How Long Will it Take Liberal Media to Spin the Debate Aftermath in Favor of Clinton?

Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

don't you mean how long BEFORE the debate will trump hacks try to make it seem like he could possibly win a debate?

i know...i know... let's make expectations so low for dumb donald that you can say he wins if he doesn't call hillary a bitch.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.

and the trumpsters know (since kellianne is such a good propagandist) that whomever wins that little narrative the day after is going to be considered to have won the debate. disgusting but true
Instantly. Everything supporting hilly has already been written and memorized.
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories.

One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
Weather report from the fence: Winds, variable with gusts to the left....:lol:
Many of the silly partisan ideologues on both ends will proclaim their candidate the winner, even if that person has the worst debate in the history of historical histories. One of the many examples of why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.
Weather report from the fence: Winds, variable with gusts to the left....:lol:
Right on cue. Partisan ideologues do hate that mirror.
Why don't you people who go on about the liberal media tell us which media outlets you accept as objective,

and therefore you'll accept as fair their evaluation as to who won the debate?

(Hint: they either won't name any, or they'll name rightwing media outlets)
No I guess all of the media outlets liberal shit love so much are "fair and balanced since we NEVER see anyone from a centrist, or "right wing" person on them. I have yet to see a Republican on any channel except Trump there to try to have him say something they can distort, and make into a slur. If they have any person who does not support their murderous lying treasonous bitch, there are always at least three of the leftist for one right tight. Liberals had better get used to getting what they have given for sixty years (they just cant stand real equality) , because REAL AMERICANS are tired of the kingdom, and the kings. As for the debate, I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever. Both sides will say they won, the shit bitch already has the slant of the Electoral College and I still think over 500 just because of the libertarian igmo. Plus they are hedging their bet by granting citizenship, and voting rights to any illegal that says they will vote for da beech.
Emails Show Nbc's Andrea Mitchell Telling Colin Powell Trump's Nomination Is 'Awful'
Anybody care to guess how long after the debate ends it will take liberal media to spin Clinton campaign talking points and declare her the winner? I say a matter of seconds.

They already are.

Debates don’t often change presidential races. Is 2016 the exception?
No I guess all of the media outlets liberal shit love so much are "fair and balanced since we NEVER see anyone from a centrist, or "right wing" person on them. I have yet to see a Republican on any channel except Trump there to try to have him say something they can distort, and make into a slur. If they have any person who does not support their murderous lying treasonous bitch, there are always at least three of the leftist for one right tight. Liberals had better get used to getting what they have given for sixty years (they just cant stand real equality) , because REAL AMERICANS are tired of the kingdom, and the kings. As for the debate, I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever. Both sides will say they won, the shit bitch already has the slant of the Electoral College and I still think over 500 just because of the libertarian igmo. Plus they are hedging their bet by granting citizenship, and voting rights to any illegal that says they will vote for da beech.

MSNBC has a 3 hour morning show hosted by conservative Republican Joe Scarborough despite MSNBC being labeled as ultra liberal.
Fact-checking the 'commander-in-chief' forum

Remember the commander in chief forum? I was shocked that Trump could stand in front of all those military, right in front of him, and lie, lie, lie.

The guy has no honor or respect.

Funny how right wingers always complain "Fact checkers are liberal".
Fact-checking the 'commander-in-chief' forum

Remember the commander in chief forum? I was shocked that Trump could stand in front of all those military, right in front of him, and lie, lie, lie.

The guy has no honor or respect.

Funny how right wingers always complain "Fact checkers are liberal".

It's what you do if you can't refute the substance.
Fact-checking the 'commander-in-chief' forum

Remember the commander in chief forum? I was shocked that Trump could stand in front of all those military, right in front of him, and lie, lie, lie.

The guy has no honor or respect.

Funny how right wingers always complain "Fact checkers are liberal".

It's what you do if you can't refute the substance.
Let's wait and see if Hillary can actually stand on her own feet for ninety minutes before we make any predictions about who won.
I still maintain she will 'twist an ankle' just before the debate and plead with the commission to let her do the debate from her wheelchair back at her mansion.
The bitch already tried to be allowed a 'foot-stool' AKA a stool to sit on during the debate and was turned down.
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