How Liberals Use Science

Do you believe that the human race has not advanced at all since the 18th century?


Just let this one go... she has absolutely no means to understand how profoundly stupid that comment is. If I didn't already have a kick-ass signature, THAT load of feckless drivel would be a BEAUTY!

Blacks were enslaved and women didn't have the vote in the 18th century.

I'm am not all surprised that a person of your odious character would not consider it advancements that those conditions have changed.

Blacks were enslaved... and had every RIGHT NOT TO BE... As recognized by the US Charter of Principles... principles which were eventually the basis of their freedom.

And woman did have the right to vote... in some states. Blacks were also freemen in some states. Blacks also owned slaves in some states.

MAN! It sucks to be you today too. Does that ever get old?

You insisted that we have not advanced. Now you acknowledge that we have advanced.

Do you have any clue as to how little sense you make?


Couldn't let it go, could ya.

I never made any statement which could possibly lend to the influence that mankind has not made advancements since the 18th century.

But as an imbecile, you could not have possibly known that.
The Declaration of Independence declared that ALL men are created equal, ...

Yep... That's because Jefferson recognized that all men are equal before God.

Therefore, all men should be equal before: THE LAW ... which reflects God's Law.

LOL! Now how COOL is THAT?

There is no such thing as God's law.


There is no God except in the mind of those who are of particular faiths. Laws in America are secular, not religious.

Well, you get off the computer and go find that roof... something 6 floors or better will REALLY prove your point. If there is no God, thus no God's Law, then when you take that step... ANYTHING can happen.

Now I want to believe ya! PROVE IT~
The Declaration of Independence declared that ALL men are created equal, ...

Yep... That's because Jefferson recognized that all men are equal before God.

Therefore, all men should be equal before: THE LAW ... which reflects God's Law.

LOL! Now how COOL is THAT?

There is no such thing as God's law.


There is no God except in the mind of those who are of particular faiths. Laws in America are secular, not religious.

Well, you get off the computer and go find that roof... something 6 floors or better will REALLY prove your point. If there is no God, thus no God's Law, then when you take that step... ANYTHING can happen.

Now I want to believe ya! PROVE IT~

I've reduced you to incoherent babbling.

I win, child.
Yep... That's because Jefferson recognized that all men are equal before God.

Therefore, all men should be equal before: THE LAW ... which reflects God's Law.

LOL! Now how COOL is THAT?

There is no such thing as God's law.


There is no God except in the mind of those who are of particular faiths. Laws in America are secular, not religious.

Well, you get off the computer and go find that roof... something 6 floors or better will REALLY prove your point. If there is no God, thus no God's Law, then when you take that step... ANYTHING can happen.

Now I want to believe ya! PROVE IT~

I've reduced you to incoherent babbling.

I win, child.

Oh! So you're saying that ya can't take a chance?

Suit yourself...

God lives... Go figure.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted: AGAIN!

(Do ya see how easy this is folks?)
Secularism is what made America and the rest of the world better. Separating church and state.

You dunce....

Both the structure of our government and the law are both based on the Bible.
Wow. Are there still fucktards out there that believe that. I guess that such people have never read a non-fiction book about American history. And yes, David Barton and Ann Coulter are fiction writers. Because their writings are devoid of any facts--just like the brains of the people who read them.

Except that I can prove what I say.....

....and that identifies you as an uneducated moron, doesn't it.

The Constitution and American law are not based upon the Bible, Christianity or Ten Commandments. I have written about this before, but it bears repeating.

American law is based upon the English Common Law. Thomas Jefferson studied the subject and concluded that the Common Law existed before Christianity arrived in England.

Jefferson said: “But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century; the conversion of the first Christian king of the Heptarchy having taken place about the year 598, and that of the last about 686. Here, then, was a space of two hundred years, during which the common law was in existence, and Christianity no part of it…

Time for a remedial education lesson.

1. In the spring of 527, Justin died, and on April 4, 527 Theodora and Justinian were crowned as empress and emperor. A great part of Justinian’s greatness was his instinct selecting men of skill and ability to do his bidding. While loyal to Justinian, the three of his inner court hated one another: Theodora, John the Cappadocian (his finacial advisor and administrator) and Belisarius (his greatest general).

In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens.
See Rosen, "Justinian's Flea."

2. The Old Testament was written well before this.

3. This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.
The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

a The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed-systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”
Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge"

How many times do the Federalist Papers mention Christianity or Judaism?

Oh, right, I forgot--America was never meant to be part of the Old World order. It was to be the New Order of the Ages!

Hmm... Let's see...

The US was founded upon what?

