Joe Biden Will Not Take US To War With China. How Long Before He Abandons Taiwan, Pelosi Cancells Trip?

Joe Biden projects weakness and confusion which is very dangerous for our national security and for the rest of the free world.

No he does not, Mike. Maybe to Trump Humpers like you he does, but you thought Trump acted "strong".

Donald Trump projected an abject beta submissiveness to both Xi and Putin, and Erdogan for that matter. It was embarassing to behold. NATO Leaders in Brussels and the entire UN General Assembly laughed in Trump's face at his idiot and completely false claims. The Mexican Prime Minister hung up on Trump. The Australian Prime Minister mocked him at a private dinner.

Listening to testimony from all of his aides and advisors at the January 6th Hearings, the staff spent half their time trying to prevent Trump from doing illegal and stupid things. Like claiming the election was "stolen", when it clearly wasn't.
China hasn’t fought a war in 70 years. They have never conducted amphibious warfare let alone an invasion over 100 miles of ocean.
So what is your opinion? That China won't attack or Biden won't defend (or both)?
So what is your opinion? That China won't attack or Biden won't defend (or both)?

My opinion is China knows better than to attempt an invasion that would be an embarrassment.

Our President has already made it clear he would support Taiwan if they are attacked
Not anymore we don't. Obama and Biden saw to that. We put pussies and crazy trans in positions of power and you think that doesn't harm our military and our national security. dream on, hypocrite.

You truly are too stupid to be one person. There were women and homosexuals in the military, including trans people, long before Obama was elected. The only difference was they had to hide their sexuality and this left them open to blackmail.

Nothing changed in the military, but stupid idiots like you think it has. No wonder you voted for Trump, you'll fall for anything.
well i sure as hell hope our freaking obama influenced military didn't train any taiwanese military like they failed the afghani military.
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Taking oney from China during his campaign

Kissing Xi's ass.

Lying about bringing up Uyghur genocide

China threatened to withhold medication they make Americans need to survive everyday, and Biden did nothing

Giving China US Strategic Oil Reserves

Now they are threatening To start a war by shootong down Pelosi's plane if she chooses to go to Taiwan

How long before it is announced Pelosi's trip in canceled?

Compromised Biden will not take the US to war against China...

...and Pelosi loves Pelosi too much to call China's bluff about shooting her plane down if she makes the trip. She has no problem making others martyrs but has do desire to be one.

Perhaps she will find an excuse not to go and send McCarthy alone....

You idiot. Biden didn't give the strategic oil reserves to China. How stupid are you?

Would you prefer a war with China?
You truly are too stupid to be one person. There were women and homosexuals in the military, including trans people, long before Obama was elected. The only difference was they had to hide their sexuality and this left them open to blackmail.

Nothing changed in the military, but stupid idiots like you think it has. No wonder you voted for Trump, you'll fall for anything.
Now that is funny coming from a demrat stooge.
You idiot. Biden didn't give the strategic oil reserves to China. How stupid are you?

Oh, my bad - he 'sold' it to China.

Try harder, Democrat cuck apologist.
Oh, my bad - he 'sold' it to China.

Try harder, Democrat cuck apologist.

Sinopec has a US subsidiary in Houston that registered to bid on the 15 % of the strategic oil reserves that was sold at auction.
Sinopec has a US subsidiary in Houston that registered to bid on the 15 % of the strategic oil reserves that was sold at auction.
Atta boy, cuck. Keep that shit spinning.thanks for that unsupported desperate emotional response.
Don't put this on Trump. This is all to be laid at the door of past democrat and rino presidents. He had only four years of which the left and the traitorous rino fought him every step of the way and yet he still accomplished many good things in spite of the obstacles put in his way. We were in a hell of a better shape at home and abroad when President Trump was in office.
Biden and Democrat failed agendas and policies have the
Cou try spiraling with the economy and increasing recession. time. After Biden's Afghanistan disaster, now is the perfect time.

About the only thing that may plunge us into war is if China shoots the plane land ... even THEN I am not sure Biden will allow it to go that far.

It will go off without incident, and then you'll find some other bullshit to whine about.

Is it really a recession if your economy gained 3 million jobs, and probably would have gained more if there were warm bodies to fill them.

Yesterday I had to wait half an hour at the deli counter for service? Why? because they are understaffed and can't get employees at a chain that has union benefits.

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