How Long Should Jan 6th Committee Members Be Sent To Prison??

So are you; 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds



Black Lives Matter Was Gaining Ground. Then a Sniper Opened Fire.​


2016 shooting of Dallas police officers​

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers, and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War v…
Black lives Matter protesters kill 5 Dallas police



Gaye Arbuckle wipes her eyes after singing during during an interfaith memorial service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, for five law enforcement officers killed last week in an ambush at a Black Lives Matter rally. The victims are depicted (from left) Dallas PD officer Michael Krol, DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) officer Brent Thompson, Dallas PD officer Lorne Ahrens, Dallas PD officer Michael Smith, and Dallas PD officer Patrick Zamarripa. )(The Dallas Morning News)

Democrats need to get off their high horses and not let their quasi-military BLM murderers get a pink slip for doing this.^^^^
"......not let their quasi-military BLM murderers get a pink slip for doing this."

'Pink slip' for killing the Dallas officers?
Ummm, what is that all about?
Who gave who a 'pink slip'?
Which , correct me if wrong, but is a suggestion that nobody was held accountable for the officer's death?

If the good poster 'beautress' doesn't know, for some reason, the details of that incident....well, here, lemme give 'beautress' a link to it.

In it, we can read that the suspected shooter --- was killed shortly thereafter.
Killed dead.
Not the kind of 'pink slip' one may be used to.

"On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers, and injuring nine others. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, which had occurred in the preceding days.

Following the shooting, Johnson fled inside a building on the campus of El Centro College. Police followed him there, and a standoff ensued. In the early hours of July 8, police killed Johnson with a bomb attached to a remote control bomb disposal robot.[8]"

ps...poster beautress, I do not intend to be skeptical of your preparation, but......but gurlfriend, homework is a thing. Due diligence is a thing. Being responsible is a thing.

Best wishes in your future endeavors.....but really, gurl, invest a bit of yourself first. It can make you look like a serious woman. Which is highly valued these days. Good luck.
BWK, you are gravely mistaken.

The accursed January 6 committee/polite word for "lynch mob" hasn't brought forth anything of an impeachable offence nature against President Donald J Trump.
The Jan 6 mob are determined to convert or "reset" the USA by having used the Alinsky 8-steps to a communist hell hubris, and they're not going to get anywhere at all using the fact that President Trump may have gotten a little hot under his collar over the Democrat constant lying pellets at his Cabinet, his family, his associated friends, not to mention himself.

What they are doing is beneath reproach, considering that the House Speaker is supposed to be a person who brings right and left sides together, not constantly and overconstantly trying to beat up Hillary Rodham Clinton's successful rival who happens to be a Republican. He did a lot of good while they were scheming hateful lies against him for 5 stinking years. Joe Biden tore up the border that had just begun to work for the people of the USA, and then he let Pelosi's little gimme-gimme mobsters build up a monumental $30.63 Trillion dollar debt.

And how long does it take to count to just one Trillion?
A trillion is a thousand times more than a billion. Based on out calculated data above, it would take someone 280,000,000 hours / 11666666 days to count from 1 to a trillion.
In years this would take 31,963 years of continuous counting for an ordinary human being to successfully count from 1 to a trillion. It is therefore impossible for a human being to count from 1 to a trillion. How Long Does It Take To Count To A Trillion?

Think on this little fact: 28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists​

View attachment 679083

Get it? The Democrat Deep Staters behave as follows:
"Rules for thee, but not for me!"
These are two different scenarios but you're right about one thing; far right extremists are responsible for both situations.
These are two different scenarios but you're right about one thing; far right extremists are responsible for both situations.
Our people did nothing wrong. They were shooed in by a Capitol Cop so that AOC could show off her crying skills on the stage of all DNC-pwned television stations and add a few little spicy exaggerations about the bad people who were asking uncomfortable questions of her royal highness. What a performance!

"Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, stoked outrage on Sunday by predicting members of the House committee investigating the Capitol attack will be imprisoned if Republicans retake the chamber this year. He made his prediction on Fox News, for which he is a contributor.

Cheney, a leading member of the commission, later blasted Gingrich over the remarks. "A former Speaker of the House is threatening jail time for members of Congress who are investigating the violent January 6 attack on our Capitol and our Constitution," Cheney said in a tweet on Sunday. "This is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels."