I wonder... if there were only ONE instrument which we could look to, that went back to the founding of the United States, way back to July of 1776, if there were ONLY SOMETHING which declared God as the authority on which those Americans, declared their independence... .

Well specifically "Nature's God"

Though I'm not about to claim that the US was founded on Deism, because the Declaration was largely propaganda for the royal courts of Europe.
dimocrap scum don't care about facts or truth.

They lie. It's an autonomic function with dimocrap scum. It's what they do.

Babies cry, dogs bark, pigs oink, ducks quack.......

And dimocraps lie.

They get busted in one lie? They don't care. They have no honor, no code, no conscience, no morality, no caring, no empathy or sympathy and they GODDAM sure don't care about the harm their lies might cause.

They are the scum of the earth.

Which is why I refused to try to get along with them decades ago.

There's no point. You think you've reached an agreement with a dimocrap and they'll stab you on the back the second you turn around.

I shit you not. They are not worthy of consideration
Secularism is what made America and the rest of the world better. Separating church and state.

You dunce....

Both the structure of our government and the law are both based on the Bible.
Wow. Are there still fucktards out there that believe that. I guess that such people have never read a non-fiction book about American history. And yes, David Barton and Ann Coulter are fiction writers. Because their writings are devoid of any facts--just like the brains of the people who read them.

Except that I can prove what I say.....

....and that identifies you as an uneducated moron, doesn't it.

The Constitution and American law are not based upon the Bible, Christianity or Ten Commandments. I have written about this before, but it bears repeating.

American law is based upon the English Common Law. Thomas Jefferson studied the subject and concluded that the Common Law existed before Christianity arrived in England.

Jefferson said: “But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century; the conversion of the first Christian king of the Heptarchy having taken place about the year 598, and that of the last about 686. Here, then, was a space of two hundred years, during which the common law was in existence, and Christianity no part of it…

Time for a remedial education lesson.

1. In the spring of 527, Justin died, and on April 4, 527 Theodora and Justinian were crowned as empress and emperor. A great part of Justinian’s greatness was his instinct selecting men of skill and ability to do his bidding. While loyal to Justinian, the three of his inner court hated one another: Theodora, John the Cappadocian (his finacial advisor and administrator) and Belisarius (his greatest general).

In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens.
See Rosen, "Justinian's Flea."

2. The Old Testament was written well before this.

3. This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.
The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

a The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed-systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”
Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge"

How many times do the Federalist Papers mention Christianity or Judaism?

Oh, right, I forgot--America was never meant to be part of the Old World order. It was to be the New Order of the Ages!

How many of the constitutions of the fifty states mention God?

49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!
Do you believe that the human race has not advanced at all since the 18th century?


Just let this one go... she has absolutely no means to understand how profoundly stupid that comment is. If I didn't already have a kick-ass signature, THAT load of feckless drivel would be a BEAUTY!

Blacks were enslaved and women didn't have the vote in the 18th century.

I'm am not all surprised that a person of your odious character would not consider it advancements that those conditions have changed.

Blacks were enslaved... and had every RIGHT NOT TO BE... As recognized by the US Charter of Principles... principles which were eventually the basis of their freedom.

And woman did have the right to vote... in some states. Blacks were also freemen in some states. Blacks also owned slaves in some states.

MAN! It sucks to be you today too. Does that ever get old?

Women did not have the right to vote in ANY state until 1869. That is the 19th Century.

Edited to add correction: Wyoming was not yet a state until 1890.
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Do you believe that the human race has not advanced at all since the 18th century?


Just let this one go... she has absolutely no means to understand how profoundly stupid that comment is. If I didn't already have a kick-ass signature, THAT load of feckless drivel would be a BEAUTY!

Blacks were enslaved and women didn't have the vote in the 18th century.

I'm am not all surprised that a person of your odious character would not consider it advancements that those conditions have changed.

Blacks were enslaved... and had every RIGHT NOT TO BE... As recognized by the US Charter of Principles... principles which were eventually the basis of their freedom.

And woman did have the right to vote... in some states. Blacks were also freemen in some states. Blacks also owned slaves in some states.

MAN! It sucks to be you today too. Does that ever get old?

Women did not have the right to vote in ANY state until 1869. That is the 19th Century.

Edited to add correction: Wyoming was not yet a state until 1890.

:blahblah: :bsflag:

" "Of Government in Petticoats!!!"

The provision on suffrage in the New Jersey state constitution of 1776 granted the right to vote to "all inhabitants" who were of legal age (21), owned property worth 50 English pounds (not necessarily a freehold), and resided in a county for at least one year. No one is sure what was meant by "all inhabitants" since the New Jersey constitutional convention was held in secret. But it appears that no agitation for woman suffrage occurred at the convention."


