How has your philosophy on life in general "evolved" over the past decade or so?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
People change (as one song put it)

But do they change for the better? Yes, and they usually also, at thesame time, change for the worst. I've noticed this about myself. Sometimes I can be snarky if someone is snarky with me and that's not exactly a very Christian way to be. When I first found Jesus, I wasn't like that. But life wears you down

So anyway, I'm just wondering where others are at in their philosophy, whether Christian or anti-Christian or whatever. I myself am still a Christian after all these (some horrifying) years. I'm better in some ways (being one) and worse in other ways, but I can't say I would choose, if i could, to go back to when I was younger. Learning involves... I don't know... cynicism and etc... but learn we must
My worldview has been relatively stable since I was in my twenties. I'm a VERY flawed man and I recognize that but I try not to pass certain boundaries. My views haven't changed appreciably in the last couple of decades but the world certainly has. At 63, I recall the "old folks" talking about changes in the world that were for the worse but I honestly don't think this time in world history is the same type of situation.

The changes in common sense, appreciation of civility, even the support for equal justice and rule of law have all been badly skewed from the bedrock I grew up with. These days, there is an overwhelming volume of knowledge flooding the world, but less wisdom than ever before.

I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and, flawed as I am in all other ways, I am not ashamed to claim His salvation for it is my only hope. In general, I have always been a person who tries to make peace, turn the other cheek, and truly let go of grudges and resentments because they don't harm the person who wronged me, they just harm me.
The greatest change in my outlook has been this attack on Israel in October. I shocked even myself with the vehemence I felt for the murderers of those Israelis. Revenge is a dangerous, corrosive element to the spirit. Justice will be done in God's due time and that has to be good enough for me, as well.
People change (as one song put it)

But do they change for the better? Yes, and they usually also, at thesame time, change for the worst. I've noticed this about myself. Sometimes I can be snarky if someone is snarky with me and that's not exactly a very Christian way to be. When I first found Jesus, I wasn't like that. But life wears you down

So anyway, I'm just wondering where others are at in their philosophy, whether Christian or anti-Christian or whatever. I myself am still a Christian after all these (some horrifying) years. I'm better in some ways (being one) and worse in other ways, but I can't say I would choose, if i could, to go back to when I was younger. Learning involves... I don't know... cynicism and etc... but learn we must
I used to think that the world was full of evil, abusive and cowardly people. I didn't realize just how many there really were.
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People change (as one song put it)

But do they change for the better? Yes, and they usually also, at thesame time, change for the worst. I've noticed this about myself. Sometimes I can be snarky if someone is snarky with me and that's not exactly a very Christian way to be. When I first found Jesus, I wasn't like that. But life wears you down

So anyway, I'm just wondering where others are at in their philosophy, whether Christian or anti-Christian or whatever. I myself am still a Christian after all these (some horrifying) years. I'm better in some ways (being one) and worse in other ways, but I can't say I would choose, if i could, to go back to when I was younger. Learning involves... I don't know... cynicism and etc... but learn we must

My philosophy has gone from "What the fuck?" to "Fuck it" to "Fuck everyone and everything I don't like."
You know, there was a time when I wouldn't hurt a fly. Then the Borg leftist dems came, and they showed me that if there is one constant in this whole universe, it's death.

Afterwards, I began to realize that it didn't really matter. We're all going to die sometime. It's just a question of how and when.

In the end, time is going to hunt you down and make the kill.

-Dr. Soran

Sigh, I long for a place where time has no teeth. ;)
People change (as one song put it)

But do they change for the better? Yes, and they usually also, at thesame time, change for the worst. I've noticed this about myself. Sometimes I can be snarky if someone is snarky with me and that's not exactly a very Christian way to be. When I first found Jesus, I wasn't like that. But life wears you down

So anyway, I'm just wondering where others are at in their philosophy, whether Christian or anti-Christian or whatever. I myself am still a Christian after all these (some horrifying) years. I'm better in some ways (being one) and worse in other ways, but I can't say I would choose, if i could, to go back to when I was younger. Learning involves... I don't know... cynicism and etc... but learn we must
Talk to a professional. Get some help
I live by a very simple motto.

Every rose has a thorn. Just like every night has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song. Every rose has its thorn. Yeah, it does...
People change (as one song put it)

But do they change for the better? Yes, and they usually also, at thesame time, change for the worst. I've noticed this about myself. Sometimes I can be snarky if someone is snarky with me and that's not exactly a very Christian way to be. When I first found Jesus, I wasn't like that. But life wears you down

So anyway, I'm just wondering where others are at in their philosophy, whether Christian or anti-Christian or whatever. I myself am still a Christian after all these (some horrifying) years. I'm better in some ways (being one) and worse in other ways, but I can't say I would choose, if i could, to go back to when I was younger. Learning involves... I don't know... cynicism and etc... but learn we must
I have learned that the more that you try to run a brain through the heads of certain, the more that they are going to let it be known that their brain trains can only travel so far a distance.

God bless you always!!!