How many years in prison should people like Adam Kinzinger, Bennie Thompson and Zoe Lofgren be sentenced to?? And what should be the charges they are convicted of?? I am thinking maybe treason, which honestly, is punishable by really, Newt could have called for their execution if he wanted -- but being the gentleman elder-statesman that he is; he decided to pull back and be respectful...and only suggest they face jail time.

And honestly, he makes a good point and he is correct on the facts...How soon people forget how utterly disrespectful and nasty the Dems were to the 709 different Benghazi committees; including trying to sentence many on the committee like Trey Gowdy to prison for conducting their its only fair that Republicans demand the same...and even if no one threatened to jail Republicans for investigating Benghazi 18,717 different times; you know they probably wanted fair is fair...

Nobody has put a bullet in this piece of shit yet?
These are two different scenarios but you're right about one thing; far right extremists are responsible for both situations.
Extremists, my foot. Most of those Republicans who entered the Capitol Building were innocent citizens who had never seen the inside of the Capitol and were made to feel comfortable by the cop who so courteously invited them in, and they were fascinated for a short time. They were set up to spend a year in jail by the double-crossing leadership you worship. Another cop shot an American war hero and killed her. The Democrats came out swinging against her with lies at first, but the truth was, she was totally unarmed, and besides the ruse didn't work, because our dear soldier girl is dead. :(
Our people did nothing wrong. They were shooed in by a Capitol Cop so that AOC could show off her crying skills on the stage of all DNC-pwned television stations and add a few little spicy exaggerations about the bad people who were asking uncomfortable questions of her royal highness. What a performance!
So are you identify with these right-wing extremists. I really feel sorry for you. They no longer understood what the truth was either.
So are you identify with these right-wing extremists. I really feel sorry for you. They no longer understood what the truth was either.
I am not an extremist. AT heart, I'm independent, but when my husband proposed, I joined his Republican party the week after our wedding, because I didn't believe in cancelling the vote of the best man who ever lived, and that was 51 years ago. Most of his friends were not Republicans, but the people I met over many years who were republicans were wonderfully community-spirited persons who gave generously to the library, symphony orchestra, art museum, wildlife museum, and wounded warrior supporters. There wasn't a selfish bone in any of their bodies. I still love them from 1500 miles away as we came back home to Texas when we retired. The entire community didn't really rely on political parties everyone of the ones I met were just good friends of the community. It's too bad that if someone supports a Republican that you would trash them as being extremists. My eyes have always been on equality of all people in God's sight thanks to my dear parents who felt likewise. Have a nice day, Stann, but keep your day job, hon. Your mind reading job is, shall we say, insufferable.
I am not an extremist. AT heart, I'm independent, but when my husband proposed, I joined his Republican party the week after our wedding, because I didn't believe in cancelling the vote of the best man who ever lived, and that was 51 years ago. Most of his friends were not Republicans, but the people I met over many years who were republicans were wonderfully community-spirited persons who gave generously to the library, symphony orchestra, art museum, wildlife museum, and wounded warrior supporters. There wasn't a selfish bone in any of their bodies. I still love them from 1500 miles away as we came back home to Texas when we retired. The entire community didn't really rely on political parties everyone of the ones I met were just good friends of the community. It's too bad that if someone supports a Republican that you would trash them as being extremists. My eyes have always been on equality of all people in God's sight thanks to my dear parents who felt likewise. Have a nice day, Stann, but keep your day job, hon. Your mind reading job is, shall we say, insufferable.
You took the side of people who betrayed our government and attacked the Capitol. To me you are just as guilty.
Whatever the maximum sentence is, they should get it.
What crime do you think they're committing. ? All they're doing is investigating the criminals that attacked our nation. They can't even prosecute. That's up to the justice department and they're doing a good job of it sending those criminals to prison. And they're getting down to the ringleaders too. If Trump goes to prison, and the Republican leaders who supported the insurrection and aided and abetted enemies of our nation to do it. Then Justice will be totally served. But as usual, the peons get sent to prison and the big dogs usually go free. Let's hope that's not the case this time. The stakes are far too high, and we never want to see this s*** again.

"Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, stoked outrage on Sunday by predicting members of the House committee investigating the Capitol attack will be imprisoned if Republicans retake the chamber this year. He made his prediction on Fox News, for which he is a contributor.

