about the wars.

Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Hillary, Obama, etc.
The future of Syria will be decided by Turkey Russia and Iran i believe. Iran is broke but does Syria mean so much to Biden that he is willing to challenge Putin and Erdogan for control?
Biden will dramatically increase the war effort in Syria. Get ready for hundreds of thousands of dead brown people becaise of liberal know, those big anti war people. :auiqs.jpg:
Screw Assad

Lets invade Canada
Canada is a proxy, let's go for straight for the heart. . . Like we should have done in 1776, but were too weak to.

Biden will dramatically increase the war effort in Syria. Get ready for hundreds of thousands of dead brown people becaise of liberal know, those big anti war people. :auiqs.jpg:

Biden is gearing up to invade Canada. Canada has massed its population at our border waiting for orders to invade us. Biden needs to warn Canada to move its population away from our border or we will attack

Biden will dramatically increase the war effort in Syria. Get ready for hundreds of thousands of dead brown people becaise of liberal know, those big anti war people. :auiqs.jpg:

Remember, Biden has supported every military action the US has taken since Vietnam. He's a war monger and a war profiteer.
Does Syria mean so much to Biden that he would risk a much larger conflict by challenging Putin and Erdogan for control?
Screw Assad

Lets invade Canada
Why? Trudeau is doing a good job of destroying Canada all by his lonesome.
I’m tired of them damned Canadians coming down here drinking our beer and taking our Wimmin!
To me, Canada is the last potential area of freedom when the United States fails. That is people will move there in droves to begin a new nation of liberty. That is why the globalist infected their cities with people from other parts of the world to diminish that opportunity over the last few decades. The living will be colder, but people will adjust and turn the areas like a Euro wonderland. We still have huge swaths here in the United States with that potential, but the political views are more infected in many areas. It is possible there will be a marriage of some states and some provinces of Canada in a vivacious new potentially great nation that espouses liberty over authoritarian statists.
Screw Assad

Lets invade Canada
Why? Trudeau is doing a good job of destroying Canada all by his lonesome.
I’m tired of them damned Canadians coming down here drinking our beer and taking our Wimmin!
To me, Canada is the last potential area of freedom when the United States fails. That is people will move there in droves to begin a new nation of liberty. That is why the globalist infected their cities with people from other parts of the world to diminish that opportunity over the last few decades. The living will be colder, but people will adjust and turn the areas like a Euro wonderland. We still have huge swaths here in the United States with that potential, but the political views are more infected in many areas. It is possible there will be a marriage of some states and some provinces of Canada in a vivacious new potentially great nation that espouses liberty over authoritarian statists.
Canada is a blight on the North American Continent.
We need to stop them before it is too late

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