How dumb are Obama supporters?

If GOPers is saying Obama got elected because he is black and not because of GOP defects in the message, than those members are stupid (can but refuse to learn).
if you follow current stats of total comepsation as printed and reported by the us GOV. as well as HARVARD BIZ. SCHOOL. I know my father is a prof. there, unless you don't like factual stuff by the biz. school as well as nobel prize winners

Your father is a useless tick on the ass of society?

Who would have ever suspected?!
He got elected, in part, because of the hatred from our far right, which turned off many in the center.

If you disagree, be specific as to why.

Don't bow to Obama, but he is our president for the next four years.

If you guys keep insisting it was his race rather than the issues that got him elected, you are clueless.

Which issue was the one that helped him get elected and be specific.
If you think that race hatred from some on our far right was not an issue, then you cannot understand anything here.

If GOPers is saying Obama got elected because he is black and not because of GOP defects in the message, than those members are stupid (can but refuse to learn).

What issue was it that help obama get elected?

non answer to the question What issue was it that helped obama get elected?
Was it a great economy?
his foreign policy?
He got elected, in part, because of the hatred from our far right, which turned off many in the center.

If you disagree, be specific as to why.

Don't bow to Obama, but he is our president for the next four years.

If you guys keep insisting it was his race rather than the issues that got him elected, you are clueless.

Which issue was the one that helped him get elected and be specific.

I would like to see some supporting evidence to this claim.
Those who support obama for the most part don't know left from right.
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You know little, bigreb, and are irrelevant.

There is going to be compromise and you are going to cry like a baby.
You can't look at the truth, can you?

The stupid hate, in part, cost us the election. Folks like you cost the election.

That you can't contradict with facts and logic reveals you lose, as usual.

Tell me how to win in 2016, and I will tell you if you are right. I am more honest than you that way.
How dumb are Obama supporters. Is that the question?

Well these "dumb" supporters just kicked the shit out of the stupid rethugs. What was the outcome of the Presidential election? Who won?

Better question; Are there any Rethugs that are not stupid? How did all those rethugs go braain dead at the same time. How does that work? Does FOX news beam stupid straight to the head of the GOP brain dead?

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