Cheney, a leading member of the commission, later blasted Gingrich over the remarks. "A former Speaker of the House is threatening jail time for members of Congress who are investigating the violent January 6 attack on our Capitol and our Constitution," Cheney said in a tweet on Sunday. "This is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels."

How many years in prison should people like Adam Kinzinger, Bennie Thompson and Zoe Lofgren be sentenced to?? And what should be the charges they are convicted of?? I am thinking maybe treason, which honestly, is punishable by really, Newt could have called for their execution if he wanted -- but being the gentleman elder-statesman that he is; he decided to pull back and be respectful...and only suggest they face jail time.

And honestly, he makes a good point and he is correct on the facts...How soon people forget how utterly disrespectful and nasty the Dems were to the 709 different Benghazi committees; including trying to sentence many on the committee like Trey Gowdy to prison for conducting their its only fair that Republicans demand the same...and even if no one threatened to jail Republicans for investigating Benghazi 18,717 different times; you know they probably wanted fair is fair...

It appears that they have been caught lying to the public. Perjury is a serious crime. When we take back Congress and the White House, i imagine there will be quite a few people looking to get some payback. As they say, all is fair in love, war and politics.
Extremists, my foot. Most of those Republicans who entered the Capitol Building were innocent citizens who had never seen the inside of the Capitol and were made to feel comfortable by the cop who so courteously invited them in, and they were fascinated for a short time. They were set up to spend a year in jail by the double-crossing leadership you worship. Another cop shot an American war hero and killed her. The Democrats came out swinging against her with lies at first, but the truth was, she was totally unarmed, and besides the ruse didn't work, because our dear soldier girl is dead. :(

What was Ashli doing when she was shot, exactly?

And where in the building were they? What was beyond the door right behind security?

And what was happening around her, exactly?

Do you know?
"Most of those Republicans who entered the Capitol Building were innocent citizens who had never seen the inside of the Capitol and were made to feel comfortable by the cop who so courteously invited them in, and they were fascinated for a short time. They were set up to spend a year in jail by the double-crossing leadership you worship. Another cop shot an American war hero and killed her. The Democrats came out swinging against her with lies at first, but the truth was, she was totally unarmed, and besides the ruse didn't work, because our dear soldier girl is dead. "
Beautress, you are yet another who drags the corpse of that poor misguided woman through the internet in your attempt to justify the attack on our legislators. It should be beneath you. It is dishonorable. It does her grieving family no service. It cannot comfort them. You should know better.

Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
Would she be dead if she had NOT participated with the crowd battering down and destroying a barrier specifically closed to bar her and her cohorts from harming our legislators and their staffs?
Of course not.
Would she be dead if she had NOT charged into the breach directly towards officers who had warned all to back-off, to go away, to not enter?
Of course not.

And your accusation that the attackers were "set up" is ludicrous. As an adult woman (married 51 years, you say) should know better. The people who sit in jail today, who have been convicted, who have confessed, who plead guilty.....have done so because evidence (miles of video depicting their violent actions) have been presented to magistrates....some of them Don Trump appointed judges ....and it has been determined that they participated and are responsible for their decisions and actions on that day.

Those who sit in jail have been unable to meet the bail requirements, or refused to, or are deemed a flight risk. There time in court is coming. You know that. Everybody knows that.

As far as your charge that the attackers "were made to feel comfortable".......well, gurlfriend, did you watch it as it happened back on January 6th?
Have you seen any number of video presentations of what happened? Here's just one:

For some entryways the Capitol guards retreated in the face of surging attackers (I've seen a report of 3 such entryways)......but in many other entryways the police were savagely attacked, beaten, and grievously injured. Other entryways were violently battered and forced.

It is on video, poster beautress.

Watch it and be better informed. You are sounding naive and foolish, not befitting an adult woman.
As an adult American woman you should have paid more attention and been more honest about the events of January 6th. The evidence....the video evidence abundantly available on YouTube, and any number of documentaries.

Your contribution above is, if not dishonest or disingenuous......then it is a uninformed polemic.

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I will never understand why people argue with election deniers as if they can convince them to not be followers of the big lie.....those folks will believe in the lie for no other reason but to spite you for not believing...that's it.....

The big lie is nothing more than the Lost Cause strategy 2.0....and I guarantee you that most of the people who are Neo-Confederates and believe in that lost cause revisionist bullshit, also believe in the big lie...

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