The Jewish Impact On The World History Society and Life
49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!

No one has ever claimed that the US is a Christian theocracy.

We, the Americans, have merely pointed out that the United States was founded upon Judea-Christian principles.

But, hey... don't feel bad. As an imbecile, there was no way that you could have known that.
49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!

No one has ever claimed that the US is a Christian theocracy.

We, the Americans, have merely pointed out that the United States was founded upon Judea-Christian principles.

But, hey... don't feel bad. As an imbecile, there was no way that you could have known that.

If it is to have no practical effect, then there is no point in bringing it up.

(of course if it were to have practical effect, that would be theocracy)

"An advisory Govt is a contradiction in terms."
-- James Madison; from 'Detached Memoranda'

49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!

No one has ever claimed that the US is a Christian theocracy.

We, the Americans, have merely pointed out that the United States was founded upon Judea-Christian principles.

But, hey... don't feel bad. As an imbecile, there was no way that you could have known that.

If it is to have no practical effect, then there is no point in bringing it up.

The practical effect, is that those principles is what defines the nation.

But again, you could not have known that.

You might want to trot back over to the "FIRE HOT!" thread. You were doing great there and this is clearly well beyond your means to understand.
The Declaration of Independence declared that ALL men are created equal, ...

Yep... That's because Jefferson recognized that all men are equal before God.

Therefore, all men should be equal before: THE LAW ... which reflects God's Law.

LOL! Now how COOL is THAT?

There is no such thing as God's law.


There is no God except in the mind of those who are of particular faiths. Laws in America are secular, not religious.

Well, you get off the computer and go find that roof... something 6 floors or better will REALLY prove your point. If there is no God, thus no God's Law, then when you take that step... ANYTHING can happen.

Now I want to believe ya! PROVE IT~

You mean physical law?
49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!

No one has ever claimed that the US is a Christian theocracy.

We, the Americans, have merely pointed out that the United States was founded upon Judea-Christian principles.

But, hey... don't feel bad. As an imbecile, there was no way that you could have known that.

If it is to have no practical effect, then there is no point in bringing it up.

The practical effect, is that those principles is what defines the nation.

You might want to trot back over to the "FIRE HOT!" thread. You were doing great there and this is clearly well beyond your means to understand.

What sort of Christian principals are you talking about? And no counting the ones that the Pagans observed independently. :p
Notice who was president in 1927 and the previous administrations that allowed eugenics, why it was the GOP..No surprise, but it was left out of this finger pointing OP.
  1. The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Progressive Era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia
  2. And, yes, there were Republicans who succumbed to "Liberal science."

It is safe to say liberals are anti-science. They look at how capitalism in China eliminated 40% of the world's poverty and say we should switch to socialism.

You cant be more anti-science than that.
What sort of Christian principals are you talking about? And no counting the ones that the Pagans observed independently. :p

So... LOL! What are you trying to say Gilligan?

(Just 'feel' really hard about what it is you are trying to tell me, then use your words.)

Here's a clue that might help you tho'... Just because the Pagans recognized God's Laws, does not mean that Jesus couldn't represent God.

Ok... Now you try.
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What sort of Christian principals are you talking about? And no counting the ones that the Pagans observed independently. :p

So... LOL! What are you trying to say Gilligan?

(Just 'feel' really hard about what it is you are trying to tell me, then use your words.)

Here's a clue that might help you tho'... Just because the Pagans recognized God's Laws, does not mean that Jesus couldn't represent God.

Ok... Now you try.

Look, what you believe is your business. What I believe is my business. That is because we live in a pluralist society (as our constitution guarantees). But if somebody wants to usurp pluralism, that is everyone's business to condemn.
Look, what you believe is your business. What I believe is my business. That is because we live in a pluralist society (as our constitution guarantees). But if somebody wants to usurp pluralism, that is everyone's business to condemn.

Well then you should take that up with those attempting that... You'll find them in the cults: Islam, and The Ideological Left and their innumerable feckless sects... .

Best of luck in your pursuit of pluralism... . Just understand that cults that reject God's law, are doomed to the eternal damnation common to chronic failure.

And your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
49 of the 50 states have constitutions claiming that all power is vested in and derived from the people. They are explicitly democratic--NOT theocratic!

No one has ever claimed that the US is a Christian theocracy.

We, the Americans, have merely pointed out that the United States was founded upon Judea-Christian principles.

But, hey... don't feel bad. As an imbecile, there was no way that you could have known that.

Judeo-Christian principles, if we assume the Ten Commandments are a relevant component of that, demand that we have no other Gods other than the Judeo/Christian/Biblical God before us.

Are you sure the United States of America were founded on that principle?

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