How Gullible Are You?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you don't think the entire Kavanaugh sex allegation (like the Lynch-Clinton airport meeting) wasn't choreographed from day one, you probably believe in TV "reality" shows. Good grief!
If you don't think the entire Kavanaugh sex allegation (like the Lynch-Clinton airport meeting) wasn't choreographed from day one, you probably believe in TV "reality" shows. Good grief!
The Democrat propaganda machine is making loud clunking sounds
Wingers are gullible for anything that supports/advances their political agenda.
That's what makes 'em wingers!
Pathetic response (as usual).
Too obvious?

Should I have laced it with childish personal insults, vicious name-calling, transparent distortions, ignorant platitudes and comically shallow partisan deflection, so that I'd fit in?

Help me out here! I so want to be just like you guys!
If you don't think the entire Kavanaugh sex allegation (like the Lynch-Clinton airport meeting) wasn't choreographed from day one, you probably believe in TV "reality" shows. Good grief!

It's called "Borking."

You don't like a nominee, come up with a big lie to defame them, one that makes it difficult to refute.

Wait until the last minute to make things even more difficult.

Get the Leftist media on your side.

This is going to backfire bigtime on the Dims.

She says she won't testify until the FBI investigates and the FBI says it's not their business. Dims will demand to do nothing until she testifies and Grassley will go ahead and call for a vote. GOP Senators "on the fence" will see the writing on the wall and will vote to confirm the nomination.

Conservatives and independents will turn out in droves in November, angry at the stupid games, and the GOP will pick up seats in both houses.
If you don't think the entire Kavanaugh sex allegation (like the Lynch-Clinton airport meeting) wasn't choreographed from day one, you probably believe in TV "reality" shows. Good grief!

It's called "Borking."

You don't like a nominee, come up with a big lie to defame them, one that makes it difficult to refute.

Wait until the last minute to make things even more difficult.

Get the Leftist media on your side.

This is going to backfire bigtime on the Dims.

She says she won't testify until the FBI investigates and the FBI says it's not their business. Dims will demand to do nothing until she testifies and Grassley will go ahead and call for a vote. GOP Senators "on the fence" will see the writing on the wall and will vote to confirm the nomination.

Conservatives and independents will turn out in droves in November, angry at the stupid games, and the GOP will pick up seats in both houses.

The Dems always have the Press on their side.
People need to wake-up and see the dirty tricks that Feinstein is playing with Kavanaugh.
I believe absolutely nothing people say here, unless I take the time to fact check it. When I do, I find most of it to be lies, gross exaggerations or massive omissions. The same applies to all politicians and corporate leaders. Some news sources I completely avoid.
Should I have laced it with childish personal insults, vicious name-calling, transparent distortions, ignorant platitudes and comically shallow partisan deflection, so that I'd fit in?

The fact that you are so concerned with "fitting in" speaks volumes about your analytical capabilities.
The Dems always have the Press on their side.
People need to wake-up and see the dirty tricks that Feinstein is playing with Kavanaugh.

Feinstein didn't get the endorsement of the California Democratic Party, so she is trying to get back in their good graces with this disgraceful hatchet job.
It's one thing to play dirty politics, both sides do that. But it's another to drag somebody's name through the mud, harming him/her and their family in the process. This charade is ridiculous, an accusation by an anti-Tump liberal democrat after 36 years with nothing at all in the way of evidence to back up her story, no witnesses, nothing. You don't sit on an accusation like this for a couple of months, when the guy's name first came up as a nominee you go public with it right away. To do otherwise is nothing less than a political smear job; this isn't about justice, it's about pure dirty politics. It's bullshit, plain and simple. Clearly the Democrats have no scruples at all, there is nothing they won't stoop to.
Should I have laced it with childish personal insults, vicious name-calling, transparent distortions, ignorant platitudes and comically shallow partisan deflection, so that I'd fit in?

The fact that you are so concerned with "fitting in" speaks volumes about your analytical capabilities.
Obviously detecting sarcasm is not your strong suit.


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