A lot. Completely different.
10 years ago was 2013. At this point the company I spent 8 years building up from a $400k plus loss in 2004, to clearing the first $million profit in 2007... the corporation that owned it, or rather the wealthy family that owned it, decided to sell all of their physical assets. All 46 companies.
My marriage sucked, and had sucked for years but running the company and my two children kept me.
But - as it happens, 2013 was the year my youngest moved out for college.
Everything I knew was going away. The company, my kids grown... I am left with a shit marriage and my thoughts. I was in a very bad place mentally.
But here I am now. My life is completely different. I met my wife - here of all places. Neither of us was looking, I certainly wasn't. It started in the games forum here. Then one day she sent me a PM about IU playing Maryland. Our alumni. We just kept talking. Pretty soon she was the only reason I came here.
That old PM thread is well over 100 pages. And then we made another.
Then on August 8th, 2016 - the first time we physically met in person - I picked her up at the airport to live with me. Pretty nuts right? I mean ... who does that??
Over 7 years ago now, and we are, of course married. She is awesome. And I am awesome to her.
Both of us was a mess really.
Now we are not. I can say, I have never been this happy in my life.
My worldview has been relatively stable since I was in my twenties. I'm a VERY flawed man and I recognize that but I try not to pass certain boundaries. My views haven't changed appreciably in the last couple of decades but the world certainly has. At 63, I recall the "old folks" talking about changes in the world that were for the worse but I honestly don't think this time in world history is the same type of situation.

The changes in common sense, appreciation of civility, even the support for equal justice and rule of law have all been badly skewed from the bedrock I grew up with. These days, there is an overwhelming volume of knowledge flooding the world, but less wisdom than ever before.

I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and, flawed as I am in all other ways, I am not ashamed to claim His salvation for it is my only hope. In general, I have always been a person who tries to make peace, turn the other cheek, and truly let go of grudges and resentments because they don't harm the person who wronged me, they just harm me.
The greatest change in my outlook has been this attack on Israel in October. I shocked even myself with the vehemence I felt for the murderers of those Israelis. Revenge is a dangerous, corrosive element to the spirit. Justice will be done in God's due time and that has to be good enough for me, as well.
Israel protecting itself from violent thugs and murderers is far from being revenge
My philosophy has gone from "What the fuck?" to "Fuck it" to "Fuck everyone and everything I don't like."
the world can do that to you, but I guess you don't have to let it?

But it is hard to feel much affection for-----I don't know--- society in general, esp these days when DAs refuse to prosecute violent thugs because... Who knew? Who knew that "protesting" was an absolute right and there is absolutely NO wrong way to do it, even if the protester kills someone? I mean, who knew!?
I have learned that the more that you try to run a brain through the heads of certain, the more that they are going to let it be known that their brain trains can only travel so far a distance.

God bless you always!!!

A lot. Completely different.
10 years ago was 2013. At this point the company I spent 8 years building up from a $400k plus loss in 2004, to clearing the first $million profit in 2007... the corporation that owned it, or rather the wealthy family that owned it, decided to sell all of their physical assets. All 46 companies.
My marriage sucked, and had sucked for years but running the company and my two children kept me.
But - as it happens, 2013 was the year my youngest moved out for college.
Everything I knew was going away. The company, my kids grown... I am left with a shit marriage and my thoughts. I was in a very bad place mentally.
But here I am now. My life is completely different. I met my wife - here of all places. Neither of us was looking, I certainly wasn't. It started in the games forum here. Then one day she sent me a PM about IU playing Maryland. Our alumni. We just kept talking. Pretty soon she was the only reason I came here.
That old PM thread is well over 100 pages. And then we made another.
Then on August 8th, 2016 - the first time we physically met in person - I picked her up at the airport to live with me. Pretty nuts right? I mean ... who does that??
Over 7 years ago now, and we are, of course married. She is awesome. And I am awesome to her.
Both of us was a mess really.
Now we are not. I can say, I have never been this happy in my life.
that's interesting

but me... I think there are maybe 2 or 3 posters here I would really like to meet. But hey, at least there are 2 or 3. :)
I've learned that trying to educate certain people is nothing but a waste of time when them certain people only continue to let it be known how far their brain trains do not travel. In other words, as long as we all have the right to be stupid, them certain people are not going to let such a right go to waste.

God bless you always!!!

I'm a Christian. I've spent a lot of time studying the history of Christianity.
I've read the writings of all of the philosophers, that I know of. Retained as much as a could.
I like Confucius. He keeps it simple:

"Before you embark on a mission of revenge, dig two graves."
I've learned that trying to educate certain people is nothing but a waste of time when them certain people only continue to let it be known how far their brain trains do not travel. In other words, as long as we all have the right to be stupid, them certain people are not going to let such a right go to waste.

God bless you always!!!



I'm glad I asked. I got a good laugh :)

I totally agree. Some posters here--they know who they are--act like they know everything, no need to consider anyone else's views or thoughts. I get accused of such, but really, I just don't like talking to...well, those kind you mention. I know when I am talking to a wall!
I'm a Christian. I've spent a lot of time studying the history of Christianity.
I've read the writings of all of the philosophers, that I know of. Retained as much as a could.
I like Confucius. He keeps it simple:

"Before you embark on a mission of revenge, dig two graves."
that makes sense

and coincides with what the Bible says

"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord; I will repay."

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